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- research-articleDecember 2008
SIGGRAPH Asia archive in Second Life
SIGGRAPH Asia '08: ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2008 artgallery: emerging technologiesPage 56https://doi.org/10.1145/1504229.1504269Hidenori Watanave is researching the arts in the 3D internet (for example, Second Life) and the 3DGIS (for example, Google Earth). He is interested in collaborative work in the realms of architecture and environmental design in tele-existence in the 3D ...
- research-articleDecember 2008
Kazuma Morino works
SIGGRAPH Asia '08: ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2008 artgallery: emerging technologiesPage 54https://doi.org/10.1145/1504229.1504267Kazuma Morino has received many awards in international competitions including SIGGRAPH and Ars Electronica. In his Build, exhibited in the SIGGRAPH 2003 Art Gallery, many of the built structures in our contemporary urban landscapes are concatenations ...
- research-articleDecember 2008
TransCAIP: live transmission of light field from a camera array to an integral photography display
SIGGRAPH Asia '08: ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2008 artgallery: emerging technologiesPage 47https://doi.org/10.1145/1504229.1504261TransCAIP provides a real-time 3D visual experience by using an array of 64 cameras and an integral photography display with 60 viewing directions. The live 3D scene in front of the camera array is reproduced by the full-colour, full-parallax auto-...
- research-articleDecember 2008
Massive action control system
SIGGRAPH Asia '08: ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2008 artgallery: emerging technologiesPage 46https://doi.org/10.1145/1504229.1504260Massive Action Control System concurrently controls thousands of actions of multiple characters with various motivations, feelings, and personalities.
- research-articleDecember 2008
Heaven's mirror: mirror illusion realised outside of the mirror
SIGGRAPH Asia '08: ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2008 artgallery: emerging technologiesPage 44https://doi.org/10.1145/1504229.1504258With this system, users experience a mirror illusion through three modalities of feedback (haptic, visual, and auditory) and perceive a boundary-less transition between the real world and the world inside the mirror.
- research-articleDecember 2008
Flaneur: digital see-through telescope
- Hiroshi Sakasai,
- Hiroshi Kato,
- Takako Igarashi,
- Miho Ishii,
- Maki Sugimoto,
- Masahiko Inami,
- Masahiko Inakage,
- Naohito Okude
SIGGRAPH Asia '08: ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2008 artgallery: emerging technologiesPage 43https://doi.org/10.1145/1504229.1504257Flaneur is a digital telescope that helps viewers see shops and objects behind buildings as they stroll though town. As they turn the device, Flaneur displays images related to specific directions as 3D images.
- research-articleDecember 2008
Augmented reality authoring for artists and designers
SIGGRAPH Asia '08: ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2008 artgallery: emerging technologiesPage 40https://doi.org/10.1145/1504229.1504254By using ARToolkit for marker tracking and Touch Designer (a commercial, real-time 3D environment) for modeling, rendering, and compositing real and virtual images, artists and designers can quickly create interactive augmented-reality environments.
- research-articleDecember 2008
SIGGRAPH Asia '08: ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2008 artgallery: emerging technologiesPage 39https://doi.org/10.1145/1504229.1504253A novel marker-based system for augmented reality that measures not only the 3D positions and IDs of markers, but also the distribution of force vectors applied to the markers. Users can observe overlaid virtual images and control them with their ...
- research-articleDecember 2008
An augmented tabletop video game with pinching gesture recognition
SIGGRAPH Asia '08: ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2008 artgallery: emerging technologiesPage 38https://doi.org/10.1145/1504229.1504252A novel interaction technique for multi-player tabletop entertainment systems. The proposed technique achieves high-response bi-manual interaction by multiple users, and it simultaneously recognises the positions and orientations of the users' hands and ...
- research-articleDecember 2008
A method for transformation of 3D space into Ukiyo-e composition
SIGGRAPH Asia '08: ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2008 artgallery: emerging technologiesPages 29–35https://doi.org/10.1145/1504229.1504250In 1739, Western perspective drawing reached Japan via China. Before then, Japanese drawing, known as Yamato-e, had depicted architectural space through parallel projection. This was true for the ukiyo-e compositions that were popular among the general ...
- research-articleDecember 2008
Three Little Pigs in the CG theater
SIGGRAPH Asia '08: ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2008 artgallery: emerging technologiesPage 28https://doi.org/10.1145/1504229.1504249NHK has developed a new style of content creation for a puppet show. The performers operate the actual puppets in a CG environment called "Uncompleted Contents," and the complete contents are produced with them in real time. This production style ...
- research-articleDecember 2008
Alison: statified cooperative storytelling in dissociative identity disorders
SIGGRAPH Asia '08: ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2008 artgallery: emerging technologiesPage 27https://doi.org/10.1145/1504229.1504248In the Alison installation, different plot elements are presented based on the viewer's movement within a physical space. The space works as both a form of interaction and another method of presenting story elements.
- research-articleDecember 2008
The Orb
SIGGRAPH Asia '08: ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2008 artgallery: emerging technologiesPage 25https://doi.org/10.1145/1504229.1504246The Orb bridges the gap between the art object and functional information display, advancing desires for more sophisticated digital representations, while simultaneously establishing a dialogue between the new technology and the symbolic content of the ...
- research-articleDecember 2008
Falling: suicide and the sidewalk
SIGGRAPH Asia '08: ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2008 artgallery: emerging technologiesPage 24https://doi.org/10.1145/1504229.1504245This work comprises a video sequence shot from my sixth-floor apartment window to the sidewalk below and composed inside a digital-game environment. The intention is to empty the video of narrative and reduce it to an image string. Exploring the space, ...
- research-articleDecember 2008
Pudding Building
SIGGRAPH Asia '08: ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2008 artgallery: emerging technologiesPage 19https://doi.org/10.1145/1504229.1504240A visualisation of tremors that affect an Asian building symbolises a rapidly changing people's social cognition and a contracting social structure. Max/MSP, Jitter, and Arduino are used to capture the image of the miniature building, for image ...
- research-articleDecember 2008
SIGGRAPH Asia '08: ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2008 artgallery: emerging technologiesPage 15https://doi.org/10.1145/1504229.1504236Our impression of a scene changes depending on the aspect. theRelativity is an interactive art work that seamlessly reflects a third-person view of a structure into a first-person view.
- research-articleDecember 2008
SIGGRAPH Asia '08: ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2008 artgallery: emerging technologiesPage 14https://doi.org/10.1145/1504229.1504235[un]wired is a live-processing installation that responds to interactions from personal radio-frequency devices such as mobile phones, WiFi signals, Bluetooth signals, and car-key fobs. It tracks real-time statistical information from wireless "mesh" ...
- research-articleDecember 2008
SIGGRAPH Asia '08: ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2008 artgallery: emerging technologiesPage 13https://doi.org/10.1145/1504229.1504234The concept of this work is "disappearing landscape." It presents background-subtracted moving images of people and objects from two different locations, so viewers encounter traces of peoples' movements and experience cultural differences and ...
- research-articleDecember 2008
Shan-Shui-Shua (mountain-water painting)
SIGGRAPH Asia '08: ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2008 artgallery: emerging technologiesPage 12https://doi.org/10.1145/1504229.1504233This ambient "video scroll" presents two poems of the famous poet Han Shan as a reflection on Western mountaineers' fight against nature as they ascend and descend the highest peaks, counterpointing the Chinese attempt to achieve spiritual harmony.
- research-articleDecember 2008
Movement 11 (2008 serie)
SIGGRAPH Asia '08: ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2008 artgallery: emerging technologiesPage 11https://doi.org/10.1145/1504229.1504232In this expression of the energy of a virtual dancer, we can see the vibration of his virtual movements in the universe. My work is about my impression of Asian wisdom and gods.