Owner of artifact grants ACM permission to serve the artifact to users of the ACM Digital Library. ================================================================================ Readme for reproducibility submission of paper ID 63 SQLShare: Results from a Multi-Year SQL-as-a-Service Experiment A) Source code info Repository: https://github.com/uwescience/query-workload-analysis Programming Language: Python Additional Programming Language info: Compiler Info: Python2.7 Packages/Libraries Needed: pip, virtualenv (rest of the requirements are installed by the script, sqlite, various python libraries, latex to build the final paper). B) Datasets info Repository: https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/shrquerylogs/sdssquerieswithplan.csv, https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/shrquerylogs/QueriesWithPlan.csv, https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/shrquerylogs/ViewsWithPlan.csv Data generators: N/A IMPORTANT NOTE: Original datasets used in the paper are not available since we have received more queries in our log since then. As a result, some of the figures might look different, specially since dataset deletions by users renders all queries run on it impossible to analyze (as our SQLServer backend can't generate the plans for those queries anymore). However, the trends and takeaways remain the same! C) Hardware Info OS Requirements: Requires a Debian based OS. Preferably Ubuntu 16.04 (on which this script has been tested.). C1) Processor: N/A C2) Caches: N/A C3) Memory: 16GB C4) Secondary Storage: About 25GB. C5) Network: N/A, internet connectivity required for script to download dataset. D) Experimentation Info D1) Get the code: git clone https://github.com/uwescience/query-workload-analysis.git D2) Software (install virtualenv): pip install virtualenv; virtualenv vqwla source vqwla/bin/activate Next, one script does everything, installs packages within virtualenv, downloads the datasets, creates sqlite databases, run experiments, creates graphs and updates the paper.pdf with new graphs. D3) ./run-experiments.sh ================================================================================