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- research-articleSeptember 2013
STEM's Grand Challenge: Reviving Applied Mathematics
Math readiness presents a real challenge for both K-12 and college-level education. It affects mathematically intensive science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields of endeavor and threatens our readiness to invent and adapt.
- articleMarch 2013
Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is no longer on the horizon; it has become the next logical step for the IT industry. It's the new strategic weapon in enterprise computing and the new norm in every sector of society. Businesses, educational institutions, governments, ...
- articleMarch 2013
Beyond the Cloud: Cyberphysical Systems
Although clouds don't freely interact with fellow or competitor clouds today, this is likely to change, leading to larger networks of collaborative, autonomously operating clouds, each optimized for specific services. As this happens, we'll need a ...
- articleSeptember 2012
BYOD: Security and Privacy Considerations
Clearly, there are several important advantages for employees and employers when employees bring their own devices to work. But there are also significant concerns about security privacy. Companies and individuals involved, or thinking about getting ...
- articleMay 2012
The Internet of Things: A Reality Check
Today, a new Internet player is rowing more important: things—that is, inanimate objects that can be programmed to communicate, sense, and interact with other things. But will an increasingly fragile ecosystem be able to sustain the amount of power ...
- articleMarch 2012
NASA Contributions to IT
Many beneficial technologies in computing and information processing have emerged over the more than 60 years since the creation of NASA. These technologies have profoundly affected civilian and military computing and IT applications. This issue ...
- articleNovember 2011
Mobile-App Addiction: Threat to Security?
Giving individuals this kind of information processing power, along with unprecedented connectivity, might be the single most impressive technical achievement of the 21st century. Nobody knows what the full impact of this transformation will be, but it'...
- opinionSeptember 2011
Storytelling: From Cave Art to Digital Media
Pictorial histories on cave walls constitute the earliest forms of preserved prehuman and early-human communications, representing the essence of the storyteller's art. As civilizations grew, so did the iconic nature of storytelling, yet we're no ...
- articleJuly 2011
Vetting Mobile Apps
Billions of copies of apps for mobile devices have been purchased in recent years. With this growth, however, comes an increase in the spread of potentially dangerous security vulnerabilities. Because of an app's low cost and high proliferation, the ...
- articleJuly 2011
The Evolution of Ubiquitously Intelligent Computing
This article reviews the history of computing, discussing important theories that have evolved alongside computers. From this historical backdrop, an outlook for fifth-generation computers emerges.
- research-articleNovember 2010
Free and Open Source Software
Historically, free and open source software (FOSS) has been a movement widely thought to be outside the mainstream of commercial software. But now, corporate entities are big players in FOSS. This introduction looks at how FOSS got to where it is today ...
- research-articleJuly 2008
Computer Scientist, Software Engineer, or IT Professional: Which Do You Think You Are?
Job titles and functions shift quickly in the IT world, but some broad classifications can be useful for identifying what people do and how they view themselves. In some ways, the category of "IT professional" is the most broadly encompassing, but many ...