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- ArticleDecember 2007
Adapting Futures: Scalability for Real-World Computing
RTSS '07: Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Real-Time Systems SymposiumPages 105–118https://doi.org/10.1109/RTSS.2007.8Creating robust real-time embedded software is critical in combining the physical world with computing, such as in consumer electronics or robotics. One challenge is the complexity of dealing with time together with implementation details that often end ...
- ArticleDecember 2007
A Model-Driven Framework for the Generation of Gateways in Distributed Real-Time Systems
RTSS '07: Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Real-Time Systems SymposiumPages 93–104https://doi.org/10.1109/RTSS.2007.6As part of the DECOS architecture, this paper presents a generic framework for gateways, which enable message ex- changes across application subsystem boundaries in order to exploit redundancy and to coordinate the behavior of ap- plication subsystems. ...
- ArticleDecember 2007
Toward the Predictable Integration of Real-Time COTS Based Systems
RTSS '07: Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Real-Time Systems SymposiumPages 73–82https://doi.org/10.1109/RTSS.2007.51The integration phase of real-time COTS-based systems is often problematic because when multiple tasks run con- currently, the interference at the bus level between cache fetching activities and I/O peripheral transactions is signif- icant and causes ...
- ArticleDecember 2007
A Comprehensive Worst-Case Calculus for Wireless Sensor Networks with In-Network Processing
RTSS '07: Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Real-Time Systems SymposiumPages 193–202https://doi.org/10.1109/RTSS.2007.5Today's wireless sensor networks (WSN) focus on energy-efficiency as the main metric to optimize. However, an increasing number of scenarios where sensor networks are considered for time-critical purposes in application sce- narios like intrusion ...
- ArticleDecember 2007
Robust Priority Assignment for Fixed Priority Real-Time Systems
RTSS '07: Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Real-Time Systems SymposiumPages 3–14https://doi.org/10.1109/RTSS.2007.43This paper focuses on priority assignment for real- time systems using fixed priority scheduling. It introduces and defines the concept of a "robust" priority ordering: the most appropriate priority ordering to use in a system subject to variable ...
- ArticleDecember 2007
Rendezvous Planning in Mobility-Assisted Wireless Sensor Networks
RTSS '07: Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Real-Time Systems SymposiumPages 311–320https://doi.org/10.1109/RTSS.2007.40Recent research shows that significant energy saving can be achieved in wireless sensor networks by using mo- bile elements (MEs) capable of carrying data mechanically. However, the low movement speed of MEs hinders their use in data-intensive sensing ...
- ArticleDecember 2007
Optimal Discrete Rate Adaptation for Distributed Real-Time Systems
RTSS '07: Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Real-Time Systems SymposiumPages 181–192https://doi.org/10.1109/RTSS.2007.32Many distributed real-time systems face the challenge of dynamically maximizing system utility and meeting strin- gent resource constraints in response to fluctuations in sys- tem workload. Thus, online adaptation must be adopted in face of workload ...
- ArticleDecember 2007
Integrating Virtual Execution Platform for Accurate Analysis in Distributed Real-Time Control System Development
RTSS '07: Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Real-Time Systems SymposiumPages 61–72https://doi.org/10.1109/RTSS.2007.30A distributed real-time control system is modeled by au- tomatically generating a virtual execution platform and in- tegrating it with an abstract run-time model. This allows us to capture the dynamic effects of non-deterministic behavior of the ...
- ArticleDecember 2007
Integrating Adaptive Components: An Emerging Challenge in Performance-Adaptive Systems and a Server Farm Case-Study
RTSS '07: Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Real-Time Systems SymposiumPages 227–238https://doi.org/10.1109/RTSS.2007.29The increased complexity of performance-sensitive soft- ware systems leads to increased use of automated adapta- tion policies in lieu of manual performance tuning. Com- position of adaptive components into larger adaptive sys- tems, however, presents ...
- ArticleDecember 2007
I/O-Aware Deadline Miss Ratio Management in Real-Time Embedded Databases
RTSS '07: Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Real-Time Systems SymposiumPages 277–287https://doi.org/10.1109/RTSS.2007.27Recently, cheap and large capacity non-volatile memory such as flash memory is rapidly replacing disks in embedded systems. While the access time of flash memory is highly predictable, deadline misses may occur if data objects in flash memory are not ...
- ArticleDecember 2007
Facilitating Congestion Avoidance in Sensor Networks with a Mobile Sink
RTSS '07: Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Real-Time Systems SymposiumPages 321–332https://doi.org/10.1109/RTSS.2007.22The imminent growth of user-centric, pervasive sensing environments promotes sink mobility in an increasing num- ber of event-based, sensor network applications including rescue missions, intrusion detection and smart buildings. In these settings, one ...
- ArticleDecember 2007
Energy-Aware Scheduling of Real-Time Tasks in Wireless Networked Embedded Systems
RTSS '07: Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Real-Time Systems SymposiumPages 15–24https://doi.org/10.1109/RTSS.2007.21Recent technological advances have opened up several distributed real-time applications involving battery-driven embedded devices with local processing and wireless com- munication capabilities. Energy management is the key is- sue in the design and ...
- ArticleDecember 2007
Distributed Minimal Time Convergecast Scheduling for Small or Sparse Data Sources
RTSS '07: Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Real-Time Systems SymposiumPages 301–310https://doi.org/10.1109/RTSS.2007.19base station to collect all the data generated by sensor nodes. As a consequence many-to-one communication pattern, referred to as convergecast, is prevalent in sensor networks. In this paper, we address the challenge of fast and reliable convergecast ...
- ArticleDecember 2007
Definition of Task Allocation and Priority Assignment in Hard Real-Time Distributed Systems
RTSS '07: Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Real-Time Systems SymposiumPages 161–170https://doi.org/10.1109/RTSS.2007.18The complexity and physical distribution of modern ac- tive safety, chassis and powertrain automotive applications requires the use of distributed architectures. Complex func- tions designed as networks of function blocks exchanging signal information ...
- ArticleDecember 2007
Compositional Analysis Framework Using EDP Resource Models
RTSS '07: Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Real-Time Systems SymposiumPages 129–138https://doi.org/10.1109/RTSS.2007.17Compositional schedulability analysis of hierarchical scheduling frameworks is a well studied problem, as it has wide-ranging applications in the embedded systems do- main. Several techniques, such as periodic resource model based abstraction and ...
- ArticleDecember 2007
ANDES: An ANalysis-Based DEsign Tool for Wireless Sensor Networks
- Vibha Prasad,
- Ting Yan,
- Praveen Jayachandran,
- Zengzhong Li,
- Sang H. Son,
- John A. Stankovic,
- Jorgen Hansson,
- Tarek Abdelzaher
RTSS '07: Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Real-Time Systems SymposiumPages 203–213https://doi.org/10.1109/RTSS.2007.11ANDES, for modeling a wireless sensor network system and analyzing its performance before deployment. ANDES enables designers to systematically develop a model for the system, refine it iteratively by tuning the system parameters based on existing ...