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Oracle Solaris 11.1 Administration: Security Services     Oracle Solaris 11.1 Information Library
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Part I Security Overview

1.  Security Services (Overview)

Part II System, File, and Device Security

2.  Managing Machine Security (Overview)

3.  Controlling Access to Systems (Tasks)

4.  Virus Scanning Service (Tasks)

5.  Controlling Access to Devices (Tasks)

6.  Verifying File Integrity by Using BART (Tasks)

BART (Overview)

BART Features

BART Components

BART Manifest

BART Report

BART Rules File

BART Manifests, Rules Files, and Reports (Reference)

BART Manifest File Format

BART Rules File Format

Rules File Attributes

Quoting Syntax

BART Reporting

BART Output

7.  Controlling Access to Files (Tasks)

Part III Roles, Rights Profiles, and Privileges

8.  Using Roles and Privileges (Overview)

9.  Using Role-Based Access Control (Tasks)

10.  Security Attributes in Oracle Solaris (Reference)

Part IV Cryptographic Services

11.  Cryptographic Framework (Overview)

12.  Cryptographic Framework (Tasks)

13.  Key Management Framework

Part V Authentication Services and Secure Communication

14.  Using Pluggable Authentication Modules

15.  Using Secure Shell

16.  Secure Shell (Reference)

17.  Using Simple Authentication and Security Layer

18.  Network Services Authentication (Tasks)

Part VI Kerberos Service

19.  Introduction to the Kerberos Service

20.  Planning for the Kerberos Service

21.  Configuring the Kerberos Service (Tasks)

22.  Kerberos Error Messages and Troubleshooting

23.  Administering Kerberos Principals and Policies (Tasks)

24.  Using Kerberos Applications (Tasks)

25.  The Kerberos Service (Reference)

Part VII Auditing in Oracle Solaris

26.  Auditing (Overview)

27.  Planning for Auditing

28.  Managing Auditing (Tasks)

29.  Auditing (Reference)



Using BART (Tasks)

The bart command is used to create and compare manifests. Any user can run this command. However, users can only catalog and monitor files that they have permission to access. So, users and most roles can usefully catalog the files in their home directory, but the root account can catalog all files, including system files.

BART Security Considerations

BART manifests and reports are readable by anyone. If BART output might contain sensitive information, take appropriate measures to protect the output. For example, use options that generate output files with restrictive permissions or place output files in a protected directory.

Using BART (Task Map)

For Instructions
Create a BART manifest.
Generates a list of information about every file that is installed on a system.
Create a custom BART manifest.
Generates a list of information about specific files that are installed on a system.
Compare BART manifests.
Generates a report that compares changes to a system over time.

Or, generates a report that compares one or several systems to a control system.

(Optional) Customize a BART report.
Generates a custom BART report in one of the following ways:
  • By specifying attributes

  • By using a rules file

How to Create a Control Manifest

This procedure explains how to create a baseline manifest for your system. Use this type of manifest when you are installing many systems from a central image. Or, use this type of manifest to run comparisons when you want to verify that the installations are identical. For more information about baseline manifests, see BART Manifest. To understand the format conventions, see Example 6-1.

Note - Do not attempt to catalog networked file systems. Using BART to monitor networked file systems consumes large resources to generate manifests of little value.

Before You Begin

To create a control manifest of your system, you must assume the root role.

  1. After customizing your Oracle Solaris system to your site's security requirements, create a control manifest and redirect the output to a file.
    # bart create options > control-manifest

    Specifies the root directory for the manifest. All paths specified by the rules are interpreted relative to this directory. All paths reported in the manifest are relative to this directory.


    Accepts a list of individual files to be cataloged, either on the command line or read from standard input.


    Is the name of the rules file for this manifest. A - argument reads the rules file from standard input.


    Turns off content signatures for all regular files in the file list. This option can be used to improve performance. Or, you can use this option if the contents of the file list are expected to change, as in the case of system log files.

  2. Examine the contents of the manifest.

    For an explanation of the format, see Example 6-1.

  3. (Optional) Protect the manifest.

    One way to protect system manifests is to place them in a directory that only the root account can access.

    # mkdir /var/adm/log/bartlogs
    # chmod 700 /var/adm/log/bartlogs
    # mv control-manifest /var/adm/log/bartlogs

    Choose a meaningful name for the manifest. For example, use the system name and date that the manifest was created, as in mach1-120312.

Example 6-1 Explanation of the BART Manifest Format

In this example, an explanation of the manifest format follows the sample output.

# bart create
! Version 1.1
! Friday, September 07, 2012 (22:22:27)
# Format:
#fname D size mode acl dirmtime uid gid
#fname P size mode acl mtime uid gid
#fname S size mode acl mtime uid gid
#fname F size mode acl mtime uid gid contents
#fname L size mode acl lnmtime uid gid dest
#fname B size mode acl mtime uid gid devnode
#fname C size mode acl mtime uid gid devnode
/ D 1024 40755 user::rwx,group::r-x,mask:r-x,other:r-x
3ebc418eb5be3729ffe7e54053be2d33ee884205502c81ae9689cd8cca5b0090 0 0
/zone D 512 40755 user::rwx group::r-x,mask:r-x,other:r-x 3f81e892
154de3e7bdfd0d57a074c9fae0896a9e2e04bebfe5e872d273b063319e57f334 0 0

Each manifest consists of a header and file entries. Each file entry is a single line, depending on the file type. For example, for each file entry in the preceding output, type F specifies a file and type D specifies a directory. Also listed is information about size, content, user ID, group ID, and permissions. File entries in the output are sorted by the encoded versions of the file names to correctly handle special characters. All entries are sorted in ascending order by file name. All nonstandard file names, such as those that contain embedded newline or tab characters, quote the nonstandard characters before sorting.

Lines that begin with ! supply metadata about the manifest. The manifest version line indicates the manifest specification version. The hash line indicates the hash mechanism that was used. For more information about the SHA256 hash that is used as a checksum, see the sha2(3EXT) man page.

The date line shows the date on which the manifest was created, in date form. See the date(1) man page. Some lines are ignored by the manifest comparison tool. Ignored lines include metadata, blank lines, lines that consist only of white space, and comments that begin with #.

How to Customize a Manifest

You can customize a manifest in one of the following ways:

Before You Begin

You must assume the root role. For more information, see How to Use Your Assigned Administrative Rights.

  1. Determine which files to catalog and monitor.
  2. Create a custom manifest by using one of the following options:
    • By specifying a subtree:

      # bart create -R subtree
    • By specifying a file name or file names:

      # bart create -I filename...

      For example:

      # bart create -I /etc/system /etc/passwd /etc/shadow
    • By using a rules file:

      # bart create -r rules-file
  3. Examine the contents of the manifest.
  4. (Optional) Save the manifest in a protected directory for future use.

    For an example, see Step 3 in How to Create a Control Manifest.

    Tip - If you used a rules file, save the rules file with the manifest. For a useful comparison, you must run the comparison with the rules file.

How to Compare Manifests for the Same System Over Time

By comparing manifests over time, you can locate corrupted or unusual files, detect security breaches, and troubleshoot performance issues on a system.

Before You Begin

To create and compare manifests that include system files, you must assume the root role.

  1. Create a control manifest of the files to monitor on the system.
    # bart create -R /etc > control-manifest
  2. (Optional) Save the manifest in a protected directory for future use.

    For an example, see Step 3 in How to Create a Control Manifest.

  3. At a later time, prepare an identical manifest to the control manifest.
    # bart create -R /etc > test-manifest
  4. Protect the second manifest.
    # mv test-manifest /var/adm/log/bartlogs
  5. Compare the two manifests.

    Use the same command-line options and rules file to compare the manifests that you used to create them.

    # bart compare options control-manifest test-manifest > bart-report
  6. Examine the BART report for oddities.

Example 6-2 Tracking File Changes for the Same System Over Time

This example shows how to track the changes in the /etc directory over time. This type of comparison enables you to locate important files on the system that have been compromised.

The output indicates that the modification time on the audit_class file has changed since the control manifest was created. If this change is unexpected, you can investigate further.

How to Compare Manifests From Different Systems

By comparing manifests from different systems, you can determine if the systems are installed identically or have been upgraded in synch. For example, if you customized your systems to a particular security target, this comparison finds any discrepancies between the manifest that represents your security target, and the manifests from the other systems.

Before You Begin

To compare system manifests, you must assume the root role.

  1. Create a control manifest.
    # bart create options > control-manifest

    For the options, see the bart(1M) man page.

  2. (Optional) Save the manifest in a protected directory for future use.

    For an example, see Step 3 in How to Create a Control Manifest.

  3. On the test system, use the same bart options to create a manifest.
    # bart create options > test1-manifest
  4. (Optional) Save the manifest in a protected directory for future use.
  5. To perform the comparison, copy the manifests to a central location.

    For example:

    # cp control-manifest /net/test-server/var/adm/logs/bartlogs

    If the test system is not an NFS-mounted system, use sftp or another reliable means to copy the manifests to a central location.

  6. Compare the manifests and redirect the output to a file.
    # bart compare control-manifest test1-manifest >
  7. Examine the BART report for oddities.

Example 6-3 Identifying a Suspect File in the /usr/bin Directory

This example compares the contents of the /usr/bin directory on two systems.

The output indicates that the group ID of the su file in the /usr/bin directory is not the same as that of the control system. This information might indicate that a different version of the software was installed on the test system. Because the GID is changed, the more likely reason is that someone has tampered with the file.

How to Customize a BART Report by Specifying File Attributes

This procedure is useful to filter the output from existing manifests for specific file attributes.

Before You Begin

You must assume the root role. For more information, see How to Use Your Assigned Administrative Rights.

  1. Determine which file attributes to check.
  2. Compare two manifests that contain the file attributes to be checked.

    For example:

    # bart compare -i lnmtime,mtime control-manifest.121511 \ 
    test-manifest.010512 >

    Use a comma in the command-line syntax to separate each file attribute.

  3. Examine the BART report for oddities.

How to Customize a BART Report by Using a Rules File

By using a rules file, you can customize a BART manifest for particular files and file attributes of interest. By using different rules files on default BART manifests, you can run different comparisons for the same manifests.

Before You Begin

You must assume the root role. For more information, see How to Use Your Assigned Administrative Rights.

  1. Determine which files and file attributes to monitor.
  2. Create a rules file with the appropriate directives.
  3. Create a control manifest with the rules file that you created.
    # bart create -r myrules1-file > control-manifest
  4. (Optional) Save the manifest in a protected directory for future use.

    For an example, see Step 3 in How to Create a Control Manifest.

  5. Create an identical manifest on a different system, at a later time, or both.
    # bart create -r myrules1-file > test-manifest
  6. Compare the manifests by using the same rules file.
    # bart compare -r myrules1-file control-manifest test-manifest >
  7. Examine the BART report for oddities.

Example 6-4 Using a Rules File to Customize BART Manifests and the Comparison Report

The following rules file directs the bart create command to list all attributes of the files in the /usr/bin directory. In addition, the rules file directs the bart compare command to report only size and content changes in the same directory.

# Check size and content changes in the /usr/bin directory.
# This rules file only checks size and content changes.
# See rules file example.

CHECK size contents

The preceding output indicates that the /usr/bin/ypcat file was deleted, and the /usr/bin/gunzip file was added.