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- ArticleSeptember 2011
Evaluating Performance Impacts of Delayed Failure Repairing on Large-Scale Systems
CLUSTER '11: Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Cluster ComputingPages 532–536https://doi.org/10.1109/CLUSTER.2011.71With the fast improvement in technology, we are now moving toward exascale computing. Many experts predict that exascale computers will have millions of nodes, billions of threads of execution, hundreds of petabytes of inner memory and exabytes of ...
- research-articleAugust 2010
Detecting the performance impact of upgrades in large operational networks
- Ajay Anil Mahimkar,
- Han Hee Song,
- Zihui Ge,
- Aman Shaikh,
- Jia Wang,
- Jennifer Yates,
- Yin Zhang,
- Joanne Emmons
SIGCOMM '10: Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2010 conferencePages 303–314https://doi.org/10.1145/1851182.1851219Networks continue to change to support new applications, improve reliability and performance and reduce the operational cost. The changes are made to the network in the form of upgrades such as software or hardware upgrades, new network or service ...
Also Published in:
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review: Volume 40 Issue 4 - ArticleApril 2010
Assessing the Performance Impact of Service Monitoring
ASWEC '10: Proceedings of the 2010 21st Australian Software Engineering ConferencePages 192–201https://doi.org/10.1109/ASWEC.2010.28Service monitoring is an essential part of service-oriented software systems and is required for meeting regulatory requirements, verifying compliance to service-level agreements, optimising system performance, and minimising the cost of hosting Web ...
- ArticleJune 2004
A study of performance impact of memory controller features in multi-processor server environment
WMPI '04: Proceedings of the 3rd workshop on Memory performance issues: in conjunction with the 31st international symposium on computer architecturePages 80–87https://doi.org/10.1145/1054943.1054954With the growing imbalance between processor and memory performance it becomes more and more important to optimize the memory controller features to obtain the maximum possible performance out of the memory subsystem. This paper presents a study of the ...
- ArticleApril 1997
Interfacing Parallel Applications and Parallel Databases
The use of parallel database systems to deliver high performance has become quite common. Although queries submitted to these database systems are executed in parallel, the interaction between applications and current parallel database systems is ...
- ArticleAugust 1996
(R) Ray Tracing: Parallelization via Image Decomposition and Performance Impact
Abstract: Ray tracing is a simple but effective technique for high quality graphics with sophisticated light models. The large number of ray-object intersection tests make ray tracing computationally intensive. Several techniques such as bounding ...
- ArticleMay 1996
The performance value of shared network caches in clustered multiprocessor workstations
This paper evaluates the benefit of adding a shared cache to the network interface as a means of improving the performance of networked workstations configured as a distributed shared memory multiprocessor. A cache on the network interface offers the ...
- ArticleNovember 1995
A study of time redundant fault tolerance techniques for superscalar processors
As more and more transistors are incorporated into processor chips, the circuits are becoming more and more error-prone, necessitating the introduction of fault tolerance techniques. This paper investigates techniques to incorporate fault tolerance in ...
- ArticleAugust 1995
The performance impact of scheduling for cache affinity in parallel network processing
We explore processor-cache affinity scheduling of parallel network protocol processing, in a setting in which protocol processing executes on a shared-memory multiprocessor concurrently with a general workload of non-protocol activity. We find that ...
- ArticleFebruary 1995
The performance impact of data placement for wavelet decomposition of two-dimensional image data on SIMD machines
Wavelet transform is a mathematical tool through which 2D spatial image data can be mapped into wavelet space for compact representation and for various signal analyses. The highly regular structure of the wavelet decomposition algorithm makes it well-...
- ArticleFebruary 1995
The performance impact of false subpage sharing in KSR1
This paper presents insight into important aspects of the performance of KSR1 multiprocessor. We report performance degradations caused by false sharing of memory subpages (128 bytes long units of transfer and consistency) between local caches in the ...
- ArticleOctober 1994
Eager combining: a coherency protocol for increasing effective network and memory bandwidth in shared-memory multiprocessors
SPDP '94: Proceedings of the 1994 6th IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed ProcessingPages 204–213https://doi.org/10.1109/SPDP.1994.346165An excessive number of remote accesses or a non-uniform distribution of remote accesses can cause even well-designed multiprocessors to exhibit severe memory and network contention. Producer/consumer data generates a particularly common sharing pattern ...
- research-articleApril 1994
Instruction Window Size Trade-Offs and Characterization of Program Parallelism
IEEE Transactions on Computers (ITCO), Volume 43, Issue 4Pages 431–442https://doi.org/10.1109/12.278481Detecting independent operations is a prime objective for computers that are capable of issuing and executing multiple operations simultaneously. The number of instructions that are simultaneously examined for detecting those that are independent is the ...
- ArticleDecember 1993
Performance effects of synchronization in parallel processors
SPDP '93: Proceedings of the 1993 5th IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed ProcessingPages 611–616https://doi.org/10.1109/SPDP.1993.395478We investigate synchronization activities in application executing on distributed-memory MIMD architectures. Three applications are used to quantify the performance impact of synchronization as the number of processors is increased. We also investigate ...