The S-connectivity
(u,v) of (u,v) in a graph G is the maximum number of uv-paths that no two of them have an edge or a node in S–{u,v} in common. The corresponding Connectivity Augmentation (CA) problem is: given a graph G
0), S ⊆ V, and requirements r(u,v) on V ×V, find a minimum size set F of new edges (any edge is allowed) so that \(\lambda^S_{G_0+F}(u,v) \geq r(u,v)\) for all u,v ∈V. Extensively studied particular cases are the edge-
CA (when S=∅) and the node-
CA (when S=V). A. Frank gave a polynomial algorithm for undirected edge-CA and observed that the directed case even with r(u,v) ∈{0,1} is at least as hard as the Set-Cover problem. Both directed and undirected node-CA have approximation threshold \(\Omega(2^{\log^{1-\varepsilon}n})\). We give an approximation algorithm that matches these approximation thresholds. For both directed and undirected CA with arbitrary requirements our approximation ratio is: O(logn) for S ≠V arbitrary, and O(r
logn) for S=V, where r
max= max
u,v ∈ V
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Kortsarz, G., Nutov, Z. (2006). Tight Approximation Algorithm for Connectivity Augmentation Problems. In: Bugliesi, M., Preneel, B., Sassone, V., Wegener, I. (eds) Automata, Languages and Programming. ICALP 2006. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 4051. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/11786986_39
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/11786986_39
Publisher Name: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Print ISBN: 978-3-540-35904-3
Online ISBN: 978-3-540-35905-0
eBook Packages: Computer ScienceComputer Science (R0)