Opinionated users often seek information that aligns with their preexisting beliefs while dismissing contradictory evidence due to confirmation bias. This conduct hinders their ability to consider alternative stances when searching the web. Despite this, few studies have analyzed how the diversification of search results on disputed topics influences the search behavior of highly opinionated users. To this end, we present a preregistered user study (n = 257) investigating whether different levels (low and high) of bias metrics and search results presentation (with or without AI-predicted stances labels) can affect the stance diversity consumption and search behavior of opinionated users on three debated topics (i.e., atheism, intellectual property rights, and school uniforms). Our results show that exposing participants to (counter- attitudinally) biased search results increases their consumption of attitude-opposing content, but we also found that bias was associated with a trend toward overall fewer interactions within the search page. We also found that 19% of users interacted with queries and search pages but did not select any search results. When we removed these participants in a post-hoc analysis, we found that stance labels increased the diversity of stances consumed by users, particularly when the search results were biased. Our findings highlight the need for future research to explore distinct search scenario settings to gain insight into opinionated users’ behavior.
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- 1.
Since the number of AI-correct predictions constrained us in the selection of search results, we found that 40 search results (ten results per four pages) were a suitable number to compute low and high bias metrics and mimic a realistic search scenario.
- 2.
“Please shortly describe your experience with the web search engine. Did you look for specific information, and if yes, how did you try to find it? Did you think the web search helped you build a more informed opinion on [topic]? If yes/no, why?”.
- 3.
If participants have no strong attitude on any topic, they exit the study (fully paid).
- 4.
We balanced participation across topics, bias, and display experimental conditions.
- 5.
We randomly assign participants to one of the 40 search results combinations with an opposite bias direction based on their pre-stance attitude (i.e., users who strongly support a topic are assigned to the opposing bias direction and vice versa).
- 6.
To encourage interactions with the web search engine, participants could only advance to the next step of the study after one minute. There was no maximum search time to simulate a realistic scenario.
- 7.
- 8.
- 9.
The study has been approved by the Ethics Committee of Maastricht University.
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Cau, F.M., Tintarev, N. (2024). Navigating the Thin Line: Examining User Behavior in Search to Detect Engagement and Backfire Effects. In: Goharian, N., et al. Advances in Information Retrieval. ECIR 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14611. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-56066-8_30
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-56066-8_30
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