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- ArticleJuly 2004
Predictive state representations: a new theory for modeling dynamical systems
Modeling dynamical systems, both for control purposes and to make predictions about their behavior, is ubiquitous in science and engineering. Predictive state representations (PSRs) are a recently introduced class of models for discrete-time dynamical ...
- ArticleJuly 2004
Blind construction of optimal nonlinear recursive predictors for discrete sequences
We present a new method for nonlinear prediction of discrete random sequences under minimal structural assumptions. We give a mathematical construction for optimal predictors of such processes, in the form of hidden Markov models. We then describe an ...
- ArticleJuly 2004
Bayesian learning in undirected graphical models: approximate MCMC algorithms
Bayesian learning in undirected graphical models---computing posterior distributions over parameters and predictive quantities---is exceptionally difficult. We conjecture that for general undirected models, there are no tractable MCMC (Markov Chain Monte ...
- ArticleJuly 2004
Case-factor diagrams for structured probabilistic modeling
We introduce a probabilistic formalism subsuming Markov random fields of bounded tree width and probabilistic context free grammars. Our models are based on a representation of Boolean formulas that we call case-factor diagrams (CFDs). CFDs are similar ...
- ArticleJuly 2004
Conditional Chow-Liu tree structures for modeling discrete-valued vector time series
We consider the problem of modeling discrete-valued vector time series data using extensions of Chow-Liu tree models to capture both dependencies across time and dependencies across variables. Conditional Chow-Liu tree models are introduced, as an ...
- ArticleJuly 2004
Modeling waveform shapes with random effects segmental hidden Markov models
In this paper we describe a general probabilistic framework for modeling waveforms such as heartbeats from ECG data. The model is based on segmental hidden Markov models (as used in speech recognition) with the addition of random effects to the ...
- ArticleJuly 2004
Dynamical systems trees
We propose dynamical systems trees (DSTs) as a flexible class of models for describing multiple process that interact via a hierarchy of aggregating parent chains. DSTs extend Kalman filters, hidden Markov models and nonlinear dynamical systems to an ...
- ArticleJuly 2004
From fields to trees
We present new MCMC algorithms for computing the posterior distributions and expectations of the unknown variables in undirected graphical models with regular structure. For demonstration purposes, we focus on Markov Random Fields (MRFs). By partitioning ...
- ArticleJuly 2004
Solving factored MDPs with continuous and discrete variables
Although many real-world stochastic planning problems are more naturally formulated by hybrid models with both discrete and continuous variables, current state-of-the-art methods cannot adequately address these problems. We present the first framework ...
- ArticleJuly 2004
Exploiting first-order regression in inductive policy selection
We consider the problem of computing optimal generalised policies for relational Markov decision processes. We describe an approach combining some of the benefits of purely inductive techniques with those of symbolic dynamic programming methods. The ...
- ArticleJuly 2004
Metrics for finite Markov decision processes
We present metrics for measuring the similarity of states in a finite Markov decision process (MDP). The formulation of our metrics is based on the notion of bisimulation for MDPs, with an aim towards solving discounted infinite horizon reinforcement ...
- ArticleJuly 2004
Dynamic programming for structured continuous Markov decision problems
We describe an approach for exploiting structure in Markov Decision Processes with continuous state variables. At each step of the dynamic programming, the state space is dynamically partitioned into regions where the value function is the same ...
- ArticleJuly 2004
Region-based incremental pruning for POMDPs
We present a major improvement to the incremental pruning algorithm for solving partially observable Markov decision processes. Our technique targets the cross-sum step of the dynamic programming (DP) update, a key source of complexity in POMDP ...
- ArticleJuly 2004
Iterative conditional fitting for Gaussian ancestral graph models
Ancestral graph models, introduced by Richardson and Spirtes (2002), generalize both Markov random fields and Bayesian networks to a class of graphs with a global Markov property that is closed under conditioning and marginalization. By design, ancestral ...
- ArticleJuly 2004
Learning diagnostic policies from examples by systematic search
A <i>diagnostic policy</i> specifies what test to perform next, based on the results of previous tests, and when to stop and make a diagnosis. Cost-sensitive diagnostic policies perform tradeoffs between (a) the <i>costs of tests</i> and (b) the <i>costs ...