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- research-articleNovember 2020
Gap between Owner's Perceptions and Dog's Behaviors Toward the Same Physical Agents: Using a Dog-like Speaker and a Humanoid Robot
HAI '20: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Human-Agent InteractionPages 96–104https://doi.org/10.1145/3406499.3415068Dogs are often considered as humans' oldest friends. The relationship between people and dogs (wherein they are regarded as family members in the home) is well-studied. Since social agents have recently become a part of family life, a new field of ...
- research-articleJanuary 2020
Some might freak out: What if your dog's activity tracker were to have a data breach?
ACI '19: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Animal-Computer InteractionArticle No.: 4, Pages 1–12https://doi.org/10.1145/3371049.3371057Activity trackers for dogs are increasingly popular, having the potential to improve pets' welfare and providing a 'digital voice' for expressing their needs. ACI research has so far mainly focused on their impact on the pet-human bond. However, also ...
- research-articleJanuary 2020
Does my dog really need a gadget?: What can we learn from pet owners' amotivations for using pet wearables?
ACI '19: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Animal-Computer InteractionArticle No.: 6, Pages 1–6https://doi.org/10.1145/3371049.3371054Pet wearables increasing popularity on the market places them also in the spotlight of ACI research. Recent studies have shown that they have the potential to impact the human-pet bond, improve caregiving and increase the motivation of owners' for ...
- research-articleJanuary 2020
The not so secret life of pets: pet owners' privacy concerns for pet location data
ACI '19: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Animal-Computer InteractionArticle No.: 5, Pages 1–6https://doi.org/10.1145/3371049.3371052Pet wearables are increasingly prevalent, with many incorporating location-tracking functionalities, which may reveal privacy-sensitive data about their owners' daily patterns. Typically, these devices are designed for cat (felis catus) or dog (canis ...
- research-articleJune 2018Honorable Mention
BubbleTalk: Enriching Experience with Fish by Supporting Human Behavior
DIS '18: Proceedings of the 2018 Designing Interactive Systems ConferencePages 919–930https://doi.org/10.1145/3196709.3196720Despite the popularity of fish as pets, there is little knowledge available about the fishkeeping experience and the related interactions. In this regard, this study aims to look into the experience of fishkeeping by supporting people's actions through ...
- posterMarch 2018
Information Display Method to Give the Non-Mechanical Impression by Imitating the Communication with Pets
IUI '18 Companion: Companion Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Intelligent User InterfacesArticle No.: 38, Pages 1–2https://doi.org/10.1145/3180308.3180347Display devices often present information in a mechanical manner to users. In this study, we propose an information display method providing a non-mechanical representation. The method makes the information display resemble communication with pets. As an ...
- research-articleOctober 2017
A Social Robot in a Human-Animal Relationship at Home: A Field Study
HAI '17: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Human Agent InteractionPages 61–69https://doi.org/10.1145/3125739.3125759Pets are humanity'V?stra G?talands oldest friend since ancient times. People have been living with them since then, and the relationship between people and pets as family members at home is well researched. Recently, social robots are entering family ...
- research-articleApril 2013
Ethical issues and guidelines when conducting HCI studies with animals
CHI EA '13: CHI '13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing SystemsPages 2159–2168https://doi.org/10.1145/2468356.2468736The number of studies in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) with animals has increased in recent years. When planning and carrying out the studies with animals, it is important and necessary to take into account the welfare of the animals as ...
- ArticleJune 2010
Research on PET Output Stage Parameters Design and Control Strategy
ICFPEE '10: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Future Power and Energy EngineeringPages 79–82https://doi.org/10.1109/ICFPEE.2010.26This paper firstly used bipolar SPWM waveform generation method (regular sampling method) to generate waveform, and analyzed the harmonic wave of output voltage to design filter parameters accordingly, taking into account the dead-zone effect of the ...
- research-articleJanuary 2010
PotPet: pet-like flowerpot robot
TEI '11: Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Tangible, embedded, and embodied interactionPages 263–264https://doi.org/10.1145/1935701.1935755We propose a flowerpot-type robot called PotPet that helps users grow plants more effectively and enjoyably. PotPet acts autonomously like pets: it automatically moves to sunny places or approaches people when it requires water. Basically, PotPet ...
- posterJune 2008
A unique insight into department of energy research accomplishments: a special collection
JCDL '08: Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital librariesPage 466https://doi.org/10.1145/1378889.1379011This poster describes online access to a unique collection of Department of Energy (DOE) Research and Development (R&D) accomplishments. The collection features research of DOE and its predecessor agencies, the Energy Research and Development ...
- ArticleJune 2007
Plantio: an interactive pot to augment plants' expressions
ACE '07: Proceedings of the international conference on Advances in computer entertainment technologyPages 282–283https://doi.org/10.1145/1255047.1255126This paper introduces an interactive pot called "Plantio" which realizes hybridization between plants and electronic computing systems. The goal for this research is to create an intimate relationship between human and plants. Plantio represents plants' ...
- ArticleJune 2007
Plantio: an interactive pot to augment plants' expressions
ACE '07: Proceedings of the international conference on Advances in computer entertainment technologyPages 139–142https://doi.org/10.1145/1255047.1255075This paper introduces an interactive pot called "Plantio" which realizes hybridization between plants and electronic computing system. The goal for this research is to create an intimate relationship between human and plants. Plantio represents plants' ...