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- research-articleOctober 2024
Impartial Peer Selection: An Annotated Reading List
ACM SIGecom Exchanges (SIGECOM), Volume 22, Issue 1Pages 113–117https://doi.org/10.1145/3699824.3699834The study of peer selection mechanisms presents a unique opportunity to understand and improve the practice of a group selecting its best members, despite each member of that group wanting to be selected. A prime example of such a setting is academic ...
- research-articleOctober 2024
SIGecom Job Market Candidate Profiles 2024
ACM SIGecom Exchanges (SIGECOM), Volume 22, Issue 1Pages 4–35https://doi.org/10.1145/3699824.3699825This is the ninth annual collection of profiles of the junior faculty job market candidates of the SIGecom community. The twenty seven candidates for 2024 are listed alphabetically and indexed by research areas that define the interests of the community. ...
- research-articleDecember 2009
Impression-plus-click auctions
ACM SIGecom Exchanges (SIGECOM), Volume 8, Issue 2Article No.: 8, Pages 1–3https://doi.org/10.1145/1980522.1980530Internet search companies generate the majority of their multibillion dollar revenue from selling ad placement, often in the form of short, textual ads that appear next to web search results. Such sponsored search ads are typically sold via pay-per-...
- articleNovember 2008
Manipulation-resistant recommender systems through influence limits
ACM SIGecom Exchanges (SIGECOM), Volume 7, Issue 3Article No.: 10, Pages 1–4https://doi.org/10.1145/1486877.1486887In this letter, we outline a new approach to modeling, analyzing, and combating manipulative attacks on recommender systems.
- articleNovember 2008
Diversification in the internet economy: the role of for-profit mediators
ACM SIGecom Exchanges (SIGECOM), Volume 7, Issue 3Article No.: 7, Pages 1–24https://doi.org/10.1145/1486877.1486884We investigate market forces that would lead to the emergence of new classes of players in the sponsored search advertising market. We report a multi-fold diversification triggered by an inherent feature of the sponsored search market, namely, capacity ...
- articleNovember 2008
- articleDecember 2007
Combinatorial exchanges for coordinating grid services
ACM SIGecom Exchanges (SIGECOM), Volume 7, Issue 1Pages 65–68https://doi.org/10.1145/1345037.1345054In this paper, two combinatorial exchange mechanisms MACE and GreedEx are introduced that are suitable for resource allocation in service-oriented environments such as Grids. MACE provides users with a fairly complex bidding language offering ...
- articleJuly 2005
Overcoming free-riding behavior in peer-to-peer systems
ACM SIGecom Exchanges (SIGECOM), Volume 5, Issue 4Pages 41–50https://doi.org/10.1145/1120717.1120723While the fundamental premise of peer-to-peer (P2P) systems is that of voluntary resource sharing among individual peers, there is an inherent tension between individual rationality and collective welfare that threatens the viability of these systems. ...
- articleJuly 2005
Drawing crowds and bit welfare
ACM SIGecom Exchanges (SIGECOM), Volume 5, Issue 4Pages 31–40https://doi.org/10.1145/1120717.1120722Tit-for-tat style file sharing systems such as BitTorrent have proven to be remarkably effective in dealing with highly popular content. By explicitly addressing free-riding behavior, a "greedy" tit-for-tat approach encourages sharing and succeeds in ...
- articleJuly 2005
Incentives for content availability in memory-less peer-to-peer file sharing systems
ACM SIGecom Exchanges (SIGECOM), Volume 5, Issue 4Pages 11–20https://doi.org/10.1145/1120717.1120720In this paper we address the issue of content availability in p2p file sharing systems. Content availability is a public good: the copying of a file by one peer does not prevent another peer also from copying it; but contributing files to the common ...
- articleNovember 2004
From market-driven agents to market-oriented grids (position paper)
ACM SIGecom Exchanges (SIGECOM), Volume 5, Issue 2Pages 45–53https://doi.org/10.1145/1120687.1120693Providing efficient mechanism for allocation and management of resources is essential for realizing a computational grid. Since resource providers and consumers may be independent bodies in a computing grid platform, negotiation among these participants ...
- articleMarch 2003
Exploring the factors affecting internet content filters acceptance
Data traveling along the Internet wire is generally unrestricted. The Internet may always bring surfers fun, but sometimes give them unpleasant experiences. Web surfers may be exposed to gory pictures of adult-oriented contents unwittingly. ...
- articleMarch 2003
Context representation of product data
This paper investigates the context representation of ad hoc product data that distribute in different semantic communities especially in small and medium sized enterprises through the analysis of the problems in extracting, mediating and comparing ...
- articleDecember 2002
A taxonomy of indoor and outdoor positioning techniques for mobile location services
Wireless positioning determination has received increased attention during the past few years. Several wireless applications have been envisaged when mobile terminal location can be determined with sufficient accuracy at any time. In this paper, we ...
- articleDecember 2002
The attraction of personalized service for users in mobile commerce: an empirical study
There has been a notable increase in consumer use of mobile applications. Consumers begin to adopt mobile commerce applications. In response, firms have been investing billions of dollars in order to enhance the hardware and software platforms for ...
- articleDecember 2002
P2P M-commerce in pervasive environments
Pervasive environments are characterized by the presence of wireless devices ranging from sensors to mobile PDA-phones to laptops. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) information sharing in such environments presents a tremendous opportunity for people and devices to ...
- articleJune 2002
Interoperability of peer-to-peer file sharing protocols
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file sharing software has brought a hot discussion on P2P file sharing among all businesses. Freenet, Gnutella, and Napster are the three most popular P2P file sharing applications. They use three distinct protocols and these ...
- articleJune 2001
WebALPS: a survey of E-commerce privacy and security applications
Web-based commerce is rife with scenarios where a party needs to trust properties of computation and data storage occurring at a remote machine, operated by a different party with different interests. In our WebALPS project, we have used off-the-shelf ...
- articleDecember 2000
The architecture of a one-stop web-window shop
With the advent of e-commerce, web shops - where a potential buyer can make a purchase transaction on the web - are becoming commonplace. In everyday life, as buyers we face a typical need for matching or coordinating a host of articles/services before ...
- articleJune 2000
Heterogeneous product description in electronic commerce
The heterogeneity of product descriptions is an impediment to successful interactions among buyers and vendors in electronic commerce. There is no uniform description even for the same product type among different vendors. In electronic commerce ...