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Data Assimilation in Cardiovascular Fluid–Structure Interaction Problems: An Introduction

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Fluid-Structure Interaction and Biomedical Applications

Part of the book series: Advances in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics ((AMFM))


Numerical methods for incompressible fluid dynamics have recently received a strong impulse from the applications to the cardiovascular system. In particular, fluid–structure interaction methods have been extensively investigated in view of an accurate and possibly fast simulation of blood flow in arteries and veins. This has been strongly motivated by the progressive interest in using numerical tools not only for understanding the general physiology and pathology of the vascular system. The opportunity offered by medical images properly preprocessed and elaborated to simulate blood flow in real patients highlighted the potential impact of scientific computing on the clinical practice. Therefore, in silico experiments are currently extensively used in bioengineering for completing (and sometimes driving) more traditional in vivo and in vitro investigations. Parallel to the development of numerical models, the need for quantitative analysis for diagnostic purposes has strongly stimulated the design of new methods and instruments for measurements and imaging. Thanks to these developments, a huge amount of data is nowadays available. Data Assimilation is the accurate merging of measures (including images) and numerical simulations for a mathematically sound integration of different sources of information. The outcome of this process includes both the patient-specific measures and the general principles underlying the development of mathematical models. In this way, simulations are adapted to the availability of individual data and are therefore supposed to be more reliable; measures are correspondingly filtered by the mathematical models assumed to describe the underlying phenomena, resulting in a (hopefully) significant reduction of the noise.

This chapter provides an introduction to methods for data assimilation, mostly developed in fields like meteorology, applied to computational hemodynamics. We focus mainly on two of them: methods based on stochastic arguments (Kalman filtering) and variational methods. We also address some examples that have been approached with different techniques, in particular the estimation of vascular compliance from displacement measures.

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  1. 1.

    We remind that the wall shear stress (WSS) is a quantity of great relevance in biomedical applications for its correlation with pathologies such as atherosclerosis—see, e.g., [14].

  2. 2.

    Precise definitions of average and variance of a Gaussian variable will be given later on.

  3. 3.

    The choice of Gaussian distribution for white noise is reasonable, but arbitrary. We could have considered other distributions for zero-mean, uncorrelated components.

  4. 4.

    The third problem addressed in the Introduction, the identification of the system will be considered later on.

  5. 5.

    A similar problem has been investigated as a simplified model of superconductivity in [69].

  6. 6.

    This could be done also with unilateral constraints \(\|\boldsymbol{\alpha }\|\leq \) max-cost-allowed.

  7. 7.

    We remind that we assumed b to be divergence free.

  8. 8.

    Here we used the Lagrange multiplier χ 2 to prescribe the Dirichlet homogeneous boundary condition. Often, such condition is prescribed without using Lagrange multipliers but requiring directly that u and χ 1 vanish on the boundary.

  9. 9.

    This can be problematic in a clinical context, where patient-specific geometries differ one from the other and the snapshot computation is not trivially recycled. Anatomical atlas mapping ideal to real geometries are required.

  10. 10.

    Notice that we use the word “sites” for the location of measurements, as opposed to the word “nodes” for points where velocities are computed. In general sites and nodes are different, but we do not exclude that the intersection of sites set and nodes set in non-empty.

  11. 11.

    We define the signal to noise ratio as the ratio between the maximum of the absolute value of the signal and the standard deviation of the noise

  12. 12.

    This assumption may be questionable for arteries close to the heart (like the aortic arch), however it is in general quite acceptable.

  13. 13.

    See (6.37), and note that here the adjoint variable is denoted with \(\boldsymbol{\chi }\) as in this context ρ is used for the density.


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The authors wish to thank Tiziano Passerini (Siemens, Princeton, NJ, USA) and Marina Piccinelli (Emory University, Department of Radiology) for several contributions in the development of methods and codes used for the topics considered in the chapter.

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Bertagna, L., D’Elia, M., Perego, M., Veneziani, A. (2014). Data Assimilation in Cardiovascular Fluid–Structure Interaction Problems: An Introduction. In: Bodnár, T., Galdi, G., Nečasová, Š. (eds) Fluid-Structure Interaction and Biomedical Applications. Advances in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics. Birkhäuser, Basel. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-0348-0822-4_6

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