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- articleMarch 2019
Towards Autonomous Planetary Exploration
- Martin J. Schuster,
- Sebastian G. Brunner,
- Kristin Bussmann,
- Stefan Büttner,
- Andreas Dömel,
- Matthias Hellerer,
- Hannah Lehner,
- Peter Lehner,
- Oliver Porges,
- Josef Reill,
- Sebastian Riedel,
- Mallikarjuna Vayugundla,
- Bernhard Vodermayer,
- Tim Bodenmüller,
- Christoph Brand,
- Werner Friedl,
- Iris Grixa,
- Heiko Hirschmüller,
- Michael Kaβecker,
- Zoltán-Csaba Márton,
- Christian Nissler,
- Felix Ruess,
- Michael Suppa,
- Armin Wedler
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems (JIRS), Volume 93, Issue 3-4Pages 461–494https://doi.org/10.1007/s10846-017-0680-9Planetary exploration poses many challenges for a robot system: From weight and size constraints to extraterrestrial environment conditions, which constrain the suitable sensors and actuators. As the distance to other planets introduces a significant ...