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Scaling Cryptocurrencies�via State Channels

Patrick McCorry

�with lots of help from Andrew Miller, Iddo Bentov, Surya Bakshi, Chris Buckland, Sarah Meiklejohn, and Karl Wust.


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Cryptocurrencies do not scale.


7 tps (sort of)

1 MB blocks

12 tps (sort of)�

Complexity of transaction


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What is the problem?


“Decentralisation and Public Verifiability”

Large user-base vs Large set of validators


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OK. How can we scale?


�Local consensus amongst participants involved in application


�“The chosen one” produces blocks and there is no competition!

Tweak Consensus Protocol

�DAG blockchain, etc.


�Peg coins to “another” blockchain that is maintained by another group of maintainers.

Local Consensus (Channel)

All parties execute and authorise every update.


�Distribute processing across several shards


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OK. How can we scale?


�Local consensus amongst participants involved in application


�“The chosen one” produces blocks and there is no competition!

Tweak Consensus Protocol

�DAG blockchain, etc.


�Peg coins to “another” blockchain that is maintained by another group of maintainers.

Local Consensus (Channel)

All parties execute and authorise every update.


�Distribute processing across several shards


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Spilman Payment Channels

Duplex Micropayment Channels

Lightning Channels

Raiden Channels

Payment channels

Only re-distribute deposit

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Spilman Payment Channels

Duplex Micropayment Channels

Lightning Channels

Raiden Channels

Sprites Channels


Perun Channels



State channels

gaming, voting, auctions, etc

Payment channels

Only re-distribute deposit

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What is a state channel?

Every party collectively authorises a new state of an application locally amongst themselves.

�The blockchain acts as a root of trust to guarantee:

Balance Security : Each party gets the coins they deserve

State Progression : The application will always progress


Observation: Liveness is *not really* a problem for payment channels!

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What modifications are required before an application can be deployed as a state channel?�

What applications make sense in a state channels?

What are the inherent weaknesses?

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What modifications are required before an application can be deployed as a state channel?�

What applications make sense in a state channels?

What are the inherent weaknesses?

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Application Contract

State Channel Contract

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Block 1

One way to set up the state channel

Let’s assume that battleship is already deployed

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Block 1

Block 2

One way to set up the state channel

σA,σB, “lock”

Alice and Bob agree to “lock up” the contract

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Block 1

Block 2

One way to set up the state channel

σA,σB, “lock”

Alice and Bob agree to “lock up” the contract

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Block 1

Block 2

One way to set up the state channel

σA,σB, “lock”

Alice and Bob agree to “lock up” the contract

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Block 1

Block 2

Block 3

One way to set up the state channel

State channel is created and the battleship game is frozen!

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How do we play battleship off-chain?

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Let’s pretend….

It is Alice’s turn to take a shot.

State 0

Turn in Game: Alice

Counter: 0

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If you squint hard enough…

Alice is shooting from a real battleship

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Replace by Monotonic Counter (or Version)

New state of game:

Bob’s turn to take a shot

State 0

Turn in Game: Alice

Counter: 0

State 1

Turn in Game: Bob

Counter: 1

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State 0

Turn in Game: Alice

Counter: 0

How does she “lock in” her shot?

State 1

Turn in Game: Bob

Counter: 1

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State 0

Turn in Game: Alice

Counter: 0

State 1

Turn in Game: Bob

Counter: 1

Attack command,


How does she “lock in” her shot?

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State 0

Turn in Game: Alice

Counter: 0

State 1

Turn in Game: Bob

Counter: 1

Attack command,


Bob computes the following…

State1’ = transition(state0, attack)

Does State1’ == State1?

Yay! Accept it!

How does she “lock in” her shot?

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State 0

Turn in Game: Alice

Counter: 0

State 1

Turn in Game: Bob

Counter: 1

How does she “lock in” her shot?

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State 0

Turn in Game: Alice

Counter: 0

State 1

Turn in Game: Bob

Counter: 1

How does she “lock in” her shot?

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State 0

Turn in Game: Alice

Counter: 0

All signed! Yay!

State 1

Turn in Game: Bob

Counter: 1

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Looks too good to be true?

What if Bob doesn’t respond?

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Every state channel has a dispute process to

self-enforce the app’s correct execution

In other words, if one party is no longer cooperating, then the app can be finished via the blockchain.

… so Alice will *always* get her money for winning!


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The Dispute Process

What if everyone doesn’t authorise the new state?

Block 1

Initiate Dispute

Initiate Dispute

One party can initiate the dispute process.

Sets a fixed time period for all parties to respond.

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The Dispute Process

What if everyone doesn’t authorise the new state?

Block 1

Block 2

Block ...

Block N-1

Initiate Dispute



Block 3



Send state hash

All parties can hash of latest state (alongside counter)

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The Dispute Process

What if everyone doesn’t authorise the new state?

Block 1

Block 2

Block ...

Block N-1

Block N

Initiate Dispute



Block 3

hstate, i+1

Resolve Dispute

Resolve Dispute

hstate, i+1 stored as the final commitment

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But it doesn’t come for free….

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Always online assumption:

All parties must remain online to detect and defend against execution forks

Alice is asleep and offline!

I can broadcast an older state and pretend the game never happened!



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Always online assumption:

All parties must remain online to detect and defend against execution forks

Block 1

Initiate Dispute

Initiates Dispute

Bob prepares to perform execution fork

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Always online assumption:

All parties must remain online to detect and defend against execution forks

Block 1

Initiate Dispute

Old Game State

Bob updates the blockchain with an older hstatei-1

σA,σB,hstatei-1 ,i-1

Block 2

Update State i-1

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Always online assumption:

All parties must remain online to detect and defend against execution forks

Block 1

Initiate Dispute

Block 2

Update State i-1

Block 3

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Always online assumption:

All parties must remain online to detect and defend against execution forks

Block 3

Block 2

Block 1

Initiate Dispute

Update State i-1

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Always online assumption:

All parties must remain online to detect and defend against execution forks

Block 3

Block 4


Will Bob get away with it?

Will Alice wake up to stop it?

Find out in the next slide!!!

Block 2

Block 1

Initiate Dispute

Update State i-1

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Always online assumption:

All parties must remain online to detect and defend against execution forks

Block 3

Block 4

Block 2

Block 1

Initiate Dispute

Update State i-1

Update State i

Block 5

Latest Game State

Alice wakes up and updates the blockchain with the latest hstatei

σA,σB,hstatei ,i

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Always online assumption:

All parties must remain online to detect and defend against execution forks

Block 3

Block 4

Block 2

Block 1

Initiate Dispute

Update State i-1

Update State i

Block 5

Execution Fork is Cancelled!

Alice keeps her winnings, but only because she remained online and responded at the right time!

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Can we help alleviate this new security requirement?


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Pisa: Hire an accountable third party!

State Privacy

Custodian should not learn about the state he is watching (unless there is a dispute on-chain!)

Fair Exchange

Custodian should be paid upon accepting appointment from customer

O(1) Storage

Custodian only has to store the latest job received from the customer!

Recourse as Financial Deterrent

There should be indisputable evidence that can be used to punish a malice Custodian

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Application-Agnostic State Channel (Kitsune)

Pisa Contract

Only cares about state hashes, signatures and counters.

Compatible with any application designed for a state channel.

Stores large security deposit for Pisa.

Awaits evidence of cheating from customers to self-enforce deposit forfeiture.

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Setting up Pisa

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Setting up Pisa

Pisa Contract

Stores a large security deposit upon set up.

Deposit can only be withdrawn after a fixed period of time.


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Setting up Pisa

Pisa Contract

Stores a large security deposit upon set up.

Deposit can only be withdrawn after a fixed period of time.


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Setting up Pisa

Pisa Contract

Stores a large security deposit upon set up.

Deposit can only be withdrawn after a fixed period of time.


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Setting up Pisa

Pisa Contract

Stores a large security deposit upon set up.

Deposit can only be withdrawn after a fixed period of time.


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Achieving State Privacy

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Achieving State Privacy

An Appointment to Pisa only contains:

A state hash, state version, and signature from all parties.

σA,σB,σC, H(statei+1,r), i+1


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Fair exchange of payment and cryptographic receipt

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Fair Exchange of Payment + Receipt

Payment + Appointment


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What if PISA cheats?

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Alice is back online… it is too late?

OH NO! Pisa cheated me!!!!

I’ve lost all my coins!

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It isn’t too late…

she has evidence that Pisa cheated

Dispute Record*

State channel contract records all successful disputes

Ratified and signed receipt

Evidence Pisa promised to prevent execution fork


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Evidence: Signed (and Ratified) Receipt + Dispute Record

Pisa Contract

State Channel Contract (Kitsune)

Signed (and Ratified) Receipt

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Evidence: Signed (and Ratified) Receipt + Dispute Record

Pisa Contract

State Channel Contract (Kitsune)

Signed (and Ratified) Receipt

Request Disputes

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Evidence: Signed (and Ratified) Receipt + Dispute Record

Pisa Contract

State Channel Contract (Kitsune)

Signed (and Ratified) Receipt

Request Disputes

List of disputes

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Evidence: Signed (and Ratified) Receipt + Dispute Record

Pisa Contract

State Channel Contract (Kitsune)

Signed (and Ratified) Receipt

Request Disputes

List of disputes

*compares receipt + list of disputes*

Yup! Pisa could have saved the day.

Sorry, I must forfeit the entire security deposit.

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Revenge is sweet

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Privacy Preserving

Verifiable Job


Fair Exchange (Job + Reward)

Publicly Verifiable Warrant

Financial Deterrent (and Accountability)

Deployable Today







All good!

Not in original protocol,

but compatible


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We are building it

Untrusted Co-ordinator & k-out-of-N watchers

  • Criticism: There is only one watcher, how can we trust it?
  • Moving forward: A distributed set of watchers can agree to watch it (tradeoff between availability of watchers and security deposit)

Proving liabilities and assets watched over?

  • PISA could be watching 10k channels worth $1m, but only have $10k locked up.
  • We are investigating Proof of Solvency to give a guarantee about liabilities and assets.
  • http://www.jbonneau.com/doc/DBBCB15-CCS-provisions.pdf

Why don’t you have a side-chain for hiring a bunch of watchers at the same time?

  • We don’t need it. It doesn’t appear worth the engineering effort.
  • We are going to build distributed watchers and keep the “off-chain” principle that makes them great

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Final thoughts and future work

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1 transaction to turn on channel

200+ transactions authorised off-chain for a single game of battleship

1 transaction to turn off channel

Ideal case: No latency, no fees, two transactions on the blockchain

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1 transaction to turn on channel

200+ transactions ALL on-chain for a single game of battleship

2-3 off-chain transactions to set up game

Worst case: Commit to playing game, turn off channel, play entire game on-chain.

1 transaction to turn off channel

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Why is worst-case really bad?

A transaction fee for every move in the game

LAG! Latency each move can take 5-10 minutes

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Why is worst-case really bad?

A transaction fee for every move in the game

LAG! Latency each move can take 5-10 minutes

Ready to pay $24 and nearly 16 hours to finish the game?

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Why is worst-case really bad?

A transaction fee for every move in the game

LAG! Latency each move can take 5-10 minutes

Ready to pay $24 and nearly 16 hours to finish the game?

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Outstanding Research Problems?

  • Reputation system is non-trivial
    • We cannot yet distinguish why the channel failed
    • Did Alice really send a signed state to Bob? Or is Bob simply lying? �
  • Inducing Cooperative Behaviour
    • What needs to be satisfied to ensure all parties are willing to cooperate within the channel?
    • At the same time, an honest party must never be discouraged from disputing too!�
  • Self-inspection of Blockchain Congestion
    • Transaction fees go to the moon when the blockchain is congested
    • Can we look at the previous k of n blocks to determine if “it was affordable for an honest party to resolve a dispute?”

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Off-chain (Layer-2) Eco-System Overview

Off-chain Channels



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Off-chain (Layer-2) Eco-System Overview

Off-chain Channels



Non-Custodial Hubs

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Off-chain (Layer-2) Eco-System Overview

Off-chain Channels



Non-Custodial Hubs

Non-Custodial and SUPER-fast payment/application network!!!

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Off-chain (Layer-2) Eco-System Overview


Off-chain Channels



Non-Custodial Hubs

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Off-chain (Layer-2) Eco-System Overview


Off-chain Channels


Block 1

Block 2

Block 3


Non-Custodial Hubs

Settlement System and Root of Trust of all Layer 2

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Off-chain (Layer-2) Eco-System Overview


Off-chain Channels


Block 1

Block 2

Block 3


Non-Custodial Hubs

Settlement System and Root of Trust of all Layer 2

Our vision: https://goo.gl/tNi1ch

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Two years later.

We are on the verge of practical and deployable state channels.

Magic unicorns need not apply.

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Thanks for listening!

Follow us on twitter! https://twitter.com/PisaResearch