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Cooking Game: A Serious Game Using a Social Robot

Jose Maria Buades, Universitat Illes Balears, Spain, josemaria.buades@uib.es
Raquel Lacuesta, universidad de Zaragoza, Spain, lacuesta@unizar.es

As technological advancements thrive in finding new ways to improve day to day live, more sophisticated products are released to the market, such as social robots. With the sophistication of technologies, the problem of demographic growth of older people poses a bigger problem. This work studies how these new tools can be used as an addition to older adults’ daily routines in care centers, and as a support tool for caregivers. To do this, a proposal of a cooking themed serious game with the social robot Pepper is used as the guiding purpose for the development. This game is further tested with real users in a first contact simulation, to assess how the users react to the new system as well as to take metrics by the use of the System Usability Scale. Results show positive reactions from the users to the interaction format proposed.

CCS Concepts:Computer systems organization → Robotics; • Human-centered computing → Empirical studies in interaction design; • Applied computing → Consumer health; • Social and professional topics~Seniors;

Keywords: Multimodal Interaction, Social robots, Gerontology, Serious games, Artificial Intelligence

ACM Reference Format:
Joan Josep Ordoñez, Silvia Ramis, Francisco Perales, Jose Maria Buades, and Raquel Lacuesta. 2024. Cooking Game: A Serious Game Using a Social Robot. In XXIV International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (INTERACCION 2024), June 19--21, 2024, A Coruña, Spain. ACM, New York, NY, USA 4 Pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3657242.3658604


In recent years a demographic transition has started as a result of the reducing birth rate in developed countries. It is estimated that by 2050, people over 60 will make over 20% of the population [9]. This doubles the proportion in 2015, making it an important topic. In care-giving, this implies at least double the current workload, making it not sustainable in many countries. Part of this work regards activities for cognitive and physical training. Nonetheless, not all elders can get easy access to this activities. Moreover, as the number of older adults increases, technological complexity also increases. Efforts to make new technologies more accessible are being done, but the technological age gap still exists. This is a helping factor in the isolation of older adults from new generations.

Each problem has its own approaches. Regarding the lack of caregivers, some families typically give informal care to the elderly, which can impact the well-being of both parts. On the aspect of loneliness and lack of stimuli, accessibility has been a focus of technological development thanks to the 2020 pandemic. Nonetheless, most solutions are not accessible enough for all elder. Approaches from social robotics may help solve both problems at once. As social robots are designed for natural interaction, they require low technological knowledge and may be easily included in care-giving environments. Our proposal follows this, by exploring a serious game with the social robot Pepper, inspired by Eleonora Zedda et al. [10]. This game is designed with natural interaction for user stimuli and entertainment and by inciting memorization of cooking recipes. As information about interaction in this context is sparse [8], our work takes a step further evaluating the usability of the game with real users. Moreover, to differ our work, we modified the original game structure in order to give a more complete experience.

In section 2 an overview of recent works on social robots and the elderly is shown. Following in 3, the structure and design of the game is explained. Section 4 develops the experimental setting to evaluate use of the application in a realistic context. In 5 the obtained results from the experimentation are shown and commented. And finally in section 6 the conclusions and future work are stated.


2.1 Social robots in healthcare

Social robots are slowly becoming a part of society as we know it. Many applications are being tested with this technology. In healthcare contexts, research has focused on what tasks can be aided by robots. Some of these include medication reminders [7] and cognitive training using video-games [6]. These functions can help reduce the workload of medical personnel. This tasks have been tested in real settings (i.e. user's home [7] or nursing home [2]) and in labs [4]. Lab settings allow the researchers to have a controlled environment where specific aspects can be tested, such as specific interactions. However, in real settings, there is a notable lack of tests. The lack of control requires more independent systems to be implemented, with features such as fully autonomous behaviour.

2.2 First experiences of users with social robots

For ensuring that users feel comfortable with social robots, initial interactions are key. Some studies have tested how initial settings with inexperienced users may work. In the work of Felix Carros et al. it is shown how older adults adapted to interacting with a partially autonomous robot in a 10 week study. This work showed how user engagement improved thanks to aided group sessions [2].

On the opposite, it has been explored how leaving a robot with a lonely living elder may evolve. This is the case of the work of Josephine R. Orejana et al. This study showed how the users felt not appealed to interacting with the robot, as they were not familiar with it. However, it also showed that the users felt less lonely, as they felt that the robot's social presence gave them company [7].

2.3 Serious Games for the elder

Serious games promise to be a new way to perform therapy sessions for users, as they can both provide entertainment and health benefits. Note that their designs must consider that its benefits improve with user engagement. Thus, to implement these games, the users’ preferences should be considered. Bao-Yi Zhang and Yi-Ming Gao propose using elements that evoke nostalgia on users, such as music or basic daily activities, and simplified user interfaces [11].

A common implementation of serious games is with social robots, as they also ease introducing new technologies. As an example the work of Marco Manca et al. [6] shows an implementation of a quiz game with the Pepper robot. This proposal used music as a stimuli for long term memory by including songs from the users’ youth. Another proposal with the same robot, by Eleonora Zedda et al. [10], shows a cooking themed memory game for cognitive training.

The game presented in this paper is a continuation of Eleonora Zedda et al.’s work [10]. However, our study differs in various aspects. The main difference is the users that the game is tested with. Our version is tested with real users in a lab setting, obtaining both quantitative usability and qualitative user experience results [8], as opposed to the test with experts originally done. Another relevant difference regards the game design. Our version includes more customization for the user experience than the original work. It includes customization on how Pepper approaches the user according to the behaviours defined in future work, and multiple levels of each difficulty, as opposed to the original single level by difficulty.


The game developed for this work, titled Pepper's Cooking Game, has been designed for the humanoid robot Pepper by SoftBank Robotics [3]. The game structure is divided into three sections: (1) introduction, where the user and Pepper introduce each other and, if the user desires, can short tutorial of the game is given; (2) level selection, where the user can navigate a menu where they can choose the difficulty of the levels to play and later which specific level (recipe) they want to play; and (3) play phase, in which Pepper explains a recipe and then does a questionnaire about it.

During the entire game, since many basic dialogues take place (i.e. "What's your name?"), automatic body movements accompany these and similar lines in (1) and (2). However, to increase user engagement during explanations, some modifications are done to how Pepper communicates, including speech speed and animations. These changes help give Pepper a teacher role at the start of (3).

On the questionnaire part of (3), the user is tested with timed questions. The duration of the questions is lower for harder recipes. On each question, Pepper firstly formulates the question and then the answers one by one, and on screen the answers are shown either with text or with images (see Fig. 1). Afterwards, the timer starts and the user can answer using either their voice or the tablet's touchscreen. Since the user has three attempts for each question, four types of feedback have been defined, as shown in Fig. 2. At the same time a feedback is shown, Pepper performs some animations to convey some emotions to the user (see Fig. 3). On the condition where the user answers correctly, Pepper does a celebration, such as raising one or both arms up and shaking them. In this condition Pepper also formulates a cheering sentence such as "You are doing great, keep it up" or "Perfect, [user name], that was the right answer". If any of the other cases is met, Pepper does a negation animation, as shaking its head while looking down. In this scenarios Pepper uses sentences according to the game state, for example: "Try again" if it was not the last attempt, "Oh no!, you have run out of attempts" if the user failed its last attempt, or "Time up!" if the timer runs out.

Figure 1
Figure 1: Display of how the questions can appear on screen. Left: answers with text. Right: answers with images.
Figure 2
Figure 2: Display of the feedback. Top left: right answer. Top right: miss with attempts left. Bottom left: miss with no attempts left. Bottom right: time out.

After the questionnaire on (3), the results are given by showing on screen the number of right answers and the total number of questions. Depending on the rate of right answers, a different final feedback is given. For a rate lower than 40%, a bronze medal is shown on screen and Pepper says "Good job! Try again to keep improving". If the rate is between 40% and 70%, a silver medal is shown and the sentence used is "Congrats! You have guessed most questions! See you soon!" (see right Figure 3). At last, for over 70% guess rate, a gold medal appears and the sentence "Excellent! You have done an amazing job!" is used. For all these cases Pepper also claps its hands. An extra case is triggered if the user gets a perfect score, where Pepper turns around its vertical axis with a hand up while saying "That was incredible! You got a perfect score!".

Figure 3
Figure 3: Feedback animations on game phase. Left: right answer. Middle: miss with attempts left. Right: End of game.


An experiment to test the interactive capabilities of the game has been carried out. Its design focuses on evaluating the usability of the game when the user interacts for the first time with the system.

4.1 Participants

In this experiment there was a total of 8 participants from the nursing home (Llar de Calvia). This participants can be divided in two groups: users older than 60 years, and the younger assistants.

There were a total of 6 older users, 5 women and 1 man. Amongst the users there were some partial impairments such as visual, hearing and motor. In relation with the experiment, the users had low to no experience with devices such as tablets. This makes this experiment a first-contact for all users, increasing the results’ relevance.

There were 2 assistants, 1 women and 1 man. Both of them knew the users and had taken part in tasks related to cognitive and physical care. Both were experienced with touchscreen devices, but not with social robots, making this also a first-contact experience.

4.2 Procedure

Before the experiment, an introduction was given to all users at once. In this introduction the main functionalities of communication with Pepper, as well as how to use the tablet were explained. Moreover, the setup of the experiment was demonstrated with section (1).

The experiment consisted on a first trial of the game, where a user-assistant duo had to get from the start of the game to the end of an easy difficulty recipe without external help. For each experiment, the user sat on a chair in front of Pepper, at 1m distance. This avoided collisions and set the tablet within the user's field of view. The assistant could only aid the user on game interactions.


This experiment has been evaluated both qualitatively and quantitatively. The qualitative analysis uses observations and comments from the users along the experiment. The quantitative analysis uses a System Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaire with extra questions on the interactive features of Pepper answered by the users. Due to the reduced sample size, results should be considered with caution.

5.1 Qualitative analysis

During the experiments, problems regarding user interaction were noticed. Some users tried talking to Pepper when the microphones were deactivated, leading to confusion for the lack of reaction from Pepper. Moreover, long tutorials were noted to overload users.

Regarding Pepper, its microphones impacted the interactions by showing unexpected behaviour. Although a mostly silent room was used, background noise made the speech recognition inconsistent. This must be considered for deploying any system with speech recognition in noisy settings (i.e. nursing home).

However, positive aspects could also be observed. The inclusion of the assistants was beneficial for the users. It helped them know better the robot during (1), and thus, feeling more comfortable. Also, the experience of the assistants with touchscreen devices was helpful for navigating the menus. This assistance should be considered on first-contact trials between users and new systems.

From the participants’ claims, the experiment appeared to be entertaining. This was reflected with sentences directed at Pepper such as "I adore you, Pepper" or "Thanks a lot!". This shows that this setup may be accepted quite easily as long as assistance is included.

5.2 Quantitative analysis

Table 1: Scores given by the users on the questionnaire proposed. Questions from 1 to 10 taken from the SUS questionnaire [1].
Item Users Mean
U1 U2 U3 U4 U5 U6
1. I think that I would like to use this system frequently 5 5 4 5 5 5 4.83
2. I found the system unnecessarily complex 5 1 5 1 5 1 3.00
3. I thought the system was easy to use 4 1 1 3 5 5 3.17
4. I think that I would need the support of a technical person to be able to use this system 5 5 3 5 5 2 4.17
5. I found the various functions in this system were well integrated 5 1 3 5 5 5 4.00
6. I thought there was too much inconsistency in this system 5 1 1 5 1 1 2.33
7. I would imagine that most people would learn to use this system very quickly 2 3 2 5 5 4 3.50
8. I found the system very cumbersome to use 4 1 2 1 3 1 2.00
9. I felt very confident using the system 2 3 2 2 2 5 2.67
10. I needed to learn a lot of things before I could get going with this system 5 3 4 2 3 1 3.00
User total SUS score 35 55 42.5 65 62.5 95 59.17
11. The contents shown on the tablet were easy to understand 5 3 3 1 2 5 3.17
12. I think that Pepper's speech was easy to understand and to follow 5 4 5 4 4 5 4.5
13. I felt that the body gestures matched what Pepper was saying 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

The usability has been analyzed using the SUS test, defined by John Brooke [1]. This questionnaire uses the 5 point Likert scale, being 1 "Strongly disagree" and 5 "Strongly agree". Due to the sample size, a 15 point margin is set, assuring 90% confidence on results [5]. The score obtained with all users’ data is of 59.2 (see Table 1), standing below the 68 point threshold for good usability. However, since it is within the margin, no assessment can be made. Note that user U3 gave a notably higher mark, thus it can be considered as an outlier. With the 5 remaining users, the score drops to 52 points, giving the system a below standard usability. This matches the qualitative analysis, where some elements worsened the user experience.

When analyzing the items, some results can be withdrawn. The most notable comes from 1, where all users agree to use the system on a regular basis. This shows that, despite the complexity perceived (see 2 and 3), they liked Pepper. From 4, we can see that most users agree that the presence of an assistant helped them to be more comfortable. This follows the results from the previous analysis.

An extra analysis was performed regarding the users experience with the interactive elements of Pepper: tablet, speech, and body language. The same scale was used (see Table 1). It can be seen that the tablet has the worse results, as some users struggled using it. The natural interactive elements showed unanimous results. The users agree to understand more easily Pepper's speech and expressive animations rather than the tablet contents.


As the older people's’ demography increases, so does technological complexity. Social robots are proposed for introducing technology in elderly care. In this work, a serious game implementation is selected. To evaluate user acceptance of the implementation, a first-contact experiment has been carried out.

The main result from this work regards the natural interaction features of Pepper. The users showed preference on them over the tablet, as they do not require learning. The use of speech and body language appears to be key for helping the users in feeling comfortable with the system. The help of the tablet for extra information should be noted, but reducing its complexity. This work also shows that users with partial physical impairments can use Pepper.

In future work, we are working on integrating XAI into the system for studying the cognitive benefits of the game. Within the framework of HRI our goal is to analyze interaction and relation with robots in different situations. One of the working experiences at the University of Zaragoza will focus on analyzing aspects of interaction, trust, and empathy in interaction with the robot "Sanbot Elf" in recreational environments. For this, it is intended to work with natural language processing technologies, facial recognition techniques, and empathic dialogues for conducting tourist visits in an indoor venue within the city of Teruel. The visit will incorporate dialogues and interactive recreational activities, both conversational and tactile. Also, due to the different features of the Sanbot and Pepper robots, we aim to analyze if the unique qualities of each robot impact users’ views on how they interact with them.


This work has been supported by the project Playful Experiences with Interactive Social Agents and Robots (PLEISAR): Social Learning and Intergenerational Communication PID2022-136779OB-C32 (MINECO/AEI/ERDF, EU). Also by the project Program of aids for research 2024, Fundación Universitaria Antonio Gargallo: “Companion robots for seniors: Heavy lifting and Personal Transportation".

We thank the Llar de Calvia members that took part in the tests.


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All authors contributed equally to this research.

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INTERACCION 2024, June 19–21, 2024, A Coruña, Spain

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ACM ISBN 979-8-4007-1787-1/24/06.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3657242.3658604