
1 Introduction

Given the growing complexity of the information radiologists are faced with interpreting, automatic image interpretation is becoming inevitable. However, the more knowledge of the image characteristics, the more structured is the radiology report and hence, the more efficient are the radiologists regarding interpretation. We present in this work a new, free and accessible dataset that concentrates on the detection of contextual object interplay solely in radiology images. Knowledge on semantic relations supplemented with visual elements improves the image understanding and interpretation.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Overview of the workflow used for the ROCO dataset development.

The Radiology Objects in Context (ROCO) dataset has two classes: Radiology and Out-Of-Class. The first contains 81,825 radiology images with several medical imaging modalities including, Computer Tomography (CT), Ultrasound, X-Ray, Fluoroscopy, Positron Emission Tomography (PET), Mammography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Angiography and PET-CT. The latter contains 6,127 out-of-class samples, including synthetic radiology figures, digital art and portraits. The corresponding captions, keywords, UMLS (Unified Medical Language System) Semantic Types (SemTypes) [3], UMLS Concept Unique Identifiers (CUIs) [3] and download link is distributed for each image. Generative models trained on ROCO image - caption pairs can be used to automatically create natural sentences describing radiology images, as proposed in [14, 23]. The keywords distributed can be adopted for multi-class classification tasks, semantic tagging and multi-modal image representation, as this has proven to obtain higher prediction results [15]. Each ROCO image has a ftp-download link, containing the figure name and PMC identifier, which can be used to extract the image and corresponding article. Information on how to download the ROCO dataset as well as details on baseline creation are provided on the project websiteFootnote 1.

ROCO was created using datasets listed in Sect. 3 with the dataset gathering approach explained in Sect. 4 and displayed in Fig. 1. Example of images and corresponding text information are displayed in Sect. 5.

2 Related Work

Research datasets aid the evaluation of model algorithms as well as create new research focus topics. Hence, there is need for extensive, large-scale and easily accessible datasets. ImageNet [19] is a popular and often applied dataset for image classification tasks. It contains 500–1,000 images for over 22 thousand categories each. The Microsoft Common Objects in Context (MSCOCO), a dataset for detailed object model learning of 2D localization, was presented in [10]. It contains 91 common object categories with each category having over 5,000 labeled instances [10].

In the medical domain, several datasets have been introduced. Since 2003, ImageCLEF organizes image retrieval evaluation campaigns and with each year several computer vision task with accompanying datasets. In ImageCLEF 2009 [22] and ImageCLEF 2010 [12], a dataset with 77,506 images was made accessible by the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). The recently presented ChestX-ray14 dataset released by [17] contains 112,120 frontal-view X-ray images of 30,805 unique patients. Each image is annotated with approximately 14 different thoracic pathology labels and is labeled positive when pneumonia is present and negative when not [17].

The proposed ROCO dataset provides medical knowledge, originated from peer-reviewed scientific biomedical literature with different textual annotations and a broad scope of medical imaging techniques. The dataset is easily accessible, as the originating source is open access. Image and information retrieval tasks with textual and content-/context-based searching can be initiated as many health informatics systems struggle with unstructured medical entities.

3 Datasets

3.1 PubMedCentral Database

The PMC archive contains of over 4.8 million articles which are provided by 2,110 full participants, 329 NIH portfolio and 4,597 selective deposit journals, and was initiated in 1999 [18]. This electronic archive offers free access to full-text journal articles with corresponding PubMed Central identifiers (PMCID). As database development method, the PubMedCentral Open Access Subset was chosen, due to the free access and trustworthy source. This subset was extracted between 2018-01-17 - 2018-01-21 and contains 1,828,575 archives/documents made available under a Creative Commons or similar license. From these archives, a total number of 6,031,814 image - caption pairs were extracted, as some articles contain no or several images.

3.2 ImageCLEF 2015 Medical Classification

This dataset was distributed for the compound detection task at the ImageCLEF 2015 Medical Classification Tasks and contains 20,867 figures, split into 10,433 and 10,434 images for training and test sets, respectively. The training set has 6,144 compound and 4,289 non-compound images [5]. This dataset set was used for training and classification of the extracted PubMed figures to compound and non-compound.

3.3 ImageCLEF 2013/2016 Medical Task

The images distributed at the subfigure classification task of ImageCLEF 2013 [4] and ImageCLEF 2016 [6] are annotated using the classification scheme shown in Fig. 2. The images from both datasets are used for training the image classifier used to detect radiology/non-radiology figures.

Following [7], the ImageCLEF 2016 training set of 6,775 images was extended with images from the ImageCLEF 2015 dataset, which resulted in 10,137 training images in total.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Illustration adopted from [11].

Classification scheme adopted for the subfigure classification task at ImageCLEF 2013 and ImageCLEF 2016.

4 Methodology

As deep learning techniques [9] have improved prediction accuracies in image classification [8] and in applications such as medical imaging [24], a deep learning architecture is used to filter the extracted PMC subset and is described in Subsect. 4.1. The procedure of extracting keywords, UMLS CUIs and Semantic Types is explained in Subsect. 4.2.

4.1 Filtering PubMedCentral Database

For filtering the 6,031,814 image - caption pairs to just radiology and non-compound figures, annotated images from the medical tasks of ImageCLEF 2013, 2015 and 2016 were utilized, which is explained below.

Removing Compound Figures. First, compound and non-compound images need to be separated in order to isolate images of interest. The authors in [5, 6] also published a dataset with annotations to slice compound figures into corresponding non-compound image panes. However, this process including the human examination is time consuming. In order to detect compound or non-compound images automatically, neural networks were trained on images from the compound figure detection task of ImageCLEF 2015 [5]. The performance of the trained model was evaluated on the official test set including 10,434 images, resulting in approximately 90% accuracy.

For all neural network models, the popular Tensorflow [1] framework was utilized in conjunction with the slim training frameworkFootnote 2. As underlying feature extractor network, the Inception-ResNet-V2 [21] was adopted. Since the datasets are too small to train a generalizable model, the pre-trained ImageNet model weights [19] were used for initialization. The last layer was replaced with two random initialized units outputs. The training process was split into two steps. First, only the last layer was trained using the RMSProp optimizer with epoch=1, learning rate=\(1\mathrm {e}{-3}\), weight decay=\(1\mathrm {e}{-4}\) and mini batch=32. Afterwards, the whole network was trained with epoch=30, learning rate=[\(1\mathrm {e}{-2}\),\(1\mathrm {e}{-3}\),\(1\mathrm {e}{-4}\)], weight decay=\(4\mathrm {e}{-5}\) and mini batch=32.

All images were preprocessed following the proposals of [7]. Additionally, all images were resized to 360 pixel square images, preserving the original aspect ratio and filling areas with white as background color. The network was trained on 299 pixel square images, which were randomly cropped from the preprocessed images at run-time. For data augmentation, the standard Inception preprocessing implemented in Slim was adopted.

Filtering for Radiological Images. All non-compound images were further processed by a second neural network to predict if it is a radiological image or not. The model performance was evaluated using the ImageCLEF 2016 test set, which includes 4,166 images labeled with the classification scheme shown in Fig. 2. For this task, all seven categories of “DRxx Radiology” are fused into a radiological label, the remaining 23 labels are fused into a non-radiological label.

For training the same schedule as for the compound figure detection dataset was used. The final model achieved an accuracy of \(98.6\%\) for the binary classification of radiological vs non-radiological image. Please note, the ImageCLEF subfigure classification datasets are highly unbalanced and only 1,500 images of the extended training set of 10,137 images were labeled as radiological.

Revision of Final Images. After filtering for non-compound and radiology images, the extracted PMC subset was reduced to 87,952 figures. A final revision of these images was done and false positives were manually detected. These include synthetic radiology images, illustrations, portraits, digital artwork, compound radiology images, and make up the out-of-class set, as shown in Fig. 4.

4.2 Caption Preprocessing

The captions of all 87,952 images from the filtered final subset were preprocessed in two steps and are described as follows:

Caption to Keywords. Focusing on image and information retrieval purposes, certain contents in biomedical figure captions are undesirable and should be omitted. These are the performed preprocessing steps: Compound Figure Delimiter: 67.26% of biomedical figures in PubMed Central are compound figures. These captions most likely address the subfigures using delimiters. Such delimiters were detected and removed. An excerpt of delimiters removed is listed in [13]. English Stopwords: Using the NLTK Stopword corpus, present stopwords in the captions were omitted. This corpus contains 2,400 stopwords for 11 languages [2]. Special Characters and Single Digits: Special characters such as symbols, punctuations, metrics, etc. and words which consist of just numbers were removed. Word Stemming: To reduce complexity, the captions are stemmed using Snowball Stemming [16]. Noun and Adjectives: The remaining words from the processed captions were trimmed down to nouns and adjectives, as these content the important contextual information. The trimmed captions are the proposed keywords.

Keywords to UMLS CUIs and SemTypes. With the derived keywords, UMLS Concept Unique Identifiers and Semantic types are extracted. The transformation from keywords to CUIs and SemTypes was achieved using QuickUMLS, which is a fast, unsupervised, and approximate dictionary matching algorithm [20]. The parameters used are: overlapping criteria=score, similarity name=jaccard, threshold=0.7, window=5, ngram length=3.

5 Results

An excerpt of images included in the radiology subset is displayed in Fig. 3, showing the various medical imaging modalities. Some images of the additional out-of-class, such as portraits, digital arts, are displayed in Fig. 4. Figure 5 shows a ROCO image with all textual information extracted from the caption, with PMCID needed for downloading the articles.

ROCO consists of the subsets ‘radiology’ and ‘out-of-class’, representing the 81,825 true positives and 6,127 false positives, respectively. The figures in the ‘out-of-class’ set includes synthetic radiology images, clinical photos, portraits, compound radiology images as well as digital art.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Examples of images contained in the ROCO dataset, illustrating the variety of medical imaging modalities. All images belong to the ‘Radiology’ subset.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Examples of images contained in the ROCO dataset, illustrating contents of the ‘Out-Of-Class’ subset. All figures were randomly chosen.

For reproducible and evaluation purposes, a random 80/10/10 split was applied on the ROCO dataset. Following this split, a training set with (65,460 ‘radiology’ and 4,902 ‘out-of-class’) images, a validation set with (8,183 ‘radiology’ and 612 ‘out-of-class’) images and a test set with (8,182 ‘radiology’ and 613 ‘out-of-class’) images, was created.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

An example of a ROCO image, showing corresponding caption, keywords, UMLS CUIs, UMLS Semantic Types and PMCID download link.

6 Conclusion

To create modeling approaches regarding the detection of contextual object interplay in radiology images, the Radiology Objects in COntext (ROCO) dataset is introduced in this paper. ROCO does not focus on a single specific disease or anatomical structure but addresses several medical imaging modalities. The database development method was to extract all articles available in the PubMed Central Open Access Subset.

To filter the 6,031,814 images to radiology and non-compound figures, two automatic binary classifiers fine-tuned with a deep convolutional neural network system were trained. For data standardization and additional image inter-relations, the textual annotation per image is extended with the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) Concept Unique Identifiers (CUIs) and Semantic Types (SemType). These were achieved by processing the image captions to keywords and using QuickUMLS to transform these keywords to CUIs and SemTypes.

The keywords can be adopted as textual features for multi-modal image representations in classification tasks, as well as for multi-class image classification and labeling. Automatic keyword generation models can be designed using ROCO image - keyword pairs, enabling perceivable order for unstructured and unlabeled radiology images and for datasets lacking textual representations. Natural sentences describing radiology images can be created using generative models trained with ROCO image - caption pairs. This will offer additional knowledge of the images and not be limited to solely visual representations.

In future work, an extensive evaluation on ROCO will be performed. This will include baselines for specific applications such as, generative models for image captioning and keywords, image classification using multi-modal image representation and information and image retrieval using semantic labeling.