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- ArticleJune 2003
The Planning Spectrum - One, Two, Three, Infinity
Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) is widely used for definingconditions on the execution paths of dynamic systems. Inthe case of dynamic systems that allow for nondeterministicevolutions, one has to specify, along with an LTL formula\varphi, which are the ...
- ArticleJune 2003
Structural Subtyping of Non-Recursive Types is Decidable
We show that the first-order theory of structural subtypingof non-recursive types is decidable, as a consequence ofa more general result on the decidability of term powers ofdecidable theories.Let \Sigma be a language consisting of function symbols ...
- ArticleJune 2003
On Program Equivalence in Languages with Ground-Type References
Using game semantics we prove that program equivalenceis undecidable in finitary Idealized Algol with activeexpressions as well as in its call-by-value counterpart.It is also shown that strategies corresponding to IdealizedAlgol terms of respectively ...
- ArticleJune 2003
Labelled Markov Processes: Stronger and Faster Approximations
This paper proposes a measure-theoretic reconstructionof the approximation schemes developed for LabelledMarkov Processes: approximants are seen as quotientswith respect to sets of temporal properties expressedin a simple logic. This gives the ...
- ArticleJune 2003
Logic in Access Control
Access control is central to security in computer systems.Over the years, there have been many efforts to explain andto improve access control, sometimes with logical ideas andtools. This paper is a partial survey and discussion of therole of logic in ...
- ArticleJune 2003
Successor-Invariance in the Finite
A first-order sentence \theta of vocabulary \sigma \cup {S} issuccessor-invariant in the finite if for every finite \sigma-structureM and successor relations S1 and S2 on M,(M,S1) \models \theta \iff (M, S2) \models \theta.In this paper I give an ...
- ArticleJune 2003
Will Deflation Lead to Depletion? On Non-Monotone Fixed Point Inductions
We survey logical formalisms based on inflationary anddeflationary fixed points, and compare them to the (morefamiliar) logics based on least and greatest fixed points.
- ArticleJune 2003
An NP Decision Procedure for Protocol Insecurity with XOR
We provide a method for deciding the insecurity of cryptographicprotocols in presence of the standard Dolev-Yaointruder (with a finite number of sessions) extended withso-called oracle rules, i.e., deduction rules that satisfy certainconditions. As an ...
- ArticleJune 2003
Intruder Deductions, Constraint Solving and Insecurity Decision in Presence of Exclusive or
We present decidability results for the verification ofcryptographic protocols in the presence of equational theoriescorresponding to xorand Abelian groups. Since theperfect cryptography assumption is unrealistic for cryptographicprimitives with visible ...
- ArticleJune 2003
The Complexity of Resolution Refinements
Resolution is the most widely studied approach to propositionaltheorem proving. In developing efficient resolution-basedalgorithms, dozens of variants and refinements of resolutionhave been studied from both the empirical and analyticsides. The most ...
- ArticleJune 2003
Strong Bisimilarity on Basic Parallel Processes is PSPACE-complete
The paper shows an algorithmwhich, given a Basic ParallelProcesses (BPP) system, constructs a set of linear mappingswhich characterize the (strong) bisimulation equivalence onthe system. Though the number of the constructed mappingscan be exponential, ...
- ArticleJune 2003
New Directions in Instantiation-Based Theorem Proving
We consider instantiation-based theorem provingwhereby instances of clauses are generated by certaininferences, and where inconsistency is detected bypropositional tests. We give a model construction proofof completeness by which restrictive inference ...