The article deals with the semantic aspect of the argumentative discourse. Argumentation has long been studied in the realm of the rhetorical science, though a research into the functioning of linguistic means on which any verbal human interaction is based can present to us some subtle mechanisms that subconsciously govern the process of persuasion and decision-making. The particular research reflected in this paper tries to cast some light upon argumentative power of evaluative semantics. A person who has to make a decision about something, attaches a certain value to it; by building argumentative discourse while employing and operating evaluative notions, authors are able to lead addressees to a certain desired attitude. The highest appeal have sublimated (ethical, aesthetical, emotive) evaluations, though evaluations, based on perceptive sensations may be propelled to have sublimated charge. Such a mechanism is the major point of investigation in the present paper.
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Gavenko, S.V. (2001). Analysis of the Argumentative Effect of Evaluative Semantics in Natural Language. In: Alexandrov, V.N., Dongarra, J.J., Juliano, B.A., Renner, R.S., Tan, C.J.K. (eds) Computational Science — ICCS 2001. ICCS 2001. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 2073. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-45545-0_110
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-45545-0_110
Publisher Name: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Print ISBN: 978-3-540-42232-7
Online ISBN: 978-3-540-45545-5
eBook Packages: Springer Book Archive