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In his milestone paper in 1949 [43] Shannon defines perfect secrecy for secret-key systems and shows that they exist. A secret-key cipher obtains perfect secrecy if for all plaintexts x and all ciphertexts y it holds that \(\mbox{Pr}(x)=\mbox{Pr}(x|y)\) (see Information Theory and [43]). In other words, a ciphertext y gives no information about the plaintext. This definition leads to the following result.

COROLLARY 1. A cipher with perfect secrecy is unconditionally secure against a ciphertext-onlyattack.

As noted by Shannon the Vernam cipher, also called the one-time pad\/, obtains perfect secrecy. In the one-time pad the plaintext characters are added with independent key characters to produce the ciphertexts. However, the practical applications of perfect secret-key ciphers are limited, since it requires as many digits of secret key as there are digits to be enciphered. A more desirable situation would be if the same key could be used to encrypt texts of many more bits.

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Knudsen, L.R. (2005). Block ciphers. In: van Tilborg, H.C.A. (eds) Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security. Springer, Boston, MA . https://doi.org/10.1007/0-387-23483-7_33

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