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- ArticleSeptember 2000
A Neural Network Tool to Organize Large Document Sets
Document clustering based on semantics is a fundamental method of helping users to search and browse in large collections of documents. Recently a number of papers have reported the applications of self-organizing artificial neural networks in document ...
- ArticleSeptember 2000
Applying Preference Biases to Conjunctive and Disjunctive Version Spaces
The paper considers conjunctive and disjunctive version space learning as an incomplete search in complete hypotheses spaces. The incomplete search is guided by preference biases which are implemented by procedures based on the instance-based boundary ...
- ArticleSeptember 2000
Handling Diphtong and Triphone Sysmbols: Useful in Automatic English Text Generation from Pitman Shorthand Language Document
The paper describes the recognition of diphthong and triphone signs useful in automatic generation of English text from Pitman Shorthand Language (PSL) document. The PSL is used to note down the dictated/spoken text and is widely practiced in all ...
- ArticleSeptember 2000
Dynamic Knowledge Representation and Its Applications
This paper has two main objectives. One is to show that the dynamic knowledge representation paradigm introduced in [ALP+00] and the associated language LUPS, defined in [APPP99], constitute natural, powerful and expressive tools for representing ...
- ArticleSeptember 2000
An Open Approach to Distribution, Awareness and Cooperative Work
In this paper we present CoHyDe (Collaborative Hypermedia distributed Design), an open and strongly distributed hypermedia model that supports distributed workgroups. The architecture is based on the metaphor of the actor model and is structured in ...
- ArticleSeptember 2000
Complexity Issues in the Davis and Putnam Scheme
The Davis and Putnam (D&P) scheme has been intensively studied during this last decade. Nowadays, its good empirical performances are well-known. Here, we deal with its theoretical side which has been relatively less studied until now. Thus, we propose ...
- ArticleSeptember 2000
Integration of Resources and Components in a Knowledge-Based Web-Environment for Terminology Learning
This paper presents the design and currently elaborated components in the knowledge-basedl earning environment called STyLE. It supports learning of English terminology in the domain of finances with a target user group of non-native English speakers. ...
- ArticleSeptember 2000
Steps towards C+C: A Language for Interactions
We present in this paper our reflections about the requirements of new architectures and languages for the Web, confronted with the ones emerging from qualified scientists such as Mc Carthy [1] and Wegner [2]. The contribution highlights if and how ...
- ArticleSeptember 2000
Coverage-Based Semi-distance between Horn Clauses
In the present paper we use the approach of height functions to defining a semi-distance measure between Horn clauses. This appraoch is already discussed elsewhere in the framework of propositional and simple first order languages (atoms). Hereafter we ...
- ArticleSeptember 2000
Development of Lexico-Grammar Resources for Natural Language Generation (Experience from AGILE Project)
The paper discuses some problems of presentation and processing of linguistic knowledge, needed for the development of real-size Bulgarian linguistic resource to be used in a multilingual text generation system, covering software manuals sublanguage. ...
- ArticleSeptember 2000
Metaphor Processing for Learning Terminology on the Web
An approach for the usage of metaphors in learning terminology in a foreign language is presented. The approach integrates ideas from the metaphor theory of Lakoff and Johnson [6] with techniques from corpus-based computational linguistics, advanced ...
- ArticleSeptember 2000
Using Consensus Methods for Determining the Representation of Expert Information in Distributed Systems
By the expert information we mean the information given by a man-expert of a field of science and technology, or by some intelligent program (for example intelligent agents) in solving of some task. We assume that in an intelligent distributed system ...
- ArticleSeptember 2000
How to Schedule a Job Shop Problem through Agent Cooperation
Scheduling is an important aspect of automation in manufacturing systems. It consists in allocating a finite set of resources or machines over time to perform a collection of tasks or jobs while satisfying a set of constraints. One of the most known and ...
- ArticleSeptember 2000
Drafting and Validating Regulations: The Inevitable Use of Intelligent Tools
In this paper we describe first the nature of laws and regulations, which are not-normal, fragmented pieces of text, that can only be understood by using some (implicit) model about the world to be regulated. Then we describe the process of drafting ...
- ArticleSeptember 2000
Fuzzy-Neural Models for Real-Time Identification and Control of a Mechanical System
A two-layer Recurrent Neural Network Model (RNNM) and an improved Backpropagation-through-time method of its learning are described. For a complex nonlinear plants identification, a fuzzy-neural multi-model, is proposed. The proposed fuzzy-neural model, ...
- ArticleSeptember 2000
A Temporal Many-Valued Logic for Real Time Control Systems
Control of Systems in different real world fields such us Chemistry, Medicine, Robotics, etc. has been tackled for decades with approaches developed in the classical Control Systems field. In this paper, we will propose a Real Time controller relying on ...
- ArticleSeptember 2000
Effective Iris Recognition System by Optimized Feature Vectors and Classifier
This paper presents an effective system for recognizing the identity of a living person on the basis of iris patterns that is one of the physiological and biological features with high reliability. To represent the iris pattern efficiently, a new method ...
- ArticleSeptember 2000
Efficient Reasoning Using the Local Closed-World Assumption
We present a sound and complete, tractable inference method for reasoning with localized closed world assumptions (LCWA's) which can be used in applications where a reasoning or planning agent can not assume complete information about planning or ...
- ArticleSeptember 2000
Least Generalization under Relative Implication
The main operators in Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) are specialization and generalization. In ILP, the three most important generality orders are subsumption, implication and implication relative to background knowledge. The present paper discusses ...