Shortening the argument (three group elements or 1536 / 3072 bits over the BLS12-381/BLS24-509 curves) of the Groth16 zk-SNARK for R1CS is a long-standing open problem. We propose a zk-SNARK Polymath for the Square Arithmetic Programming constraint system using the KZG polynomial commitment scheme. Polymath has a shorter argument (1408 / 1792 bits over the same curves) than Groth16. At 192-bit security, Polymath’s argument is nearly half the size, making it highly competitive for high-security future applications. Notably, we handle public inputs in a simple way. We optimized Polymath’s prover through an exhaustive parameter search. Polymath’s prover does not output \(\mathbb {G}_{2}\) elements, aiding in batch verification, SNARK aggregation, and recursion. Polymath’s properties make it highly suitable to be the final SNARK in SNARK compositions.
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- 1.
We adopt the standard additive bracket notation: there is a type-3 pairing \(\mathbb {G}_{1} \times \mathbb {G}_{2} \rightarrow \mathbb {G}_{T}\) and \([x]_{\iota } = x [1]_{\iota }\), where \([1]_{\iota }\) is a fixed generator of \(\mathbb {G}_{\iota }\) for \(\iota \in \{1, 2, T\}\).
- 2.
There is currently no industry standard on the 192-level security level, so we just picked BLS24-509 as a well-known curve from the well-known BLS family. BLS24-509 satisfies \(|\mathbb {G}_{1}| = 512\), \(|\mathbb {G}_{2}| = 2048= 4 |\mathbb {G}_{1}|\), and \(|\mathbb {F}| = 256\) bits.
- 3.
Recently, [40] proved the knowledge-soundness of KZG-based zk-SNARKs under falsifiable assumptions in the ROM. However, their constructions add overhead. We will leave the use of their methods for future work.
- 4.
- 5.
Any small constant number c would suffice. A smaller c results in better efficiency, and \(c \ge 2\) is needed because we use SAP.
- 6.
- 7.
Extracting the committed polynomial from solely the polynomial commitment is possible in the AGM but impossible in the AGMOS. In AGMOS, one has to open the polynomial commitment before extractability becomes possible.
- 8.
See Eq. (15) for the deriviation of \(d_{\min }\) and \(d_{\max }\) in the general case.
- 9.
While \(Y = X^{\sigma }\) is a “virtual” indeterminate, we feel that writing Y instead of \(X^{\sigma }\) makes the proof more readable.
- 10.
More precisely, recall that \(\textsf{bnd}_{\textsf{a}}= 1\), \(\sigma = n + 3\), \(\alpha = -3\), \(\gamma = -5\), and \(d_{\min } = -5 n - 15\) and \(d_{\max } = 5 n + 7\) are as in Eq. (15). Given this setting, the exponents of X in \(\textsf{A}\), \(\textsf{B}\), \(\textsf{C}\) belong to the range \([d_{\min }, d_{\max }] = [\gamma \sigma , 2 n - 2 - \alpha \sigma ] = [-5, (n + 3), 5n + 7]\).
- 11.
Using the computations in Footnote (See footnote 10) and the default setting, we can find that the exponents of X in \(\varphi (X)\) belong to the range \([2 d_{\min }, 2 d_{\max }] = [-10 n - 30, 10 n + 14]\).
- 12.
The analysis of \(\varphi _{2 \gamma - \alpha } (X)\) and \(\varphi _{\gamma - \alpha } (X)\) is needed since, without it, one can only establish that \(\tilde{\mathbbm {z}}_{i} = \check{c}_{i} - 2 r_{\textsf{a}}(X) \check{a}_{i}\), that is, that it is a function of X. Hence, soundness would still hold but not necessarily special-soundness. On the other hand, fewer coefficients are critical, which will give more choices for \(\alpha \) and \(\gamma \). Some of the latter will result in better efficiency.
- 13.
According to https://keccak.team/sw_performance.html, hashing with SHA3 takes less than 15 cycles per byte, which gives less than 30 units (30000 cycles) on Skylake to hash 2000 bytes.
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We thank Matteo Campanelli for useful comments.
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Lipmaa, H. (2024). Polymath: Groth16 Is Not the Limit. In: Reyzin, L., Stebila, D. (eds) Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2024. CRYPTO 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14929. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-68403-6_6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-68403-6_6
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