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- research-articleDecember 2013
Socket intents: leveraging application awareness for multi-access connectivity
CoNEXT '13: Proceedings of the ninth ACM conference on Emerging networking experiments and technologiesPages 295–300https://doi.org/10.1145/2535372.2535405In today's Internet, almost all end devices have multiple interfaces built in. This enables users to seamlessly switch between different access networks or even use them simultaneously; to better use the resources available to them and to better satisfy ...
- demonstrationAugust 2013
Application-awareness in SDN
SIGCOMM '13: Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2013 conference on SIGCOMMPages 487–488https://doi.org/10.1145/2486001.2491700We present a framework, Atlas, which incorporates application-awareness into Software-Defined Networking (SDN), which is currently capable of L2/3/4-based policy enforcement but agnostic to higher layers. Atlas enables fine-grained, accurate and ...
Also Published in:
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review: Volume 43 Issue 4 - ArticleOctober 2012
HAT: Heterogeneous Adaptive Throttling for On-Chip Networks
SBAC-PAD '12: Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 24th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance ComputingPages 9–18https://doi.org/10.1109/SBAC-PAD.2012.44The network-on-chip (NoC) is a primary shared resource in a chip multiprocessor (CMP) system. As core counts continue to increase and applications become increasingly data-intensive, the network load will also increase, leading to more congestion in the ...
- research-articleSeptember 2012
Application-aware self-reconfigurable routing support for multi-radio MANET protocols
CFI '12: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Future Internet TechnologiesPage 50https://doi.org/10.1145/2377310.2377330Recently, dynamic reconfiguration of routes using link quality metrics is required to support application requirements such as throughput or jitter in dynamically changing environments in mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs). Since multiple types of ...
- research-articleJune 2009
An application-aware approach to efficient power management in mobile devices
COMSWARE '09: Proceedings of the Fourth International ICST Conference on COMmunication System softWAre and middlewaREArticle No.: 11, Pages 1–10https://doi.org/10.1145/1621890.1621905Reducing the energy consumed by mobile wireless devices to extend the lifetime of the batteries that power them is one of the major challenges in designing such systems. While this problem can be addressed at various levels (e.g. device, operating ...
- research-articleFebruary 2009
A case for application aware channel access in wireless networks
HotMobile '09: Proceedings of the 10th workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and ApplicationsArticle No.: 10, Pages 1–6https://doi.org/10.1145/1514411.1514419The increasing reliance of users on wireless networks for Internet connectivity has posed two significant challenges for mobile networking research. The first challenge is to provide high quality of service for interactive real-time applications such as ...
- ArticleJune 2004
A mechanism for host mobility management supporting application awareness
MobiSys '04: Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Mobile systems, applications, and servicesPages 231–244https://doi.org/10.1145/990064.990092Many approaches exist today that address the issues that arise when a mobile node changes its point(s) of attachment to the Internet. Mobile IP takes care of host mobility at the IP layer; others at the transport layer (Mobile SCTP) or at the ...