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Volume 546August, 2014
  • Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd.
  • Crown House Linton Road Barking, Essex IG11 8JU
  • United Kingdom
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Trust in event structures

A tribute to Glynn Winskel on his 60th birthday, including some notes on the role of Winskel's event structures in computational trust.

Events in context

In this short tribute to Glynn Winskel, I recall some memories of the first time we met, and describe some recent work on contextual semantics of observational systems which can be used to model quantum non-locality and contextuality, and which has been ...

Causality in physics and computation

Glynn Winskel has had enormous influence on the study of causal structure in computer science. In this brief note, I discuss analogous concepts in relativity where also causality plays a fundamental role. I discuss spacetime structure in a series of ...

Cartesian closed categories of separable Scott domains

We classify all sub-cartesian closed categories of the category of separable Scott domains. The classification employs a notion of coherence degree determined by the possible inconsistency patterns of sets of finite elements of a domain. Using the ...

Foreword in honor of Glynn Winskel

A foreword to the contributed papers on Branching cells for asymmetric event structures and Application of branching cells to QoS aware service orchestrations.

Branching cells for asymmetric event structures

This paper introduces branching cells as elementary units of independent choices in the model of Asymmetric Event Structures (AES), extending a previous work on branching cells for Prime Event Structures. Branching cells consist of subAES of the ...

Application of branching cells to QoS aware service orchestrations

By allowing service calls to be guarded by contexts, Asymmetric Event Structures (AES for short) and contextual nets are a convenient framework to model composite Web services or service orchestrations. We equip AES with QoS domains as a framework to ...

Relating strong behavioral equivalences for processes with nondeterminism and probabilities

We present a comparison of behavioral equivalences for nondeterministic and probabilistic processes whose activities are all observable. In particular, we consider trace-based, testing, and bisimulation-based equivalences. For each of them, we examine ...

Sobriety for equilogical spaces

The category of equilogical spaces, as well as the exact completions of the category of T"0-spaces and of the category of topological spaces, offers locally cartesian closed extensions of the category of topological spaces. Hence in any one of such ...

Revisiting the categorical interpretation of dependent type theory

We show that Hofmann's and Curien's interpretations of Martin-Lof's type theory, which were both designed to cure a mismatch between syntax and semantics in Seely's original interpretation in locally cartesian closed categories, are related via a ...

Analytic functors between presheaf categories over groupoids

The paper studies analytic functors between presheaf categories. Generalising results of A. Joyal [11] and R. Hasegawa [9] for analytic endofunctors on the category of sets, we give two characterisations of analytic functors between presheaf categories ...

Elements of a theory of algebraic theories

Kleisli bicategories are a natural environment in which the combinatorics involved in various notions of algebraic theory can be handled in a uniform way. The setting allows a clear account of comparisons between such notions. Algebraic theories, ...

Category theoretic structure of setoids

A setoid is a set together with a constructive representation of an equivalence relation on it. Here, we give category theoretic support to the notion. We first define a category Setoid and prove it is Cartesian closed with coproducts. We then enrich it ...

Complete proof systems for weighted modal logic

The weighted transition systems (WTS) considered in this paper are transition systems having both states and transitions labeled with real numbers: the state labels denote quantitative resources, while the transition labels denote costs of transitions ...

Anatomy of a domain of continuous random variables I

In this paper we study the family of thin probability measures on the domain A^~ of finite and infinite words over a finite alphabet A. This structure is inspired by work of Jean Goubault-Larrecq and Daniele Varacca, who recently proposed a model of ...

A network-conscious π-calculus and its coalgebraic semantics

Traditional process calculi usually abstract away from network details, modeling only communication over shared channels. They, however, seem inadequate to describe new network architectures, such as Software Defined Networks, where programs are allowed ...

Rabin's theorem in the concurrency setting: A conjecture

Rabin's theorem says that the monadic second order theory of the infinite binary tree is decidable. This result has had a far reaching influence in the theory of branching time temporal logics. A simple consequence of Rabin's theorem is that for every ...

Realizability with a local operator of A.M. Pitts

We study a notion of realizability with a local operator J which was first considered by A.M. Pitts in his thesis [7]. Using the Suslin-Kleene theorem, we show that the representable functions for this realizability are exactly the hyperarithmetical (@D"...

A characterization of Moessner's sieve

Given a positive natural number n, Moessner's sieve constructs the stream of positive natural numbers exponentiated at that rank: 1^n, 2^n, 3^n, etc., without performing any multiplications. Moessner's sieve starts from the stream of positive natural ...
