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Omega Pairing on Hyperelliptic Curves

  • Conference paper
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Information Security and Cryptology (Inscrypt 2013)

Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science ((LNSC,volume 8567))

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The omega pairing is proposed as a variant of Weil pairing on special elliptic curves using automorphisms. In this paper, we generalize the omega pairing to general hyperelliptic curves and use the pairing lattice to construct the optimal omega pairing which has short Miller loop length and simple final exponentiation. On some special hyperelliptic curves, the optimal omega pairing could be super-optimal.

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We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments. This work is supported by the National 973 Program of China (No. 2011CB302400), the Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. XDA06010701, No. XDA06010702), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61303257) and Institute of Information Engineering’s Research Project on Cryptography (No. Y3Z0023103, No. Y3Z0011102).

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Correspondence to Shan Chen .

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A Explicit Proofs

A Explicit Proofs

Proof of Lemma 1: We denote \(D_l=\varepsilon (D_{l})-m_l(P_\infty )\) for \(l=1, 2\) and \([k] D_l=\varepsilon ([k]D_{l})-m_{lk}(P_\infty )\) for \(k=i, j. \) Let \(u_\infty \) be a \(\mathbb {F}_{q}\)-rational uniformizer for \(P_\infty \) and assume \(supp(div(u_\infty ))\cap supp(\varepsilon (D_{1}))=\emptyset \). Thus

$$ supp(div(f_{i,D_1}))\cap supp((jm_2-m_{2j})(P_\infty )+div(\frac{1}{{u_\infty }^{(jm_2-m_{2j})}}))=\emptyset . $$

Since \(f_{i,D_1}\) is a \(\mathbb {F}_{q}\)-rational function, so

$$ \left( f_{i,D_1}((jm_2-m_{2j})(P_\infty )+div(\frac{1}{{u_\infty }^{(jm_2-m_{2j})}}))\right) ^{q-1}=1 $$

by Fermat’s Little Theorem. According to Weil reciprocity [23] , we have

$$ \begin{array}{ll} &{}\left( f_{i,D_{1}}(\varepsilon ([j]D_{2}))f_{i,D_{1}}^{-j}(\varepsilon (D_{2}))\right) ^{q-1}\\ &{}=\left( f_{i,D_{1}}(\varepsilon ([j]D_{2})-j\varepsilon (D_{2})+(jm_2-m_{2j})(P_\infty )+div(\frac{1}{{u_\infty }^{(jm_2-m_{2j})}}))\right) ^{q-1}\\ &{}= \left( f_{i,D_{1}}([j]D_{2}-jD_{2}+div(\frac{1}{{u_\infty }^{(jm_2-m_{2j})}}))\right) ^{q-1} \\ &{}= \left( f_{i,D_{1}}(div((f_{j,D_{2}}{u_\infty }^{(jm_2-m_{2j})})^{-1}))\right) ^{q-1}\\ &{}= \left( (f_{j,D_{2}}{u_\infty }^{(jm_2-m_{2j})})^{-1}(div(f_{i,D_{1}}))\right) ^{q-1}\\ &{}=\left( {f_{j,D_{2}}{u_\infty }^{(jm_2-m_{2j})}}([i]D_1-iD_1)\right) ^{q-1}\\ &{}=\left( f_{j,D_{2}}(\varepsilon ([i]D_{1})-i\varepsilon (D_{1}))\right) ^{q-1} \left( { u_\infty }^{(jm_2-m_{2j})}(\varepsilon ([i]D_{1})-i\varepsilon (D_{1}))\right) ^{q-1}\\ &{}\cdot \left( {f_{j,D_{2}}{u_\infty }^{(jm_2-m_{2j})}}((im_1-m_{1i})(P_\infty ))\right) ^{q-1}\\ &{}= \left( f_{j,D_{2}}(\varepsilon ([i]D_{1}))f_{j,D_{2}}^{-i}(\varepsilon (D_{1}))\right) ^{q-1}. \end{array} $$

In fact, \(u_\infty \) and reduced divisor \(D_1\) are \(\mathbb {F}_{q}\)-rational, so

$$ \left( { u_\infty }^{(jm_2-m_{2j})}(\varepsilon ([i]D_{1})-i\varepsilon (D_{1}))\right) ^{q-1}=1. $$

On the other hand, \(ord_{P_\infty }({f_{j,D_{2}}{u_\infty }^{(jm_2-m_{2j})}})=0\) shows that this function is defined on \(P_\infty \). Then \({f_{j,D_{2}}{u_\infty }^{(jm_2-m_{2j})}} \) is normalised implies that

$$\begin{aligned} {f_{j,D_{2}}{u_\infty }^{(jm_2-m_{2j})}}(P_\infty )=lc_\infty ({f_{j,D_{2}}{u_\infty }^{(jm_2-m_{2j})}})=1. \end{aligned}$$

So the last indentity holds and it is followed by the equation

$$ \left( \frac{f_{i,D_{1}}(\varepsilon ([j]D_{2}))}{f_{j,D_{2}}(\varepsilon ([i]D_{1}))}\right) ^{q-1}= \left( \frac{f_{i,D_{1}}^j(\varepsilon (D_{2}))}{f_{j,D_{2}}^i(\varepsilon (D_{1}))}\right) ^{q-1} . $$

      \(\square \)

Proof of Lemma 2: Let \(\phi \) be the \(\mathbb {F}_{q}\)-rational automorphism defined in Theorem 1, then \([\lambda ]D_1=\phi (D_1)\). Since the automorphism is also an isogeny, so we can denote its daul isogeny as \(\widehat{\phi }\), where \(\phi \circ \widehat{\phi }=[1]\) and \(\widehat{\phi }\) is also \(\mathbb {F}_{q}\)-rational. Thus \([\lambda ]D_2=\widehat{\phi }(D_1)\). According to Lemma \(3\) in [11], we have \(f_{\lambda ,[\lambda ]D_{1}}=\alpha f_{\lambda ,D_{1}}\circ \widehat{\phi }\) with \(\alpha \in \mathbb {F}_{q}\). By mathematical induction, the identity can be obtained. Following Lemma 1, let \(i=j=\lambda \), we have

$$ \left( \frac{f_{\lambda ,D_{1}}(\varepsilon ([\lambda ]D_{2}))}{f_{\lambda ,D_{2}} (\varepsilon ([\lambda ]D_{1}))}\right) ^{q-1}= \left( \frac{f_{\lambda ,D_{1}}(\varepsilon (D_{2}))}{f_{\lambda ,D_{2}}(\varepsilon (D_{1}))}\right) ^{\lambda (q-1)}. $$

Suppose the identity in Lemma 2 holds for \(i\), we can prove it also holds for \(i+1\). In fact,

$$ \begin{array}{ll} \left( \frac{f_{\lambda ,D_{1}}(\varepsilon ([\lambda ^{i+1}]D_{2}))}{f_{\lambda ,D_{2}}(\varepsilon ([\lambda ^{i+1}]D_{1}))}\right) ^{q-1} &{}=\left( \frac{f_{\lambda ,D_{1}}(\varepsilon (\widehat{\phi }^i([\lambda ]D_{2})))}{f_{\lambda ,D_{2}}(\varepsilon ([\lambda ][\lambda ^{i}]D_{1}))}\right) ^{q-1}\\ &{}=\left( \frac{f_{\lambda ,D_{1}}(\widehat{\phi }^i(\varepsilon ([\lambda ]D_{2})))}{f_{\lambda ,D_{2}}(\varepsilon ([\lambda ][\lambda ^{i}]D_{1}))}\right) ^{q-1}\\ &{}=\left( \frac{f_{\lambda ,[\lambda ^i]D_{1}}(\varepsilon ([\lambda ]D_{2}))}{f_{\lambda ,D_{2}}(\varepsilon ([\lambda ][\lambda ^{i}]D_{1}))}\right) ^{q-1}\\ &{}=\left( \frac{f_{\lambda ,[\lambda ^i]D_{1}}(\varepsilon (D_{2}))}{f_{\lambda ,D_{2}}(\varepsilon ([\lambda ^{i}]D_{1}))}\right) ^{\lambda (q-1)}\\ &{}=\left( \frac{f_{\lambda ,D_{1}}(\varepsilon ([\lambda ^{i}]D_{2}))}{f_{\lambda ,D_{2}}(\varepsilon ([\lambda ^{i}]D_{1}))}\right) ^{\lambda (q-1)}\\ &{}=\left( \frac{f_{\lambda ,D_{1}}(\varepsilon (D_{2}))}{f_{\lambda ,D_{2}}(\varepsilon (D_{1}))}\right) ^{\lambda ^{i+1}(q-1)}. \end{array} $$

The mathematical induction gives the result of this lemma.       \(\square \)

Proof of Lemma 3: To prove the result, it suffices to show that \(\left( \left( \frac{f_{\lambda ,D_{1}}(\varepsilon (D_{2}))}{f_{\lambda ,D_{2}}(\varepsilon (D_{1}))}\right) ^{q-1}\right) ^r=1. \) As is stated in Lemma 1, \(u_\infty \) is a \(\mathbb {F}_{q}\)-rational uniformizer for \(P_\infty \). For the similar reasons with Equation (2),

$$ {f_{\lambda ,D_{2}}{u_\infty }^{((\lambda -1)m_{2})}}(P_\infty )={f_{r,D_{2}}{u_\infty }^{rm_{2}}}(P_\infty )=1. $$

Assume \(div(u_\infty )=P_\infty +D_\infty \) and \(supp(D_\infty ) \cap supp(div(f_{r,D_1}))=\emptyset \). According to Weil reciprocity [23] and Fermat’s Little Theorem, we have

$$ \begin{array}{ll} \left( \frac{f_{\lambda ,D_{1}}(\varepsilon (D_{2}))}{f_{\lambda ,D_{2}}(\varepsilon (D_{1}))}\right) ^{(q-1)r}\\ =\left( \frac{f_{\lambda ,D_{1}}(\varepsilon (D_{2})-m_2(P_\infty )+div(u_\infty ^{m_2}))}{f_{\lambda ,D_{2}}{u_\infty }^{(\lambda -1)m_{2}} (\varepsilon (D_{1})-m_1(P_\infty ))}\right) ^{(q-1)r}\\ =\left( \frac{f_{\lambda ,D_{1}}(r D_{2}+div(u_\infty ^{rm_2}))}{f_{\lambda ,D_{2}}{u_\infty }^{(\lambda -1)m_{2}}(r D_{1})}\right) ^{(q-1)r}\\ =\left( \frac{{f_{r,D_{2}}{u_\infty }^{rm_{2}}}(\lambda D_1-[\lambda ]D_1)}{f_{r,D_{1}}(\lambda D_2-[\lambda ]D_2+div(u_\infty ^{(\lambda -1)m_2}))}\right) ^{q-1}\\ =\left( \frac{{f_{r,D_{2}}(\lambda \varepsilon (D_{1})-\varepsilon ([\lambda ]D_{1})){u_\infty }^{rm_{2}}}(\lambda \varepsilon (D_{1})-\varepsilon ([\lambda ]D_{1})){f_{r,D_{2}}{u_\infty }^{rm_{2}}}(-(\lambda -1)m_1(P_\infty ))}{f_{r,D_{1}}(\lambda \varepsilon (D_{1})-\varepsilon ([\lambda ]D_{1}))f_{r,D_{1}}(D_\infty )}\right) ^{q-1}\\ =\left( \frac{f_{r,D_{2}}(\lambda \varepsilon (D_{1}))}{f_{r,D_{1}}(\lambda \varepsilon (D_{2}))} \frac{f_{r,D_{1}}(\varepsilon ([\lambda ]D_{2}))}{f_{r,D_{2}}(\varepsilon ([\lambda ]D_{1}))}\right) ^{q-1}\\ =\left( \frac{f_{r,D_{2}}( \varepsilon (D_{1}))}{f_{r,D_{1}}( \varepsilon (D_{2}))}\right) ^\lambda \left( \frac{f_{r,[\lambda ]D_{1}}(\varepsilon (D_{2}))}{f_{r,D_{2}}(\varepsilon ([\lambda ]D_{1}))}\right) ^{q-1}\\ =\left( (-1)^{rm_1m_2}e_r(D_{1},D_{2})^\lambda (-1)^{rm_1m_2}e_r(D_{2},[\lambda ]D_{1})\right) ^{q-1}\\ =\left( e_r(D_{1},D_{2})^\lambda e_r(D_{2},D_{1})^\lambda \right) ^{q-1}\\ =1 \end{array} $$

This complete the proof of Lemma 3.

      \(\square \)

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Chen, S., Wang, K., Lin, D., Wang, T. (2014). Omega Pairing on Hyperelliptic Curves. In: Lin, D., Xu, S., Yung, M. (eds) Information Security and Cryptology. Inscrypt 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 8567. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-12087-4_11

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  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-12087-4_11

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-319-12086-7

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-319-12087-4

  • eBook Packages: Computer ScienceComputer Science (R0)

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