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- ArticleSeptember 2004
Digging into acceptor splice site prediction: an iterative feature selection approach
PKDD '04: Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in DatabasesPages 386–397Feature selection techniques are often used to reduce data dimensionality, increase classification performance, and gain insight into the processes that generated the data. In this paper, we describe an iterative procedure of feature selection and ...
- ArticleSeptember 2004
Incremental nonlinear PCA for classification
PKDD '04: Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in DatabasesPages 291–300The purpose of this study is to propose a new online and nonlinear PCA(OL-NPCA) method for feature extraction from the incremental data. Kernel PCA(KPCA) is widely used for nonlinear feature extraction, however, it has been pointed out that KPCA has the ...
- ArticleSeptember 2004
Ensemble feature ranking
PKDD '04: Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in DatabasesPages 267–278A crucial issue for Machine Learning and Data Mining is Feature Selection, selecting the relevant features in order to focus the learning search. A relaxed setting for Feature Selection is known as Feature Ranking, ranking the features with respect to ...
- ArticleSeptember 2004
Finding interesting pass patterns from soccer game records
PKDD '04: Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in DatabasesPages 209–218This paper presents a novel method for finding interesting pass patterns from soccer game records. Taking two features of the pass sequence "temporal irregularity and requirements for multiscale observation" into account, we have developed a comparison ...
- ArticleSeptember 2004
Document classification through interactive supervision of document and term labels
PKDD '04: Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in DatabasesPages 185–196Effective incorporation of human expertise, while exerting a low cognitive load, is a critical aspect of real-life text classification applications that is not adequately addressed by batch-supervised high-accuracy learners. Standard text classifiers ...