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Data encryption standard (DES)

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Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security

The Data Encryption Standard (DES) [31] has been around for more than 25 years. During this time the standard was revised three times: as FIPS-46-1 in 1988, as FIPS-46-2 in 1993 and as FIPS-46-3 in 1999. DES was an outcome of a call for primitives in 1974, which did not result in many serious candidates except for a predecessor of DES, Lucifer [15, 36] designed by IBM around 1971. It took another year for a joint IBM–NSA effort to turn Lucifer into DES. The structure of Lucifer was significantly altered: since the design rationale was never made public and the secret key size was reduced from 128-bit to 56-bits, this initially resulted in controversy, and some distrust among the public. After some delay, FIPS-46 was published by NBS (National Bureau of Standards)—now NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology)—on January 15, 1977 [31] (see [35] for a discussion of the standardization process).

However, in spite of all the controversy it is hard to underestimate the role of...

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    Note that DES is strong but not optimal against linear cryptanalysis or improved Davies' attack, for example simple reordering of the S-boxes would make the cipher less vulnerable to these attacks without spoiling its strength against the differential attack [24]. This could indicate that the designers of DES did not know about such attacks.


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Biryukov, A., De Cannière, C. (2005). Data encryption standard (DES). In: van Tilborg, H.C.A. (eds) Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security. Springer, Boston, MA . https://doi.org/10.1007/0-387-23483-7_94

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