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- articleDecember 2016
A simplification of a real-time verification problem
Software Testing, Verification & Reliability (STVR), Volume 26, Issue 8Pages 548–571https://doi.org/10.1002/stvr.1622We revisit the problem of real-time verification with dense-time dynamics using timeout and calendar-based models and simplify this to a finite state verification problem. We introduce a specification formalism for these models and capture their ...
- articleAugust 2016
Prioritizing test cases for early detection of refactoring faults
Software Testing, Verification & Reliability (STVR), Volume 26, Issue 5Pages 402–426https://doi.org/10.1002/stvr.1603Refactoring edits are error-prone, requiring cost-effective testing. Regression test suites are often used as a safety net for decreasing the chances of behavioural changes. Because of the high costs related to handling massive test suites, ...
- articleAugust 2016
Seeding strategies in search-based unit test generation
Software Testing, Verification & Reliability (STVR), Volume 26, Issue 5Pages 366–401https://doi.org/10.1002/stvr.1601Search-based techniques have been applied successfully to the task of generating unit tests for object-oriented software. However, as for any meta-heuristic search, the efficiency heavily depends on many factors; seeding, which refers to the use of ...
- articleJune 2016
Using combinatorial testing to build navigation graphs for dynamic web applications
Software Testing, Verification & Reliability (STVR), Volume 26, Issue 4Pages 318–346https://doi.org/10.1002/stvr.1599Modelling a software system is often a challenging prerequisite to automatic test case generation. Modelling the navigation structure of a dynamic web application is particularly challenging because of the presence of a large number of pages that are ...
- articleJune 2016
Exhaustive test sets for algebraic specifications
Software Testing, Verification & Reliability (STVR), Volume 26, Issue 4Pages 294–317https://doi.org/10.1002/stvr.1598In the context of testing from algebraic specifications, test cases are ground formulas chosen amongst the ground semantic consequences of the specification, according to some possible additional observability conditions. A test set is said to be ...
- articleMay 2016
Probabilistic reasoning in diagnosing causes of program failures
Software Testing, Verification & Reliability (STVR), Volume 26, Issue 3Pages 176–210https://doi.org/10.1002/stvr.1583Fault localization is sensitive to program runs, and the pattern of fault propagation and manifestation in real software is extremely complex and uncertain. To accommodate the complexity and uncertainty, this paper presents a novel probabilistic graph ...
- articleMay 2016
Predicting metamorphic relations for testing scientific software: a machine learning approach using graph kernels
Software Testing, Verification & Reliability (STVR), Volume 26, Issue 3Pages 245–269https://doi.org/10.1002/stvr.1594Comprehensive, automated software testing requires an oracle to check whether the output produced by a test case matches the expected behaviour of the programme. But the challenges in creating suitable oracles limit the ability to perform automated ...
- articleMarch 2016
Generating effective test cases based on satisfiability modulo theory solvers for service-oriented workflow applications
Software Testing, Verification & Reliability (STVR), Volume 26, Issue 2Pages 149–169https://doi.org/10.1002/stvr.1592Web Service Business Process Execution Language WS-BPEL is one of the most popular service-oriented workflow applications. The unique features e.g.ï dead path elimination semantics and correlation mechanism of WS-BPEL applications have raised enormous ...
- articleMarch 2016
Model-based security testing: a taxonomy and systematic classification
Software Testing, Verification & Reliability (STVR), Volume 26, Issue 2Pages 119–148https://doi.org/10.1002/stvr.1580Model-based security testing relies on models to test whether a software system meets its security requirements. It is an active research field of high relevance for industrial applications, with many approaches and notable results published in recent ...
- articleJanuary 2016
Cause reduction: delta debugging, even without bugs
Software Testing, Verification & Reliability (STVR), Volume 26, Issue 1Pages 40–68https://doi.org/10.1002/stvr.1574What is a test case for? Sometimes, to expose a fault. Tests can also exercise code, use memory or time, or produce desired output. Given a desired effect, a test case can be seen as a cause, and its components divided into essential required for effect ...
- articleDecember 2015
Killing strategies for model-based mutation testing
Software Testing, Verification & Reliability (STVR), Volume 25, Issue 8Pages 716–748https://doi.org/10.1002/stvr.1522This article presents the techniques and results of a novel model-based test case generation approach that automatically derives test cases from UML state machines. The main contribution of this article is the fully automated fault-based test case ...
- articleDecember 2015
Assessing and generating test sets in terms of behavioural adequacy
Software Testing, Verification & Reliability (STVR), Volume 25, Issue 8Pages 749–780https://doi.org/10.1002/stvr.1575Identifying a finite test set that adequately captures the essential behaviour of a program such that all faults are identified is a well-established problem. This is traditionally addressed with syntactic adequacy metrics e.g.branch coverage, but these ...
- articleAugust 2015
Higher accuracy and lower run time: efficient mutation analysis using non-redundant mutation operators
Software Testing, Verification & Reliability (STVR), Volume 25, Issue 5-7Pages 490–507https://doi.org/10.1002/stvr.1561Mutation analysis is a powerful but computationally expensive method to measure the effectiveness of a testing or debugging technique. The high cost is due, in part, to redundant mutants generated by commonly used mutation operators. A mutant is said to ...
- articleAugust 2015
MuRanker: a mutant ranking tool
Software Testing, Verification & Reliability (STVR), Volume 25, Issue 5-7Pages 572–604https://doi.org/10.1002/stvr.1542Mutation testing is a fault-based software testing technique in which a large number of mutants are generated in order to assess the adequacy of test cases devised. One of the daunting problems in this area consists in determining whether a mutant can ...
- articleAugust 2015
Reducing mutation costs through uncovered mutants
Software Testing, Verification & Reliability (STVR), Volume 25, Issue 5-7Pages 464–489https://doi.org/10.1002/stvr.1534Mutation testing is a very effective testing technique that creates mutants in order to design test cases that will kill the mutants. One problem of mutation testing is high costs: creating mutants, executing mutants and calculating the mutation score. ...
- articleAugust 2015
Quality metrics for mutation testing with applications to WS-BPEL compositions
- Antonia Estero-Botaro,
- Francisco Palomo-Lozano,
- Inmaculada Medina-Bulo,
- Juan José Domínguez-Jiménez,
- Antonio García-Domínguez
Software Testing, Verification & Reliability (STVR), Volume 25, Issue 5-7Pages 536–571https://doi.org/10.1002/stvr.1528Mutation testing is a successful testing technique based on fault injection. However, it can be very costly, and several cost-reduction techniques for reducing the number of mutants have been proposed in the literature. Cost reduction can be aided by an ...
- articleAugust 2015
Model-based mutation testing from security protocols in HLPSL
Software Testing, Verification & Reliability (STVR), Volume 25, Issue 5-7Pages 684–711https://doi.org/10.1002/stvr.1531In recent years, important efforts have been made for offering a dedicated language for modelling and verifying security protocols. Outcome of the European project AVISPA, the high-level security protocol language HLPSL aims at providing a means for ...
- articleAugust 2015
Metallaxis-FL: mutation-based fault localization
Software Testing, Verification & Reliability (STVR), Volume 25, Issue 5-7Pages 605–628https://doi.org/10.1002/stvr.1509Fault localization methods seek to identify faulty program statements based on the information provided by the failing and passing test executions. Spectrum-based methods are among the most popular ones and assist programmers by assigning suspiciousness ...
- articleJune 2015
Coverage-based regression test case selection, minimization and prioritization: a case study on an industrial system
Software Testing, Verification & Reliability (STVR), Volume 25, Issue 4Pages 371–396https://doi.org/10.1002/stvr.1572This paper presents a case study of coverage-based regression testing techniques on a real world industrial system with real regression faults. The study evaluates four common prioritization techniques, a test selection technique, a test suite ...
- articleJune 2015
Are concurrency coverage metrics effective for testing: a comprehensive empirical investigation
Software Testing, Verification & Reliability (STVR), Volume 25, Issue 4Pages 334–370https://doi.org/10.1002/stvr.1539Testing multithreaded programs is inherently challenging, as programs can exhibit numerous thread interactions. To help engineers test these programs cost-effectively, researchers have proposed concurrency coverage metrics. These metrics are intended to ...