5.1 CS-related Social Capital
5.1.1 Family Support: Parents and Siblings.
This category delves into the role of the family in transmitting their value related to computing to their children, thereby paving the way for the children’s involvement in code clubs. Six children, namely Anna (11), Tilde (11), Milly (10), Rashid (12), Vera (11), and Pontus (11), were introduced to programming and/or the concept of code club by someone in their family. In other words, the initiative to participate in a code club came from a family member instead of the children. For four of the children who were introduced to programming by a family member, it was the fathers in the family who possessed coding expertise, either as active developers (as in the case of Anna, 11, Tilde, 11, and Milly, 10) or with experience as developers (as in the case with Rashid, 12).
Pontus (11) was the only child in the sample whose mother was the one who knew how to program. Pontus’s father explained that Pontus’s mother introduced Pontus to programming and later located the code club for Pontus to participate in: "Pontus’ mother knew the organizer of the code club from work (…), and we knew Pontus was interested in learning to code (…) so we asked him if he wanted to participate and he said yes". As for Vera (11), none of her family members possessed programming knowledge, but her mother was the one who suggested that Vera should try programming to "see if she liked it" (Vera’s mother).
The interviews also revealed that the children who lived in a household where a caregiver possessed programming knowledge were introduced to programming through collaborative programming experiences with their caregiver. Anna (11) learned programming from her father, explaining: "My father is a programmer, so I thought I might want to be a programmer too". For Tilde (11), learning programming with her father created positive learning experiences and made her want to participate in a code club: "I like to program with my dad. He suggested that we could program a candy machine, and I thought it sounded fun. I have not been able to stop since. He would [at first] tell me what to do, and then I could do it myself". Milly (10) thought programming "was fine", but it was not until she started programming with her father that her programming interest "lit up".
Of the 17 children interviewed, only Albin (10) was inspired by a sibling to participate in a code club. Albin was only one year younger than his sister Freja (11) and could join her in many spare-time activities. For example, an activity that the siblings enjoyed doing together was playing World of Warcraft. Albin (10) started going to the code club because Freja was going there and because he liked the theme of game programming: "It seemed fun to create games using your own ideas".
5.1.2 Community support: Friends and Teachers.
Four of the children interviewed, namely Elias (15), Samuel (11), Vidar (11), and Noah (10), developed an interest in programming primarily as a result of peer influence. Elias (15) started programming after a friend showed him the creative possibilities of Arduino: "A friend of mine told me about Arduino. He said: ‘You can program it to make lights blink, for example.’ Then I was reminded. I think I was seven or eight years old, something like that, when my father bought an Arduino but never really managed to program it. And then I thought I should go home and look at that. And I did, and I stuck with it and just kept going".
Samuel (11) and Vidar (11) were introduced to Scratch programming by a friend and, from then on, started experimenting with programming at home: "A good friend of mine showed me what programming was. It was Scratch. He told me there was a book called ‘programming from Scratch’ and when we found the book, or if we borrowed it, then we saw what it was. Then we started to program and understand a little bit what programming was" (Samuel, 11). "I think I was in the second grade when my friend Henrik showed me a program called Scratch, and I started programming. After a while, I made my first game with gravity and such" (Vidar, 11). Noah (10) explained that he started attending the code club because his two closest friends participated. According to Noah (10), besides spending time with his friends, learning programming seemed "exciting and cool", yet another reason he wanted to attend the code club.
Lucy (17) was the only child interviewed who was encouraged by her teacher to participate in a code club. Lucy (17) was 14 when she started going to the code club. Before that, she had never experimented with programming and did not know anyone who could program. Lucy (17) explained that she always had a favorable view of computing. When her science and technology teacher (who was also one of the organizers of the code club) asked the girls in his class if they wanted to learn programming, Lucy (17) decided to join the club immediately: "It [programming] has always been something that I think is very cool. Then [the teacher] also said you could participate in a programming competition. There was something called First Global, and then you could go abroad. They had competed in Mexico, Dubai, and several other parts of the world to represent Sweden, and I thought it sounded great fun! So, it was for those reasons that I wanted to start [at the code club]".
5.1.3 Access to Role Models.
Most of the children interviewed (11 out of 17) lacked personal acquaintances with adults possessing programming knowledge. Those who had exposure to adults with programming skills were those whose caregivers possessed the knowledge. Regarding the interview question concerning role models, it was observed that most children had difficulty responding to it, even when prompted with indirect questions. Most children had not previously contemplated whom they admired or the reasons behind such admiration. However, there were exceptions, such as Milly (10) and Anna (11), who considered becoming engineers like their fathers, or Samuel (11), who wanted to be like Einstein because "he was intelligent".
The slightly older participants, Lucy (17) and Elias (15), were able to provide more comprehensive accounts of their role models and the rationales underpinning their admiration. For Lucy (17), her mother and Ada Lovelace were the primary role models: "I look up to my mother a lot, but I don’t want to work with what she does, but I would like to be as successful as her. Then there are historical women I look up to. The project I’m involved in is named after her: Ada Lovelace. She wrote the first algorithm, and she was the first programmer". As for Elias (15), his role models were people doing "cool" engineering things: "I am a big fan of Mark Rober; he builds things on YouTube. Then, of course, there is Elon Musk; he is also doing really cool things, in my opinion".
5.2 CS-related Cultural Capital
5.2.1 Access to Computing Devices and Software Applications.
Most children (15 out of 17) had access to their own or shared computer or iPad. Many children also had access to computing-related toys, books, and games in their homes. The games that were often mentioned were Minecraft and Lego Boost. Some children, such as Anna (11), had access to several programming-related resources: "Anna used to play with Lego Boost that we bought for her as a gift. We have tried Swift and Scratch programming (…) But now I bought a course at Code Monkey [for Anna] where the [programming] tasks are easier, and she is doing well there" (Anna’s father). Similarly, Pontus (11) received many technology and programming-related gifts from his parents: "Five years ago, [Pontus] got Lego Boost, and two years ago he got Nintendo Labo where he could build controls from cardboard, and he could do like Scratch programming on Nintendo Switch" (Pontus father). Samuel (11) received programming toys from his technology-interested parents and grandfather: "I got a small set of programming kits from my grandpa. There was a circuit board with two, three buttons and some holes where you can plug in the wires".
5.2.2 Positive Attitudes towards CS, and Perception of CS and its Career Opportunities Aligned with Intrinsic Values.
The children were asked what they would like to work with as adults. Only five children did not know what they would like to work with in the future. The other 12 children had a profession in mind, and they all mentioned computer programmer as one of the desired professions. Another common profession mentioned by the children was engineering.
The children were asked if they thought programming was necessary for society and young people in general. The prevailing perception among the children interviewed (12 out of 17) was that programming was vital for young people to learn. The most common rationale behind this perspective was the growing reliance on technology in contemporary society. Consequently, it was believed that it was essential to gain competence in programming. For example, Tilde (11) stated: "There are many things that need to be programmed like solar cells and cars. Almost all technologies need to be programmed".
Considerations of future employment prospects drove another prevalent motivation: "Programmer is one of the most sought-after jobs right now. If you want a job in the future, then it is good to study programming” (Vidar, 11). "I don’t know what I want to work with when I grow up, so I think it is important to learn a bit about everything" (Rashid, 12). For a subset of children, the appeal of programming was closely tied to recreational interests and amusement: "It’s more because it’s fun to learn to program, then you can program games and other things" (Pontus, 11). Samuel (11) thought that young people should learn programming so that they can "have more people to get help from". For Oscar (10) and Lucy (17), programming was perceived as "exciting" and "cool", contributing to them wanting to participate in a code club.
In contrast, only five of the interviewed children believed that programming was not an essential skill for young people. Milly (10) stated: "No, I don’t think it’s important [to learn programming]. I don’t think you need to know how to program an app alone". Vera (11) expressed uncertainty about the significance of programming for young individuals, stating: "Maybe I don’t think it’s important for children, but maybe when you are older". Amin (12) thought learning programming was only crucial if "it makes you happy".
5.2.3 Computer Experience and Self-efficacy.
All of the children in the sample had experience using computers before participating in the code club. When the children were asked about programming experiences before code club participation, most (14 out of 17) indicated they had engaged in some programming activities at home or school, with Scratch being the most commonly mentioned programming language. The most common activities the children mentioned doing in front of computers were playing games and watching streamed content (more about this in Section
5.3). To assess the children’s self-efficacy, they were asked if they considered themselves
"good" with computers. Most children (12 out of 17) responded positively, stating they were good or okay with computers. However, five children expressed uncertainty in answering this question, highlighting the need to improve and clarify the interview question. For instance, Knut (13) mentioned that his proficiency
"depended on the programming language". At the same time, Lucy (17) felt that she was
"very good at programming" but not with every aspect of computers.
5.3 CS-related Behaviors and Practices
5.3.1 Consumption of CS-related media: Computer Games.
For five of the interviewed children, namely Thor (10), Amin (12), Oscar (10), Freja (11), and Knut (13), their interest in programming was primarily instigated by their fascination with various facets of game development. These game-related facets included: 1) creativity (i.e., the potential to craft new games), 2) financial gains (i.e., the possibility of generating income by selling created games), and 3) problem-solving (i.e., solving programming challenges in a game). For Oscar (10), the possibility of making money and creating new games was equally important: "I think it’s fun that I will be the first in the world to play a game because I created it. I also think it’s cool that you can make so much money [from selling games] in such a short time".
On the other hand, for Knut (13), the problem-solving aspect of games was the primary motivator to learn programming: "It all started with Knut playing Minecraft, and there’s a stone called Redstone, which is the basic idea of programming. Knut built systems there without learning anything from anyone else. He taught himself and borrowed books from school to learn" (Knut’s father). This excerpt from the interview illustrates the value Amin (12) placed on the creative part of game development, which facilitated his decision to join a code club: "I like to play computer games with my friends but also alone, so when my mom told me about learning to program in a code club, I thought: ’fun to be able to create something on my own’. To let my creativity flow and make my dream game". Similarly, Freja (11) expressed her appreciation for the autonomy and creativity afforded by the theme of game programming in a code club: “I like that you can create exactly what you want in a game and see the games others create".
5.3.2 Participation in Informal Learning of CS: YouTube.
The children were asked about their media habits and what they do on their computers in their spare time. Besides playing computer games, watching YouTube videos was the most common activity mentioned by the children. While none of the children directly attributed their interest in joining code clubs to content found on YouTube, 7 out of 17 children interviewed mentioned that YouTube facilitated their ability to engage in self-directed learning of programming at home. In other words, these children referenced YouTube as their primary resource for acquiring programming-related knowledge before and after enrolling in a code club. For instance, Tilde (11) explained that she watched YouTube "to get inspiration on what to program". Vidar (11), an aspiring engineer, recounted his penchant for using YouTube to delve into electronics and computing, stating: "When I watch YouTube, I like to learn about engineering and programming. I like to build crazy electronic projects that don’t blow up the house!". Elias (15) also noted that, before his involvement in the code club, he extensively relied on YouTube as his primary source for augmenting his programming expertise, remarking: "It’s crazy that everything I’ve learned about programming is from YouTube. I also searched for things on Google". In contrast to these accounts, one child, Rashid (12), thought he did not learn anything about programming on YouTube. He explained: "I don’t think you learn that much [since you] just copy the code. It’s fun to do [but you] don’t learn anything".