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- ArticleNovember 2005
The pipeline pinball energy thrill ride game: a little theatre in a computer game
Our world is in a dilemma. We're hooked on hydrocarbons and unless we stop spinning the gears of fossil-fuel dependency we risk being held ransom by what that industry observers call a "logic-defying rally based on fear and speculation." (The National ...
- ArticleNovember 2005
Information-oriented design and game AI
Information is a resource that every AI relies on to operate effectively. Although information influences the capabilities and performance of AIs, it is not treated as a design issue. Changing the information available to an AI can potentially enhance or ...
- ArticleNovember 2005
The Game Master
The concept of a Game Master (GM) is associated with a range of functions in role playing-based games, from pen and paper role playing games to live action-, computer- and massively multiplayer online role playing games. The functionality of the GM ...
- ArticleNovember 2005
Video games, fiction, and emotion
Video gaming can be an emotional experience, as anybody who as torn their hair out over a particularly difficult game will know. In this paper I argue that various sources in cognitive science and the philosophy of the arts can be used to explain the ...
- ArticleNovember 2005
Future-proofing advergaming: a systematisation for the media buyer
The idea of using games as carriers for goal-oriented strategically shaped rhetorical messages, i.e. advertising and propaganda, has been much talked about. Those who produce games take an interest in such messages as a way to find new revenue streams ...
- ArticleNovember 2005
Distinguishing simulation games from simulators by considering design characteristics
The advent of powerful personal computers has made it possible for home users to experience simulation technology through Simulation Games (a.k.a. Sims). In recent years, the cross-boundary transfusion of technology along with other reasons has ...
- ArticleNovember 2005
RAGE: a multiplatform game engine
This paper discusses RAGE - a Java based open source game engine project. The RAGE project aims to abstract the various aspects of game engine functionality into a set a generic interfaces. Platform or API specific implementations of these interfaces ...
- ArticleNovember 2005
Team formation in agent-based computer games
Intelligent agents play an important role in computer games. Research on intelligent agent architecture, knowledge representation, goal-directed behavior are all directly relevant to improving the intelligent agents in computer games [9]. Agents are ...
- ArticleNovember 2005
Pulp gaming: taking an episodic approach to interactive entertainment
Episodic gaming is an emerging approach to game design and distribution within the interactive entertainment industry. To date, however, there have been only few commercial examples and these have demonstrated mixed outcomes concerning the viability of ...
- ArticleNovember 2005
The interactive game: origins and effects
The virtual world that computation now presents to us and involves us in, otherwise known as digitisation - collapses the 'self; personal identity to which we have become accustomed to in the last four hundred years, is challenged by the illusion of many ...
- ArticleNovember 2005
AI for automated combatants in a training application
We are trying to emulate the most realistic human-combat behaviors possible in a virtual environment. Our requirement for realism stems from our application: a combat training environment where the virtual arena needs to engage students in experiences ...
- ArticleNovember 2005
Oppositional play: gathering negative evidence for computer game values
Computer games constantly promote particular values to be adopted by their players during gameplay, but there has been little research into how this takes place. Understanding value promotion in computer games is of importance for a variety of reasons, ...
- proceedingNovember 2005
IE '05: Proceedings of the second Australasian conference on Interactive entertainment
The Second Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment (IE2005) held in Sydney, Australia 23025 November 2005, is the latest series of annual regional meetings at which advances in interactive entertainment and computer games are reported. ...