Face recognition using standard 2D images struggles to cope with changes in illumination and pose. 3D face recognition algorithms have been more successful in dealing with these challenges. 3D face shape data is used as an independent cue for face recognition and has also been combined with texture to facilitate multimodal face recognition. Additionally, 3D face models have been used for pose correction and calculation of the facial albedo map, which is invariant to illumination. Finally, 3D face recognition has also achieved significant success towards expression invariance by modeling non-rigid surface deformations, removing facial expressions or by using parts-based face recognition. This chapter gives an overview of 3D face recognition and details both well-established and more recent state-of-the-art 3D face recognition techniques in terms of their implementation and expected performance on benchmark datasets.
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This may be referred to as a 3D model, a 3D scan or a 3D image, depending on the mode of capture and how it is stored, as discussed in Chap. 1, Sect 1.1. Be careful to distinguish between a specific face model relating to a single specific 3D capture instance and a general face model, such as Blanz and Vetter’s morphable face model [11], which is generated from many registered 3D face captures.
- 2.
3D points are structured in a rectangular array and since (x,y) values are included, strictly it is not a range image, which contains z-values only.
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Mian, A., Pears, N. (2012). 3D Face Recognition. In: Pears, N., Liu, Y., Bunting, P. (eds) 3D Imaging, Analysis and Applications. Springer, London. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4471-4063-4_8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4471-4063-4_8
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