The security of the Jao-De Feo Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman (SIDH) key agreement scheme is based on the intractability of the Computational Supersingular Isogeny (CSSI) problem—computing \({\mathbb F}_{p^2}\)-rational isogenies of degrees \(2^e\) and \(3^e\) between certain supersingular elliptic curves defined over \({\mathbb F}_{p^2}\). The classical meet-in-the-middle attack on CSSI has an expected running time of \(O(p^{1/4})\), but also has \(O(p^{1/4})\) storage requirements. In this paper, we demonstrate that the van Oorschot-Wiener golden collision finding algorithm has a lower cost (but higher running time) for solving CSSI, and thus should be used instead of the meet-in-the-middle attack to assess the security of SIDH against classical attacks. The smaller parameter p brings significantly improved performance for SIDH.
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1 Introduction
The Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman (SIDH) key agreement scheme was proposed by Jao and De Feo [14] (see also [9]). It is one of 69 candidates being considered by the U.S. government’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for inclusion in a forthcoming standard for quantum-safe cryptography [13]. The security of SIDH is based on the difficulty of the Computational Supersingular Isogeny (CSSI) problem, which was first defined by Charles, Goren and Lauter [4] in their paper that introduced an isogeny-based hash function. The CSSI problem is also the basis for the security of isogeny-based signature schemes [11, 30] and an undeniable signature scheme [15].
Let p be a prime, let \(\ell \) be a small prime (e.g., \(\ell \in \{ 2,3\}\)), and let E and \(E'\) be two supersingular elliptic curves defined over \({\mathbb F}_{p^2}\) for which a (separable) degree-\(\ell ^e\) isogeny \(\phi : E \rightarrow E'\) defined over \({\mathbb F}_{p^2}\) exists. The CSSI problem is that of constructing such an isogeny. In [9], the CSSI problem is assessed as having a complexity of \(O(p^{1/4})\) and \(O(p^{1/6})\) against classical and quantum attacks [26], respectively. The classical attack is a meet-in-the-middle attack (MITM) that has time complexity \(O(p^{1/4})\) and space complexity \(O(p^{1/4})\). We observe that the (classical) van Oorschot-Wiener golden collision finding algorithm [19, 20] can be employed to construct \(\phi \). Whereas the time complexity of the van Oorschot-Wiener algorithm is higher than that of the meet-in-the-middle attack, its space requirements are smaller. Our cost analysis of these two CSSI attacks leads to the conclusion that, despite its higher running time, the golden collision finding CSSI attack has a lower cost than the meet-in-the-middle attack, and thus should be used to assess the security of SIDH against (known) classical attacks.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. The CSSI problem and relevant mathematics background are presented in Sect. 2. In Sects. 3 and 4, we report on our implementation of the meet-in-the-middle and golden collision search methods for solving CSSI. Our implementations confirm that the heuristic analysis of these CSSI attacks accurately predicts their performance in practice. Our cost models and cost comparisons are presented in Sect. 5. Finally, in Sect. 6 we make some concluding remarks.
2 Computational Supersingular Isogeny Problem
2.1 Mathematical Prerequisites
Let \(p=\ell _A^{e_A} \ell _B^{e_B} - 1\) be a primeFootnote 1, where \(\ell _A\) and \(\ell _B\) are distinct small primes and \(\ell _A^{e_A} \approx \ell _B^{e_B} \approx p^{1/2}\). Let E be a (supersingular) elliptic curve defined over \({\mathbb F}_{p^2}\) with \(\# E({\mathbb F}_{p^2}) = (p+1)^2\). Then \(E({\mathbb F}_{p^2}) \cong {\mathbb Z}_{p+1} \oplus {\mathbb Z}_{p+1}\), whence the torsion groups \(E[\ell _A^{e_A}]\) and \(E[\ell _B^{e_B}]\) are contained in \(E({\mathbb F}_{p^2})\).
In the following, we write \((\ell ,e)\) to mean either \((\ell _A,e_A)\) or \((\ell _B,e_B)\). All isogenies \(\phi \) considered in this paper are separable, whereby \(\deg \phi = \# \text{ Ker }(\phi )\).
Let S be an order-\(\ell ^e\) subgroup of \(E[\ell ^e]\). Then there exists an isogeny \(\phi : E \rightarrow E'\) (with both \(\phi \) and \(E'\) defined over \({\mathbb F}_{p^2}\)) with kernel S. The isogeny \(\phi \) is unique up to isomorphism in the sense that if \(\tilde{\phi } : E \rightarrow \tilde{E}\) is another isogeny defined over \({\mathbb F}_{p^2}\) with kernel S, then there exists an \({\mathbb F}_{p^2}\)-isomorphism \(\psi : E' \rightarrow \tilde{E}\) with \(\tilde{\phi } = \psi \circ \phi \).
Given E and S, an isogeny \(\phi \) with kernel S and the equation of \(E'\) can be computed using Vélu’s formula [27]. The running time of Vélu’s formula is polynomial in \(\# S\) and \(\log p\). Since \(\# S \approx p^{1/2}\), a direct application of Vélu’s formula does not yield a polynomial-time algorithm for computing \(\phi \) and \(E'\). However, since \(\# S\) is a power of a small prime, one can compute \(\phi \) and \(E'\) in time that is polynomial in \(\log p\) by using Vélu’s formula to compute a sequence of e degree-\(\ell \) isogenies (see Sect. 2.2).
We will denote the elliptic curve that Vélu’s formula yields by E / S and the (Vélu) isogeny by \(\phi _S : E \rightarrow E/S\). As noted above, \(\phi _S\) is unique up to isomorphism. Thus, for any fixed E, there is a one-to-one correspondence between order-\(\ell ^e\) subgroups of \(E[\ell ^e]\) and degree-\(\ell ^e\) isogenies \(\phi : E \rightarrow E'\) defined over \({\mathbb F}_{p^2}\). It follows that the number of degree-\(\ell ^e\) isogenies \(\phi : E \rightarrow E'\) is \(\ell ^e + \ell ^{e-1} = (\ell +1) \ell ^{e-1}\).
2.2 Vélu’s Formula
Vélu’s formula (see [4]) can be used to compute degree-\(\ell \) isogenies. We present Vélu’s formula for \(\ell =2\) and \(\ell =3\).
Consider the elliptic curve \(E/{\mathbb F}_{p^2}: Y^2 = X^3 + aX +b\), and let \(P=(X_P,Y_P) \in E({\mathbb F}_{p^2})\) be a point of order two. Let \(v=3X^2_P+a\), \(a'=a-5v\), \(b'=b-7vX_P\), and define the elliptic curve \(E'/{\mathbb F}_{p^2}: Y^2 = X^3 + a'X + b'\). Then the map
is a degree-2 isogeny from E to \(E'\) with kernel \(\langle P \rangle \).
Let \(P=(X_P,Y_P) \in E({\mathbb F}_{p^2})\) be a point of order three. Let \(v=6X^2_P+2a\), \(u=4Y_P^2\), \(a'=a-5v\), \(b'=b-7(u+vX_P)\), and define the elliptic curve \(E'/{\mathbb F}_{p^2}: Y^2 = X^3 + a'X + b'\). Then the map
is a degree-3 isogeny from E to \(E'\) with kernel \(\langle P \rangle \).
Suppose now that \(R \in E({\mathbb F}_{p^2})\) has order \(\ell ^e\) where \(\ell \in \{2,3\}\) and \(e \ge 1\). Then the isogeny \(\phi : E \rightarrow E/\langle R \rangle \) can be efficiently computed as follows. Define \(E_0=E\) and \(R_0 = R\). For \(i=0,1,\ldots ,e-1\), let \(\phi _i : E_i \rightarrow E_{i+1}\) be the degree-\(\ell \) isogeny obtained using Vélu’s formula with kernel \(\langle \ell ^{e-1-i}R_i \rangle \), and let \(R_{i+1} = \phi _i(R_i)\). Then \(\phi = \phi _{e-1} \circ \cdots \circ \phi _0\).
Remark 1
(cost of computing an \(\ell ^e\)-isogeny). As shown in [9], a ‘balanced strategy’ for computing a degree-\(\ell ^e\) isogeny requires approximately \(\frac{e}{2} \log _2{e}\) point multiplications by \(\ell \), \(\frac{e}{2} \log _2{e}\) degree-\(\ell \) isogeny evaluations, and e constructions of degree-\(\ell \) isogenous curves. Also presented in [9] is a slightly faster ‘optimal strategy’ that accounts for the relative costs of a point multiplication and a degree-\(\ell \) isogeny evaluation.
2.3 SIDH
In SIDH, the parameters \(\ell _A\), \(\ell _B\), \(e_A\), \(e_B\), p and E are fixed and public, as are bases \(\{P_A,Q_A\}\) and \(\{P_B,Q_B\}\) for the torsion groups \(E[\ell _A^{e_A}]\) and \(E[\ell _B^{e_B}]\).
In (unauthenticated) SIDH, Alice selects \(m_A, n_A \in _R [0,\ell _A^{e_A}-1]\), not both divisible by \(\ell _A\), and sets \(R_A = m_A P_A + n_A Q_A\) and \(A = \langle R_A \rangle \); note that A is an order-\(\ell _A^{e_A}\) subgroup of \(E[\ell _A^{e_A}]\). Alice then computes the isogeny \(\phi _A : E \rightarrow E/A\) while keeping A and \(\phi _A\) secret. She transmits
to Bob. Similarly, Bob selects \(m_B, n_B \in _R [0,\ell _B^{e_B}-1]\), not both divisible by \(\ell _B\), and sets \(R_B = m_BP_B + n_BQ_B\) and \(B = \langle R_B \rangle \). Bob then computes the isogeny \(\phi _B : E \rightarrow E/B\). He keeps B and \(\phi _B\) secret and transmits
to Alice. Thereafter, Alice computes \(\phi _B(R_A) = m_A \phi _B(P_A) + n_A \phi _B(Q_A)\) and
whereas Bob computes \(\phi _A(R_B) = m_B \phi _A(P_B) + n_B \phi _A(Q_B)\) and
The compositions of isogenies
both have kernel \(\langle R_A, R_B \rangle \). Hence the elliptic curves computed by Alice and Bob are isomorphic over \({\mathbb F}_{p^2}\), and their shared secret k is the j-invariant of these curves.
Remark 2
(SIDH vs. SIKE). SIDH is an unauthenticated key agreement protocol. The NIST submission [13] specifies a variant of SIDH that is a key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) called SIKE (Supersingular Isogeny Key Encapsulation). In SIKE, Alice’s long-term public key is \((E/A, \phi _A(P_B), \phi _A(Q_B))\). Bob sends Alice an ephemeral public key \((E/B, \phi _B(P_A), \phi _B(Q_A))\) where B is derived from Alice’s public key and a random string, and then computes a session key from the j-invariant of the elliptic curve \((E/A)/\langle \phi _A(R_B)\rangle \), the aforementioned random string, and the ephemeral public key. One technical difference between the original SIDH specification in [9, 14] and the SIKE specification in [13] (and also the SIDH implementation in [5]) is that in the latter the secret \(R_A\) is of the form \(P_A + n_A Q_A\) where \(n_A\) is selected (almost) uniformly at random from the interval \([0,\ell _A^{e_A}-1]\) (and similarly for \(R_B\)). Thus, \(R_A\) is selected uniformly at random from a subset of size approximately \(\ell ^{e_A}\) of the set of all order-\(\ell _A^{e_A}\) subgroups (which has cardinality \(\ell _A^{e_A} + \ell _A^{e_A-1}\)).
2.4 CSSI
The challenge faced by a passive adversary is to compute k given the public parameters, E / A, E / B, \(\phi _A(P_B)\), \(\phi _A(Q_B)\), \(\phi _B(P_A)\) and \(\phi _B(Q_A)\). A necessary condition for hardness of this problem is the intractability of the Computational Supersingular Isogeny (CSSI) problem: Given the public parameters \(\ell _A\), \(\ell _B\), \(e_A\), \(e_B\), p, E, \(P_A\), \(Q_A\), \(P_B\), \(Q_B\), the elliptic curve E / A, and the auxiliary points \(\phi _A(P_B)\) and \(\phi _A(Q_B)\), compute the Vélu isogeny \(\phi _A : E \rightarrow E/A\) (or, equivalently, determine a generator of A).
An assumption one makes (e.g., see [9]) is that the auxiliary points \(\phi _A(P_B)\) and \(\phi _A(Q_B)\) are of no use in solving CSSI. Thus, we can simplify the statement of the CSSI problem to the following:
Problem 1
(CSSI). Given the public parameters \(\ell _A\), \(\ell _B\), \(e_A\), \(e_B\), p, E, \(P_A\), \(Q_A\), and the elliptic curve E / A, compute a degree-\(\ell _A^{e_A}\) isogeny \(\phi _A : E \rightarrow E/A\).
3 Meet-in-the-Middle
For the sake of simplicity, we will suppose that e is even. We denote the number of order-\(\ell ^{e/2}\) subgroups of \(E[\ell ^e]\) by \(N = (\ell +1) \ell ^{e/2-1} \approx p^{1/4}\).
Let \(E_1 = E\) and \(E_2 = E/A\). Let R denote the set of all j-invariants of elliptic curves that are isogenous to \(E_1\); then \(\# R \approx p/12\) [23]. Let \(R_1\) denote the set of all j-invariants of elliptic curves over \({\mathbb F}_{p^2}\) that are \(\ell ^{e/2}\)-isogenous to \(E_1\). Since \(\# R \gg N\), one expects that the number of pairs of distinct order-\(\ell ^{e/2}\) subgroups \((A_1,A_2)\) of \(E_1[\ell ^e]\) with \(j(E_1/A_1) = j(E_1/A_2)\) is very small. Thus, we shall assume for the sake of simplicity that \(\#R_1 = N\). Similarly, we let \(R_2\) denote the set of all j-invariants of elliptic curves that are \(\ell ^{e/2}\)-isogenous to \(E_2\), and assume that \(\# R_2 = N\). Since \(E_1\) is \(\ell ^e\)-isogenous to \(E_2\), we know that \(R_1 \cap R_2 \ne \emptyset \). Moreover, since \(\# R_1 \ll \#R \) and \(\# R_2 \ll \#R\), it is reasonable to assume that \(\# (R_1 \cap R_2) = 1\); in other words, we can assume that there is a unique degree-\(\ell ^e\) isogeny \(\phi : E_1 \rightarrow E_2\).
3.1 Basic Method
The meet-in-the-middle attack on CSSI [9], which we denote by MITM-basic, proceeds by building a (sorted) table with entries \((j(E_1/{A_1}),A_1)\), where \(A_1\) ranges over all order-\(\ell ^{e/2}\) subgroups of \(E_1[\ell ^e]\). Next, for each order-\(\ell ^{e/2}\) subgroup \(A_2\) of \(E_2[\ell ^e]\), one computes \(E_2/A_2\) and searches for \(j(E_2/A_2)\) in the table (see Fig. 1). If \(j(E_2/A_2) = j(E_1/{A_1})\), then the composition of isogenies
where \(\psi \) is an \({\mathbb F}_{p^2}\)-isomorphism and \(\hat{\phi }_{A_2}\) denotes the dual of \(\phi _{A_2}\), is the desired degree-\(\ell ^e\) isogeny from \(E_1\) to \(E_2\). The worst-case time complexity of MITM-basic is \(T_1 = 2N\), where a unit of time is a degree-\(\ell ^{e/2}\) Vélu isogeny computation (cf. Remark 1). The average-case time complexity is 1.5N. The attack has space complexity N.
3.2 Depth-First Search
The set of pairs (j(E / A), A), with A ranging over all order-\(\ell ^{e/2}\) subgroups of \(E[\ell ^e]\), can also be generated by using a depth-first search (DFS) to traverse the tree in the left of Fig. 1 (and also the tree in the right of Fig. 1). We denote this variant of the meet-in-the-middle attack by MITM-DFS. We describe the depth-first search for \(\ell =2\).Footnote 2
Let \(\{P,Q\}\) be a basis for \(E[2^{e/2}]\). Let \(R_0 = 2^{e/2-1}P\), \(R_1 = 2^{e/2-1}Q\), \(R_2 = R_0 + R_1\) be the order-2 points on E. For \(i=0,1,2\), the degree-2 isogenies \(\phi _i : E \rightarrow E_i = E/\langle R_i \rangle \) are computed, as are bases \(\{P_0 = \phi _0(P), Q_0=\phi _0(2Q)\}\), \(\{P_1 = \phi _1(Q), Q_1=\phi _1(2P)\}\), \(\{P_2 = \phi _2(P+Q), Q_2=\phi _2(2P)\}\) for \(E_0[2^{e/2-1}]\), \(E_1[2^{e/2-1}]\), \(E_2[2^{e/2-1}]\), respectively. A memory stack is initialized with the tuples \((E_0,0,P_0,Q_0)\), \((E_1,1,P_1,Q_1)\), \((E_2,2,P_2,Q_2)\), and the tuple on the top of the stack is processed recursively as described next.
Suppose that we have to process \((E_x,x,P_x,Q_x)\), where \(x \in \{0,1,2\} \times \{0,1\}^{n-1}\) and \(1 \le n \le e/2-1\). Let \(B_0 = 2^{e/2-n-1}P_x\), \(B_1 = 2^{e/2-n-1}Q_x\) and \(B_2=B_0+B_1\) be the order-2 points on \(E_x\). Let \(R_{x0}=B_0\) and \(R_{x1}=B_2\) (\(B_1\) is the backtracking point), and compute the degree-2 isogenies \(\phi _{xi} : E_x \rightarrow E_{xi} = E_x / \langle R_{xi} \rangle \) for \(i=0,1\). Then two cases arise:
If \(n < e/2-1\), then let \(P_{x0}=\phi _{x0}(P_x)\), \(Q_{x0}=\phi _{x0}(2(P_x+Q_x))\), \(P_{x1} = \phi _{x1}(P_x+Q_x)\), \(Q_{x1}=\phi _{x1}(2P_x)\); one can check that \(\{P_{xi},Q_{xi}\}\) is a basis for \(E_{xi}[2^{e/2-n-1}]\) for \(i=0,1\). Then, \((E_{x1},x1,P_{x1},Q_{x1})\) is added to the stack and \((E_{x0},x0,P_{x0},Q_{x0})\) is processed next.
If \(n=e/2-1\), the leaves \((j(E_{x0}),x0)\) and \((j(E_{x1}),x1)\) of the tree are stored in the table. If the stack is non-empty, then its topmost entry is processed next; otherwise the computation terminates.
The cost of building each of the two depth-first search trees is approximately 2N degree-2 isogeny computations, 2N degree-2 isogeny evaluations, N / 2 point additions, and 2N point doublings (where \(N = 3 \cdot 2^{e/2-1}\)).
In contrast, the cost of building the table in MITM-basic (with \(\ell =2\)) is approximately \(\frac{Ne}{2}\) 2-isogeny computations, \(\frac{Ne}{4} \log _2 \frac{e}{2}\) 2-isogeny evaluations, and \(\frac{Ne}{4} \log _2 \frac{e}{2}\) point doublings (cf. Remark 1). A count of \({\mathbb F}_{p^2}\) multiplications and squarings yields the following costs for the core operations when Jacobian coordinates are used for elliptic curve arithmetic, isogeny computations, and isogeny evaluations: 8 (2-isogeny computation), 12 (2-isogeny evaluation), 14 (point addition), 9 (point doubling). This gives a per-table cost of approximately \(5.25 N e \log _2 e\) for MITM-basic, and a cost of 65N for MITM-DFS. Thus, the depth-first search approach yields a speedup by a factor of approximately \(\frac{e}{12.4} \log _2 e\).
3.3 Implementation Report
The MITM-basic and MITM-DFS attacks (for \(\ell =2\)) were implemented in C, compiled using gcc version 4.7.2, and executed on an Intel Xeon processor E5-2658 v2 server equipped with 20 physical cores and 256 GB of shared RAM memory.Footnote 3 We used fopenmp for the parallelization.
For \(p=2^{e_A} 3^{e_B}d-1\), the elliptic curve \(E/{\mathbb F}_p: Y^2 = X^3 + X\) has \(\# E({\mathbb F}_p) = p+1\) and \(\# E({\mathbb F}_{p^2}) = (p+1)^2\). A point \(P \in E({\mathbb F}_{p^2})\) of order \(2 \cdot 3 \cdot d\) was randomly selected, and the isogenous elliptic curve \(E_1 = E/\langle P \rangle \) was computed. Then, a random order-\(2^{e_A}\) subgroup A of \(E_1({\mathbb F}_{p^2})\) was selected, and the isogenous elliptic curve \(E_2 = E_1 /A\) was computed. Our CSSI challenge was to find a generator of A given \(E_1\) and \(E_2\).
We used Jacobian coordinates for elliptic curve arithmetic, isogeny computations, and isogeny evaluations. For MITM-basic, the leaves of the \(E_1\)-rooted tree shown in Fig. 1 were generated as follows. Let \(\{P,Q\}\) be a basis for \(E_1[2^{e/2}]\). Then for each pair \((b,k) \in \{0,1,2\} \times \{0,1,\ldots ,2^{e/2-1}-1\}\), triples
were computed and stored in 20 tables sorted by j-invariant (each of the 20 cores was responsible for generating a portion of the leaves). The 20 tables were stored in shared RAM memory.
MITM-DFS was executed using 12 cores. Each core was responsible for generating a portion of the leaves, and the 12 sets of leaves were stored in shared RAM memory. Table 1 shows the time expended for finding \(2^e\)-isogenies for \(e \in \{32,34,36,38,40,42,44\}\) with the MITM-basic and MITM-DFS attacks. These experimental results confirm the accuracy of the attacks’ heuristic analysis.
4 Golden Collision Search
4.1 Van Oorschot-Wiener Parallel Collision Search
Let S be a finite set of cardinality M, and let \(f : S \rightarrow S\) be an efficiently-computable function which we shall heuristically assume is a random function. The van Oorschot-Wiener (VW) method [20] finds a collision for f, i.e., a pair \(x,x' \in S\) with \(f(x)=f(x')\) and \(x \ne x'\).
Define an element x of S to be distinguished if it has some easily-testable distinguishing property. Suppose that the proportion of elements of S that are distinguished is \(\theta \). For \(i=1,2,\ldots \), the VW method repeatedly selects \(x_{i,0} \in _R S\), and iteratively computes a sequence \(x_{i,j} = f(x_{i,j-1})\) for \(j=1,2,3,\ldots \) until a distinguished element \(x_{i,a}\) is encountered. In that event, the triple \((x_{i,a},a,x_{i,0})\) is stored in a table sorted by first entry. If \(x_{i,a}\) was already in the table, say \(x_{i,a} = x_{i',b}\) with \(i \ne i'\), then a collision has been detected (see Fig. 2). The two colliding table entries \((x_{i,a},a,x_{i,0})\), \((x_{i',b},b,x_{i',0})\) can then be used to find a collision for f by iterating the longer sequence (say the ith sequence) beginning at \(x_{i,0}\) until it is the same distance from \(x_{i,a}\) as \(x_{i',0}\) is from \(x_{i',b}\), and then stepping both sequences in unison until they collide (see Fig. 3).
By the birthday paradox, the expected time before a collision occurs is \(\sqrt{\pi M/2}\), where a unit of time is an f evaluation. After a collision has occurred, the expected time before it is detected is \(1/\theta \), and thereafter the expected time to find the collision is approximately \(3/\theta \). Thus, the expected time complexity of the VW method is approximately \(\sqrt{\pi M/2} + 4/\theta \). The expected storage complexity is \(\theta \sqrt{\pi M/2}\). The parameter \(\theta \) can be selected to control the storage requirements.
The collision detecting stage of the VW method can be effectively parallelized. Each of the available m processors computes its own sequences, and the distinguished elements are stored in shared memory. The expected time complexity of parallelized VW is then \(\frac{1}{m} \sqrt{\pi M/2} + \frac{2.5}{\theta }\). The space complexity is \(\theta \sqrt{\pi M/2}\).
4.2 Finding a Golden Collision
A random function \(f : S \rightarrow S\) is expected to have \((M-1)/2\) unordered collisions. Suppose that we seek a particular one of these collisions, called a golden collision; we assume that the golden collision can be efficiently recognized. Thus one continues generating distinguished points and collisions until the golden collision is encountered. The expected time to find q collisions is only about \(\sqrt{q}\) times as much as that to find one collision. However, since not all collisions are equally likely and the golden collision might have a very low probability of detection (see [19]), it is necessary to change the version of f periodically.
Suppose that the available memory can store w triples \((x_{i,a},a,x_{i,0})\). When a distinguished point \(x_{i,a}\) is encountered, the triple \((x_{i,a},a,x_{i,0})\) is stored in a memory cell determined by hashing \(x_{i,a}\). If that memory cell was already occupied with a triple holding a distinguished point \(x_{i',b}=x_{i,a}\), then the two triples are used to locate a collision.
Van Oorschot and Wiener proposed setting
and using each version of f to produce \(\beta w\) distinguished points. Experimental data presented in [20] suggested that the total running time to find the golden collision is minimized by setting \(\alpha = 2.25\) and \(\beta = 10\). Then, for \(2^{10} \le w \le M/2^{10}\), the expected running time to find the golden collisions when m processors are employed is slightly overestimated as
Remark 3
(verifying the VW heuristic analysis). The running time estimate (2) relies on several heuristics, the most significant of which is that when \(2^{10} \le w \le M/2^{10}\) then each version of f generates approximately 1.3w collisions, of which approximately 1.1w are distinct. The numbers 1.3w and 1.1w were determined experimentally in [20]. Then the probability that a particular version of f yields the golden collision is approximately 1.1w / (M / 2), whence the expected number of function versions needed to locate the golden collision is approximately 0.45M / w, and the expected total time is
To verify these numbers, we ran some experiments using a “random” function \(f_{n,v} : \{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\}^n\) (so \(M=2^n\)), where v is a string identifying the function version, and \(f_{n,v}(X)\) is defined to be the n most significant bits of \(\text{ MD5 }(v,X)\). Table 2 lists the numbers of collisions and distinct collisions that were found for different values of (n, w), confirming the 1.3w and 1.1w numbers reported in [20].
4.3 The Attack
Let \(I = \{1,2,\ldots ,N\}\) and \(S = \{1,2\} \times I\). For \(i=1,2\), let \({\mathcal A}_i\) denote the set of all order-\(\ell ^{e/2}\) subgroups of \(E_i[\ell ^e]\), define \(f_i : {\mathcal A}_i \rightarrow R_i\) by \(f_i(A_i) = j(E_i/A_i)\), and let \(h_i : I \rightarrow {\mathcal A}_i\) be bijections. Let \(g : R \rightarrow S\) be a random function. Finally, define \(f : S \rightarrow S\) by
Then one can view f as a “random” function from S to S.
Recall that one expects there are unique order-\(\ell ^{e/2}\) subgroups \(A_1\), \(A_2\) of \(E_1[\ell ^e]\), \(E_2[\ell ^e]\), respectively, with \(j(E_1/A_1)=j(E_2/A_2)\). Let \(y_1 = h_1^{-1}(A_1)\) and \(y_2 = h_2^{-1}(A_2)\). Then the collision for f that we seek is the golden collision \((1,y_1)\), \((2,y_2)\). Using m processors and w cells of memory, the VW method can be used to find this golden collision in expected time
Remark 4
(finding any collision vs. finding a golden collision). The problem of finding a collision for a hash function \(H : \{0,1\}^* \rightarrow \{0,1\}^n\) and the problem of computing discrete logarithms in a cyclic group \({\mathcal G}\) can be formulated as problems of finding a collision for a random function \(f : S \rightarrow S\), where \(\# S = 2^n\) for the first problem and \(\# S = \# {\mathcal G}\) for the second problem (see [20]). For both formulations, any collision for f yields a solution to the original problem. Thus, letting \(N= 2^n\) or \(N=\#{\mathcal G}\), the problems can be solved using van Oorschot-Wiener collision search in time approximately
In contrast, the only formulation of CSSI as a collision search problem for \(f : S \rightarrow S\) that we know requires one to find a golden collision for f. For this problem, the van Oorschot-Wiener algorithm has running time approximately
4.4 Implementation Report
The VW attack (for \(\ell =2\)) was implemented in C, compiled using gcc version 4.7.2, and executed on an Intel Xeon processor E5-2658 v2 server equipped with 20 physical cores and 256 GB of shared RAM memory. We used fopenmp for the parallelization and openssl’s MD5 implementation. The CSSI challenges were the same as the ones in Sect. 3.3.
Let \(\{P_1,Q_1\}\), \(\{P_2,Q_2\}\) be bases for \(E_1[2^{e/2}]\), \(E_2[2^{e/2}]\), respectively. Noting that \(N = 3 \cdot 2^{e/2-1}\), we identify the elements of \(I=\{1,2,\ldots ,N\}\) with elements of \(I_1 \times I_2\) where \(I_1 = \{0,1,2\}\) and \(I_2 = \{0,1,\ldots ,2^{e/2-1}-1\}\). The bijections \(h_i : I_1 \times I_2 \rightarrow {\mathcal A}_i\) for \(i=1,2\) are defined by
Let \(S = \{1,2\} \times I_1 \times I_2\). For \(n \in \{0,1\}^{64}\), we let \(g_n : R \rightarrow S\) be the function computed using Algorithm 1. We then define the version \(f_n : S \rightarrow S\) of f by \((i,x) \mapsto g_n(f_i(h_i(x)))\).
We set \(\theta = 2.25\sqrt{w/2N}\), where \(w=2^t\), and declare an element \(X \in S\) to be distinguished if the integer formed from the 32 least significant bits of MD5(2, X) is \(\le 2^{32} \theta \). If X is distinguished, then it is placed in memory cell s, where s is the integer determined by the t least significant bits of MD5(3, X). If a distinguished point is not encountered after \(10/\theta \) iterations, then that trail is abandoned and a new trail is formed.
Table 3 shows the time expended for finding \(2^e\)-isogenies for \(e \in \{32,34,36,38\), \(40,42,44\}\) with the VW attack. These experimental results confirm the accuracy of the VW attack’s heuristic analysis.
To gain further confidence that the VW attack’s heuristic analysis is accurate for cryptographically-interesting CSSI parameters (e.g., \(e=256\)), we ran some experiments to estimate the number of collisions and distinct collisions for functions \(f_n\) when \(e=50, 60, 70, 80\). The results, listed in Table 4, confirm the 1.3w and 1.1w estimates in [20].
5 Comparisons
There are many factors that can affect the efficacy of an algorithm.
Time: the worst-case or average-case number of basic arithmetic operations performed by the algorithm.
Space: the amount of storage (RAM, hard disk, etc.) required.
Parallelizability: the speedup achievable when running the algorithm on multiple processors. Ideally, the speedup is by a factor equal to the number of processors, and the processors do not need to communicate with each other; if this is the case then the parallelization is said to be perfectFootnote 4.
Communication costs: the time taken for communication between processors, and the memory access time for retrieving data from large storage devices. Memory access time can be a dominant cost factor when using extremely large storage devices [2].
Custom-designed devices: the possible speedups that can be achieved by executing the algorithm on custom-designed hardware. Examples of such devices are TWINKLE [24] and TWIRL [25] that were designed for the number field sieve integer factorization algorithm.
In this section we analyze and compare the efficacy of the meet-in-the-middle algorithm, VW golden collision search, and a mesh sorting algorithm for solving CSSI. We make two assumptions:
The number m of processors available is at most \(2^{64}\).
The total amount of storage w available is at most \(2^{80}\) units.
Our analysis will ignore communication costs, and thus our running time estimates can be considered to be lower bounds on the “actual” running time.
Remark 5
(feasible amount of storage and number of processors). The Sunway TaihuLight supercomputer, the most powerful in the world as of March 2018, has \(2^{23.3}\) CPU cores [29]. In 2013, it was estimated that Google’s data centres have a total storage capacity of about a dozen exabytesFootnote 5 [29]. Thus it is reasonable to argue that acquiring \(2^{64}\) processors and a storage capacity (with low access times) of several dozen yottabytesFootnote 6 for the purpose of solving a CSSI problem will be prohibitively costly for the foreseeable future.
5.1 Meet-in-the-Middle
As stated in Sect. 3, the running time of MITM-basic and MITM-DFS is approximately 2N and the storage requirements are N, where \(N \approx p^{1/4}\). Since for \(N \ge 2^{80}\) the storage requirements are infeasible, we deem the meet-in-the-middle attacks to be prohibitively expensive when \(N \gg 2^{80}\).
Of course, one can trade space for time. One possible time-memory tradeoff is to store a table with entries \((j(E_1/A_1),A_1)\), where \(A_1\) ranges over a w-subset of order-\(\ell ^{e/2}\) subgroups of \(E_1[\ell ^e]\). Next, for each order-\(\ell ^{e/2}\) subgroup \(A_2\) of \(E_2[\ell ^e]\), \(E_2/A_2\) is computed and \(j(E_2/A_2)\) is searched in the table. If no match is found, then the algorithm is repeated for a disjoint w-subset of order-\(\ell ^{e/2}\) subgroups of \(E_1[\ell ^e]\), and so on. The running time of this time-memory tradeoff is approximately
For MITM-basic, the unit of time is an \(\ell ^{e/2}\)-isogeny computation. For MITM-DFS, the running time (for \(\ell =2\)) can be scaled to \(\ell ^{e/2}\)-isogeny computations by dividing by \(\frac{e}{12.4} \log _2 e\) (cf. Sect. 3.2). One can see that this time-memory-tradeoff can be parallelized perfectly.
Another possible time-memory tradeoff is to store \((j(E_1/A_1),A_1)\), where \(A_1\) ranges over all order-\(\ell ^{c}\) subgroups of \(E_1[\ell ^e]\) and \(c \approx \log _{\ell } w\). Let \(d = e-c\). Then, for each order-\(\ell ^{d}\) subgroup \(A_2\) of \(E_2[\ell ^e]\), \(E_2/A_2\) is computed and \(j(E_2/A_2)\) is searched in the table. One can check that the running time of this time-memory tradeoff is approximately \(N^2/w\), and that it can be parallelized perfectly. Note that the unit of time here is an \(\ell ^d\)-isogeny computation instead of an \(\ell ^{e/2}\)-isogeny computation. The larger tree of \(\ell ^d\)-isogenies can be traversed using a depth-first search; the running time is then the same as that of the MITM-DFS variant described in the previous paragraph.
5.2 Golden Collision Search
As stated in Sect. 4.3, the running time of van Oorschot-Wiener golden collision search is approximately
The algorithm parallelizes perfectly.
5.3 Mesh Sorting
The mesh sorting attack is analogous to the one described by Bernstein [2] for finding hash collisions. Suppose that one has m processors arranged in a two-dimensional grid. Each processor only communicates with its neighbours in the grid. In one unit of time, each processor computes and stores pairs \((j(E_1/A_1),A_1)\), where \(A_1\) is an order-\(\ell ^{e/2}\) subgroup of \(E_1[\ell ^{e}]\). Next, these stored pairs are sorted in time \(\approx m^{1/2}\) (e.g., see [22]). In the next stage, a second two-dimensional grid of m processors computes and stores pairs \((j(E_2/A_2,A_2)\), where \(A_2\) is an order-\(\ell ^{e/2}\) subgroup of \(E_2[\ell ^e]\), and the two sorted lists are compared for a match. This is repeated for a disjoint m-subset of order-\(\ell ^{e/2}\) subgroups \(A_2\) until all order-\(\ell ^{e/2}\) subgroups of \(E_2[\ell ^e]\) have been tested. Then, the process is repeated for a disjoint subset of order-\(\ell ^{e/2}\) subgroups \(A_1\) of \(E_1[\ell ^e]\) until a match is found. One can check that the calendar running timeFootnote 7 is approximately
5.4 Targetting the 128-Bit Security Level
The CSSI problem is said to have a 128-bit security level if the fastest known attack has total time complexity at least \(2^{128}\) and feasible space and hardware costs.
Suppose that \(p \approx 2^{512}\), whereby \(N \approx 2^{128}\); this would be a reasonable choice for the bitlength of p if the meet-in-the-middle attacks were assessed to be the fastest (classical) algorithm for solving CSSI. However, as noted above, the storage costs for the attacks are prohibitive. Instead, one should consider the time complexity of the time-memory tradeoffs, VW golden collision search, and mesh sorting under realistic constraints on the storage space w and the number m of processors. Table 5 lists the calendar time and the total time of these CSSI attacks for \((m,w) \in \{ (2^{48},2^{64}), (2^{48},2^{80}), (2^{64},2^{80})\}\). One sees that in all cases the total time complexity is significantly greater than \(2^{128}\), even though we have ignored communication costs.
Since the total times for \(p \approx 2^{512}\) in Table 5 are all significantly greater than \(2^{128}\), one can consider using smaller primes p while still achieving the 128-bit security level. Table 5 also lists the calendar time and the total time of these CSSI attacks for \((m,w) \in \{ (2^{48},2^{64}), (2^{48},2^{80}),(2^{64},2^{80}) \}\) when \(p \approx 2^{448}\) and \(N \approx 2^{112}\). One sees that all attacks have total time complexity at least \(2^{128}\), even though we have ignored communication costs. We can conclude that selecting SIDH parameters with \(p \approx 2^{448}\) provides 128 bits of security against known classical attacks. For example, one could select the 434-bit prime
this prime is balanced in the sense that \(3^{137} \approx 2^{217}\), thus providing maximal resistance to Petit’s SIDH attack [21].
Remark 6
(communication costs). Consider the case \(p \approx 2^{448}\), \(e=224\), \(m=2^{64}\), \(w=2^{80}\). From (1) and (2) we obtain \(\theta \approx 1/2^{15.62}\) and an expected running time of \(2^{131.7}\). For each function version, the \(2^{64}\) processors will generate approximately \(2^{48.4}\) distinguished points per unit of time (i.e., a \(2^{112}\)-isogeny computation). So, on average, the \(2^{80}\) storage device will be accessed \(2^{48.4}\) times during each unit of time. The cost of these accesses will certainly dominate the computational costs. Thus our security estimates, which ignore communication costs, should be regarded as being conservative.
5.5 Targetting the 160-Bit Security Level
Using similar arguments as in Sect. 5.4, one surmises that SIDH parameters with \(p \approx 2^{536}\) offer at least 160 bits of CSSI security against known classical (see Table 6). For example, one could select the 546-bit prime
this prime is nicely balanced since \(3^{172} \approx 2^{273}\).
5.6 Targetting the 192-Bit Security Level
Using similar arguments as in Sect. 5.4, one surmises that SIDH parameters with \(p \approx 2^{614}\) offer at least 192 bits of CSSI security against known classical (see Table 6). For example, one could select the 610-bit prime
this prime is nicely balanced since \(3^{192} \approx 2^{304}\).
5.7 Resistance to Quantum Attacks
The appeal of SIDH is its apparent resistance to attacks by quantum computers. What remains to be determined then is the security of CSSI against quantum attacks.
The fastest known quantum attack on CSSI is Tani’s algorithm [26]. Given two generic functions \(g_1 : X_1 \rightarrow Y\) and \(g_2 : X_2 \rightarrow Y\), where \(\#X_1 \approx \#X_2 \approx N\) and \(\# Y \gg N\), Tani’s quantum algorithm finds a claw, i.e., a pair \((x_1,x_2) \in X_1 \times X_2\) such that \(g_1(x_1)=g_2(x_2)\) in time \(O(N^{2/3})\). The CSSI problem can be recast as a claw-finding problem by defining \(X_i\) to be the set of all degree-\(\ell ^{e/2}\) isogenies originating at \(E_i\), \(g_i\) to be the function that maps a degree-\(\ell ^{e/2}\) isogeny originating at \(E_i\) to the j-invariant of its image curve, and \(Y=R\). Since \(\# X_1 = \# X_2 = N \approx p^{1/4}\), this yields an \(O(p^{1/6})\)-time CSSI attack.
CSSI can also be solved by an application of Grover’s quantum search [12]. Recall that if \(g : X \rightarrow \{0,1\}\) is a generic function such that \(g(x)=1\) for exactly one \(x \in X\), then Grover’s algorithm can determine the x with \(g(x)=1\) in quantum time \(O(\sqrt{\# X})\). The CSSI problem can be recast as a Grover search problem by defining X to be the set of all ordered pairs \((\phi _1,\phi _2)\) of degree-\(\ell ^{e/2}\) isogenies originating at \(E_1\), \(E_2\), respectively, and defining \(g(\phi _1,\phi _2)\) to be equal to 1 if and only if the j-invariants of the image curves of \(\phi _1\) and \(\phi _2\) are equal. Since \(\# X = N^2 \approx p^{1/2}\), this yields an \(O(p^{1/4})\)-time quantum attack on CSSI.
The Jao-De Feo paper [14] that introduced SIDH identified Tani’s claw-finding algorithm as the fastest known attack, whether classical or quantum, on CSSI. The subsequent literature on SIDH used the simplified running time \(p^{1/6}\) of Tani’s algorithm (i.e., ignoring the implied constant in its \(O(p^{1/6})\) running time expression) to select SIDH primes p for a desired level of security. In other words, in order to achieve a b-bit security level against known classical and quantum attacks, one selects an SIDH prime p of bitlength approximately 6b. For example, the 751-bit prime \(p=2^{372}3^{239}-1\) was proposed in [8] for the 128-bit security level, and this prime has been used in many subsequent works, e.g., [6, 7, 13, 17, 32]. Also, the 964-bit prime \(p=2^{486}3^{301}-1\) was proposed in [13] for the 160-bit security level.
However, this assessment of SIDH security does not account for the cost of the \(O(p^{1/6}\)) quantum space requirements of Tani’s algorithm, nor for the fact that Grover’s search does not parallelize well—using m quantum circuits only yields a speedup by a factor of \(\sqrt{m}\) and this speedup has been proven to be optimal [31]. Some recent work [1, 16] suggests that Tani’s and Grover’s attacks on CSSI are costlier than the van Oorschot-Wiener golden collision search algorithm. If this is indeed the case, then one can be justified in selecting SIDH primes \(p_{434}\) (instead of \(p_{751}\)), \(p_{546}\) (instead of \(p_{964}\)) and \(p_{610}\) in order to achieve the 128-, 160- and 192-bit security levels, respectively, against both classical and quantum attacks. Furthermore, SIDH parameters with \(p_{434}\) could be deemed to meet the security requirements in NIST’s Category 2 [18] (classical and quantum security comparable or greater than that of SHA-256 with respect to collision resistance), and \(p_{610}\) could be deemed to meet the security requirements in NIST’s Category 4 [18] (classical and quantum security comparable to that of SHA-384).
5.8 SIDH Performance
A significant benefit of using smaller SIDH primes is increased performance. The reasons for the boost in SIDH performance are twofold. First, since the computation of the ground field \({\mathbb F}_p\) multiplication operation has a quadratic complexity, any reduction in the size of p will result in significant savings. Since high-end processors have a word size of 64 bits, the primes \(p_{751}, p_{546}\) and \(p_{434}\) can be accommodated using twelve, nine and seven 64-bit words, respectively. Hence, if \({\mathbb F}_p\) multiplication using \(p_{751}\) can be computed in T clock cycles, then a rough estimation of the computational costs for \({\mathbb F}_p\) multiplication using \(p_{434}\) and \(p_{546}\) is as low as 0.34T and 0.56T, respectively. Second, since the exponents of the primes 2 and 3 in \(p_{434}\) and \(p_{546}\) are smaller than the ones in \(p_{751}\), the computation of the isogeny chain described in Sect. 2.2 (see Remark 1) is faster.
Table 7 lists timings for SIDH operations for \(p_{434}\), \(p_{546}\) and \(p_{751}\) using the SIDH library of Costello et al. [5]. The timings show that SIDH operations are about 4.8 times faster when \(p_{434}\) is used instead of \(p_{751}\).
6 Concluding Remarks
Our implementations of the MITM and golden collision search CSSI attacks are, to the best of our knowledge, the first ones reported in the literature. The implementations confirm that the performance of these attacks is accurately predicted by their heuristic analysis.
Our concrete cost analysis of the attacks leads to the conclusion that golden collision search is more effective that the meet-in-the-middle attack. Thus one can use 448-bit primes and 536-bit primes p in SIDH to achieve the 128-bit and 160-bit security levels against known classical attacks on the CSSI problem. We emphasize that these conclusions are based on our understanding of how to best implement these algorithms, and on assumptions on the amount of storage and the number of processors that an adversary might possess. On the other hand, our conclusions are somewhat conservative in that the analysis does not account for communication costs. Moreover, whereas it is generally accepted that the AES-128 and AES-256 block ciphers attain the 128-bit security level in the classical and quantum settings, the time it takes to compute a degree-\(2^{112}\) isogeny (which is the unit of time for the golden collision search CSSI attack with balanced 448-bit prime p) is considerably greater than the time for one application of AES-128 or AES-256.
- 1.
More generally, one can take \(p=\ell _A^{e_A} \ell _B^{e_B}d \pm 1\) where d is a small cofactor.
- 2.
For the sake of concreteness, all implementation reports of CSSI attacks in this paper are for the case \(\ell =2\). However, all conclusions about the relative efficiencies of classical and quantum CSSI attacks for \(\ell =2\) are also valid for the \(\ell =3\) case.
- 3.
Our code for the MITM-basic, MITM-DFS and VW golden collision search CSSI attacks is available at https://github.com/JJChiDguez/CSSI.
- 4.
If the processors share the same storage space, then frequent storage accesses might decrease the parallelizability of the algorithm.
- 5.
An exabyte is \(2^{60}\) bytes.
- 6.
A yottabyte is \(2^{80}\) bytes.
- 7.
Calendar time is the elapsed time taken for a computation, whereas total time is the sum of the time expended by all m processors.
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We thank Steven Galbraith for the suggestion to traverse the MITM trees using depth-first search. We also thank Sam Jaques for the many discussions on Grover’s and Tani’s algorithms.
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Adj, G., Cervantes-Vázquez, D., Chi-Domínguez, JJ., Menezes, A., Rodríguez-Henríquez, F. (2019). On the Cost of Computing Isogenies Between Supersingular Elliptic Curves. In: Cid, C., Jacobson Jr., M. (eds) Selected Areas in Cryptography – SAC 2018. SAC 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 11349. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-10970-7_15
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-10970-7_15
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