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- ArticleMay 2005
CRM in the public sector: towards a conceptual research framework
Customer Relationship Management has been well discussed as a holistic concept for the private sector to start, maintain and optimize relationships to make customers more loyal/profitable - in sum to improve the relationship with the consumers. Many ...
- ArticleMay 2005
Vertical datum conversion in the Lake Erie coastal area
Seamless integration of land-elevation and water-depth information in coastal environments is required in many geospatial applications and decision-making processes. Vertical datum conversion is the central component of the integration process. This ...
- ArticleMay 2005
National & municipal government websites: a comparison between the United States and China
As the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) becomes more prevalent around the globe, the Internet has changed the way government and citizens interact with each other. The development of E-Government has been increasingly considered as a ...
- ArticleMay 2005
Improving the quality of public services: case study of Shanghai social security and citizen services system
Digital government strategy has been carried out in many countries as a means of improving the quality of public services. This article studies the Shanghai social security and citizen services system to explain the major advantages of digital government ...
- ArticleMay 2005
A framework for analyzing cross-boundary e-government projects: the CapWin example
E-government has been a major beneficiary of Internet-enabled interorganizational systems (hereafter, IOS). IOS permit participating partners to share information and coordinate processes to achieve efficiencies in existing operations as well as to ...
- ArticleMay 2005
Integrated criminal justice systems: designing effective systems for inter-organizational action
In this paper we provide a summary of the poster presented at the 2005 Digital Government Conference. Our research is motivated by the twin goals of (1) developing a set of principles the support the design of inter-organizational information systems and ...
- ArticleMay 2005
Scalable data collection infrastructure for digital government applications
Highlights are presented of a project on the development of a scalable data collection infrastructure of digital government applications. The approach takes advantage of both the distributed nature of the data and the distributed ways of interacting with ...
- ArticleMay 2005
A pilot project in PAs to transit to an open source solution
This manuscript reports of a small-scale deployment of OSS for office automation in Public Bodies. We describe the environment, the rocess and the problems encountered. We analyze data about the personal productivity in this light transition approach. We ...
- ArticleMay 2005
Geoinformatic surveillance of hotspot detection, prioritization and early warning
A Geoinformatic Hotspot Surveillance System (GHS) will be demonstrated. This system is comprised of an upper level set scan statistic system for hotspot delineation, and a poset prioritization and ranking system for hotspot prioritization. Surveillance ...
- ArticleMay 2005
Electronic communication in a geographically dispersed community of forensic scientists
Electronic communication creates new pathways for knowledge sharing, through e-mail, listservers, electronic repositories of information, and web-based forums. This study focuses on two questions in the context of electronic communication in a ...
- ArticleMay 2005
ITR/IM+SII: a distributed information management framework (REGNET) for environmental laws and regulations
The complexity, diversity, and volume of Federal and State regulations (as well as supplementary and supportive documents) are detrimental to businesses and hinder public understanding of government. The objective of REGNET project is to develop ...
- ArticleMay 2005
Spatiotemporal analysis of 9-1-1 call stream data
Analysis of 9-1-1 call stream data will provide a better understanding of the spatiotemporal patterns of emergency calls, both State-wide and at the local level, and their correlation with external events. Predictive models built with this data can lead ...
- ArticleMay 2005
Evaluation of the govstat statistical interactive glossary: implications for just-in-time help
The GovStat Statistical Interactive Glossary (SIG) is intended to allow users of federal statistical agency websites to look up meanings of statistical terms they encounter on the websites without interrupting their tasks. This kind of just-in-time, just-...
- ArticleMay 2005
Modeling the social and technical processes of interorganizational information integration
Integrating and sharing information in multi-organizational government settings involves complex interactions within social and technological contexts. These integration processes often involve new work processes and significant organizational change. ...
- ArticleMay 2005
Towards a privacy measurement criterion for voting systems
This paper provides a definition for perfect privacy in electronic and other voting systems, and an entropy-based criterion to measure the deviation from perfect privacy. Its use is illustrated with examples.
- ArticleMay 2005
Agency interoperation for effective data mining in border control and homeland security applications
US Customs embarked on a major modernization initiative of its Information Technology systems. Drawing in data from Customs trade systems, targeting inspectors review manifest information as well as strategic and tactical intelligence to determine which ...
- ArticleMay 2005
Upper level set scan statistic system for detecting arbitrarily shaped hotspots for digital governance
A declared need is around for geoinformatic surveillance statistical science and software infrastructure for spatial and spatiotemporal hotspot detection. Hotspot means something unusual, anomaly, aberration, outbreak, elevated cluster, critical resource ...
- ArticleMay 2005
Supporting debates over citizen initiatives
Citizen/popular initiatives provide a way for the inclusion of constitutional or statutory proposals on the ballot (e.g., at an election) if enough signatures are collected in support of the proposal [1, 2, 3, 4]. Once citizens are enabled to digitally ...
- ArticleMay 2005
Designing a better web portal for digital government: a web-mining based approach
This paper addresses an important research area in digital government development: intelligent design of digital government Web portals, a primary means of realizing the core function of digital government - online government service delivery. In ...
- ArticleMay 2005
Argos: dynamic composition of web services for goods movement analysis and planning
- José Luis Ambite,
- Genevieve Giuliano,
- Peter Gordon,
- Qisheng Pan,
- Naqeeb Abbasi,
- LanLan Wang,
- Matthew Weathers
This Project Highlight describes Year 2 activities of our Argos research. The purpose of the research is to develop a flexible data query and analysis system based on the web services paradigm. Our application domain is metropolitan goods movement, ...