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- ArticleAugust 2005
Evaluation of resources for question answering evaluation
SIGIR '05: Proceedings of the 28th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrievalPages 392–399https://doi.org/10.1145/1076034.1076102Controlled and reproducible laboratory experiments, enabled by reusable test collections, represent a well-established methodology in modern information retrieval research. In order to confidently draw conclusions about the performance of different ...
- articleAugust 2005
A model for lumpy demand parts in a multi-location inventory system with transshipments
Computers and Operations Research (CORS), Volume 32, Issue 8Pages 2059–2075https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cor.2004.01.007The inventory system considered in this work is single echelon, N-location and continuous review in which complete pooling of stock is permitted among the locations. A model is developed for slow moving, expensive items that are common to two or more ...
- ArticleNovember 2003
A unified model for metasearch, pooling, and system evaluation
CIKM '03: Proceedings of the twelfth international conference on Information and knowledge managementPages 484–491https://doi.org/10.1145/956863.956953We present a unified model which, given the ranked lists of documents returned by multiple retrieval systems in response to a given query, simultaneously solves the problems of (1) fusing the ranked lists of documents in order to obtain a high-quality ...
- ArticleJuly 2003
A unified model for metasearch and the efficient evaluation of retrieval systems via the hedge algorithm
SIGIR '03: Proceedings of the 26th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in informaion retrievalPages 393–394https://doi.org/10.1145/860435.860517We present a unified framework for simultaneously solving both the pooling problem (the construction of efficient document pools for the evaluation of retrieval systems) and metasearch (the fusion of ranked lists returned by retrieval systems in order ...
- ArticleJune 2003
Do we really need EJB?
CompSysTech '03: Proceedings of the 4th international conference conference on Computer systems and technologies: e-LearningPages 190–195https://doi.org/10.1145/973620.973652This paper, which is a compilation of the experiences of a number of software developers, is an attempt to guard the software community against the pitfalls of the EJB technology. It presents an anthology of experience that might help application ...
- ArticleApril 2003
Resolution of haplotypes and haplotype frequencies from SNP genotypes of pooled samples
RECOMB '03: Proceedings of the seventh annual international conference on Research in computational molecular biologyPages 237–246https://doi.org/10.1145/640075.640107Recent efforts to characterize genetic variation indicate that humans share large chromosomal blocks, along which little to no recombination is observable. Thus, on a segment-by-segment basis, only a handful of haplotypes account for most human ...
- articleFebruary 1999
Centralization of Stocks: Retailers vs. Manufacturer
Management Science (MANS), Volume 45, Issue 2Pages 178–191<P>A well-known result in inventory theory is that physical centralization of stocks in a system with multiple retailers decreases total costs and increases total profits for the retailers. However, does this centralization also benefit the manufacturer,...
- articleAugust 1992
Pooling in Two-Location Inventory Systems with Non-Negligible Replenishment Lead Times
Management Science (MANS), Volume 38, Issue 8Pages 1067–1083This paper deals with the analysis of two-location periodic review inventory systems with non-negligible replenishment lead times. Emergency transshipments are used in these systems as a recourse action to reduce the occurrence of shortages. A class of ...
- articleMarch 1986
Comments on Some Axioms for Combining Expert Judgments
Management Science (MANS), Volume 32, Issue 3Pages 306–312Morris Morris, P. A. 1983. An axiomatic approach to expert resolution. Management Sci.29 24-32. develops an axiom system for combining expert judgments by means of a processing rule. It is shown that the axioms are self-contradictory.