Years and Authors of Summarized Original Work
2006; Kaporis, Spirakis
Problem Definition
Stackelberg games [15] may model the interplay among an authority and rational individuals that selfishly demand resources on a large-scale network. In such a game, the authority (Leader) of the network is modeled by a distinguished player. The selfish users (Followers) are modeled by the remaining players.
It is well known that selfish behavior may yield a Nash Equilibrium with cost arbitrarily higher than the optimum one, yielding unbounded Coordination Ratio or Price of Anarchy (PoA) [7, 13]. Leader plays his strategy first assigning a portion of the total demand to some resources of the network. Followers observe and react selfishly assigning their demand to the most appealing resources. Leader aims to drive the system to an a posteriori Nash equilibrium with cost close to the overall optimum one [4, 6, 8, 10]. Leader may also be eager for his own rather than system’s performance [2, 3].