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We never charge extra for large or complex documents. Our plans are based on monthly usage with easy overages: if you go over your plan limit, it's a simple per-document price (based on your plan). On top of that, test documents are always free so you can take the time to get it right.

Plan Documents Price
Free 5 mo $0 mo
Basic 125 mo $15 mo
Professional 325 mo $29 mo
Premium 1,250 mo $75 mo
Max 5,000 mo $149 mo
Bronze 15,000 mo $399 mo
Silver 40,000 mo $1000 mo
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  • There is no overage allowed on the Free Plan

  • Unlimited extra documents are available on the Free Plan for 0¢ per document

  • Document hosting is not included with the Free Plan

  • Free Plan hosted document downloads are just 0¢ per download

  • Free Plan hosted document hosting is 1¢ per document per month (metered daily)

DocRaptor is used by organizations big and small