
1 Introduction

Cloud computing introduces a paradigm whereby infrastructure, platform, and application resources are abstracted as services and delivered remotely over the Internet by a multitude of providers [1, 2]. These services allow enterprises to realise significant savings while accelerating, at the same time, the development and deployment of new applications. Naturally, cloud computing is expected to impact the manner in which enterprises cooperate in a distributed collaborative network [2]. In particular, activities accomplished in the frame of a virtual enterprise (VE) may include utilisation of cloud services spanning different administrative domains and levels of capability (IaaS, PaaS and SaaS). For example, consider the scenario (adapted from [3]) whereby a scientific consortium is formed in order to collaboratively run a large cascade of meteorological and hydrological computational models for flood forecasting. Such processing utilises SaaS components offered by different consortium participants. Each such component may be deployed on a participant’s proprietary infrastructure, or on infrastructure provisioned as a cloud service (IaaS offering). The computation also requires new specialised software that is developed on a software platform that is too provisioned as a service (PaaS offering).

Cloud-based VEs are therefore rapidly being transformed into complex ecosystems of heterogeneous, externally-sourced services. As the number of these services increases, keeping track of when and how they evolve over time, e.g. as a result of intentional or unintentional changes, becomes an increasingly challenging process. The situation is further perplexed by the dynamic nature of VEs as new enterprises may be added or existing ones leave.

In order to deal with this complexity, VEs are anticipated to rely on policies that regulate the deployment and delivery of cloud services. This calls for mechanisms that are able to generically evaluate the conformance of services with these policies, as well as to validate the correctness of the policies. We argue that, in order to deal with the dynamic nature of cloud-based VEs, as well as with the heterogeneity of the cloud services that they employ, these mechanisms must advocate a clear separation of concerns whereby policies are expressed orthogonally to the code used for enforcing them. This brings about a number of positive effects: (i) it keeps the mechanisms independent of any particular cloud delivery platform; (ii) it enables them to deal with a wide range of heterogeneous policies and services; (iii) it allows reasoning about policy interrelations (e.g. conflicting or overlapping policies).

In this respect, in [5] we proposed SC3: a mechanism for automatically evaluating the compliance of cloud services with preset policies concerning their business aspects of delivery. In this paper, we go a step further and propose a policy validation mechanism for evaluating the correctness of the policies themselves. The mechanism is underpinned by an ontology able to accurately capture the seminal characteristics of the policies. By shifting the locus of effort from software development to the creation of knowledge structures, our ontology introduces an extra layer of abstraction which enables the formal representation of the concepts that lurk behind business policies. It thereby disentangles the definition of policies from the code employed for enforcing them. The proposed ontology draws upon Linked USDL [6] – an ontological framework which readily provides the necessary structures for accommodating the required concepts. Finally, it is to be noted that the proposed mechanism forms part of a broader mechanism that is being developed as part of the PaaSword project [7] and which aims at validating a wide range of policies, including security policies, in heterogeneous and dynamic cloud environments.

The rest of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 presents related work. Section 3 outlines a motivating usage scenario and presents a particular categorisation of policies, namely state-oriented policies. Section 4 outlines an ontological model for state-oriented policies and presents the policy validation mechanism. Section 5 presents conclusions and future work.

2 Related Work

Several works have attempted to address the shortcomings entailed by the lack of separation of concerns between policy specification on the one hand, and policy enforcement on the other [8–14]. These works generally utilise custom languages, and ontologies, for capturing policies which are subsequently enforced at run-time through a reference monitor. In [8], the authors propose PONDER – a purpose-made domain specific language for modelling security and management policies; [9–11] advocate the use of markup languages for the specification of access control policies. However, such syntactic descriptions fail to capture the knowledge that lurks behind policies: they are simply data models that lack semantic interoperability.

Closer to our work are the approaches reported in [12–14]. These are based on Semantic Web representations for representing the knowledge lurking behind action-oriented policies, i.e. policies that regulate when an actor can perform a particular action on a particular resource (see Sect. 3). In [12], the authors present KAoS – a policy enforcement and governance framework which advocates a 3-layered architecture consisting of: (i) a human interface layer; (ii) a policy management layer, which captures policies in OWL; (iii) a policy monitoring and enforcement layer, which converts policies expressed in OWL to a programmatic format suitable for policy enforcement. The work reported in [13] proposes Rei – a rule-based policy framework that permits the declarative specification of heterogeneous policies. Rei policies specify those actions that can be performed, and those actions that should be performed, by a named entity. It therefore allows the specification of a desirable set of behaviours which are understandable – and enforceable – by autonomous entities in dynamic cloud environments. The work in [14], proposes POLICYTAB for supporting trust negotiation in dynamic Web environments. POLICYTAB embraces an ontology-based approach for capturing policies that guide a trust negotiation process for providing regulated access to Web resources.

Although they do achieve, to different extents, a separation of concerns between policy representation and policy enforcement, the approaches above rely on custom ontologies for modelling policies. Despite the fact that such ontologies may be suitable for capturing action-oriented policies, they generally lack the expressivity for addressing the state-oriented business policies on which this work reports (see Sect. 3). In this respect, instead of extending – or adapting – the ontologies defined in [12–14], we opt for Linked USDL: an easily extensible and diffused vocabulary of concepts and their associations that readily provides the necessary constructs for capturing the seminal characteristics of state-oriented policies. In addition, the reliance of the approaches in [12–14] on OWL [15], raises concerns about performance when they are used for checking the compliance of increasing loads of cloud services. Our work alleviates these concerns through the use of the lightweight RDF-based [16] vocabulary offered by Linked USDL.

3 Policies for Cloud Service Quality Assurance

We are interested in determining, in a generic manner, a set of business constraints that any service aspiring to be used by a VE must satisfy. In our framework, these constraints take the form of business policies. Next we demonstrate such policies through the example of Sect. 1. Let CPMeteo be a cloud delivery platform that hosts various services for the flood forecasting computation. These services are developed either by the scientific consortium that performs these computations, or by third-party providers. Suppose that an ecosystem partner, or third-party provider, offers a new service to CPMeteo, call it Meteo@Cloud, which encrypts, stores and provides access to intermediate results of the various phases of the flood forecasting computation. For the new service to become available on CPMeteo, certain criteria must be satisfied. These essentially represent a set of service-level objectives (SLOs) that are expressed in terms of constraints on relevant service-level attributes; Table 1 summarises the service-level attributes, and their corresponding SLOs, considered for the purposes of this example. These SLOs form CPMeteo’s business policy (BP) with respect to deploying Meteo@Cloud. The BP additionally incorporates a set of service-level profiles (SLPs). These are essentially sets of SLOs that formulate different ‘deployment schemes’ offered by CPMeteo. For instance, a ‘gold’ SLP may group together the ‘gold’ SLOs of each of the service-level attributes of Table 1 Footnote 1.

Table 1. Entry-level criteria

We assume that the service provider who offers Meteo@Cloud provides a service description (SD) that specifies the manner in which Meteo@Cloud is to be offered through CPMeteo. This SD must be compliant with CPMeteo’s business policy. For instance, an SD which fails to specify a value for the storage attribute, or one which specifies a value lesser than 1 TB, cannot be considered compliant with the BP.

3.1 State-Oriented Policies vs Action-Oriented Policies

The works in [11–13] focus on action-oriented policies, i.e. policies that control the conditions under which an actor can perform an action on a particular resource. Clearly, an indispensible ingredient of action-oriented policies is the specification of the actor who initiates the action, as well as of the action itself. The ontologies proposed in [11–13] naturally provide constructs for the specification of these ingredients. In contrast, as it becomes evident from Sect. 3.1, the kind of policies that our framework focuses on does not place any emphasis on specifying the actor that potentially initiates a particular action, or on the nature of the action itself: the actor may be any service provider, whereas the action is invariably the on-boarding of a service on a cloud service delivery platform. Our business policies predominantly focus on the conditions that must be met for a service to be on-boarded on such a platform. These conditions entail a set of artefacts that an SD must encompass. In this respect, they essentially formulate a set of guaranteed states which are represented through the SLOs and the SLPs that the business policies comprise. We shall term such policies state-oriented. Clearly, such a shift in focus from action-oriented to state-oriented business policies calls for a novel approach to the ontological modelling of policies, one which provides the necessary constructs for representing the artefacts that an SD must encompass. In this paper we propose such an approach based on Linked USDL [6]: an ontology framework which provides the necessary concepts for capturing SLPs and SLOs. In the following section we provide an outline of our approach. A brief account of the reasons that lead us to opt for Linked USDL is first in order.

3.2 Linked USDL

Linked USDL is a re-modelled version of USDL [17]. It draws upon the experience gained with USDL, as well as with other research efforts in the realm of Semantic Web Services and business ontologies [18, 19]. It builds upon the principles of Linked Data in order to endorse its use in a ‘web of data’. In this respect, it models specifications in an RDF vocabulary that better supports the generic representation of web and cloud services. The adoption of Linked USDL brings about the following advantages [19]. Firstly, its reliance on existing widely-used RDF vocabularies, such as GoodRelations [21] the Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) ontology [22], and FOAF [23]. In this respect, it promotes knowledge sharing whilst it increases the interoperability, and thus the reusability and generality, of our security policies. Secondly, by offering a number of different profiles, Linked USDL provides a holistic and generic solution able to adequately capture a wide range of business details. In addition, Linked USDL is designed to be easily extensible through linking to further existing, or new, ontologies.

4 Representation and Validation of State-Oriented Policies

Linked USDL comprises a Core schema which in our model encodes certain invariable characteristics of a BP. From this Core schema a number of extension schemata hinge addressing diverse business aspects of a BP, such as pricing, SLA, security, and IPR; for the purposes of this paper, we focus on the SLA schema. Sections 4.1 and 4.3 below describe, with reference to the scenario of Sect. 3.1, how state-oriented policies are modelled within the Core and SLA schemata respectively. Sections 4.2 and 4.4 describe how the correctness of state-oriented policies is evaluated by the policy validation mechanism.

4.1 Linked USDL Core

We use Linked USDL’s Core schema in order to formally capture the following two facts about a BP: (i) the identity of the business entity which is responsible for defining the BP (i.e. CPMeteo, in the case of the scenario of Sect. 3.1); (ii) the role in the capacity of which this business entity acts when defining the BP. To this end, we utilise the USDL Core classes and properties depicted in Fig. 1 Footnote 2.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Linked USDL core classes, interrelations and instances

More specifically, a BP is identified by an instance of the USDL Core class ServiceModel . For example, in the scenario of Sect. 3.1, the BP is identified by the instance BP-CPMeteo depicted in Fig. 1. In fact, BP-CPMeteo is an instance of a particular subclass of ServiceModel , namely of the subclass ServiceModelCPMeteo , which is specifically introduced into our model for accommodating all of CPMeteo’s BPsFootnote 3. Now, in order to capture the aforementioned two facts we:

  1. 1.

    Associate the instance BP-CPMeteo with an instance, say EntityCPMeteo , of the class EntityInlvolvement through the property hasEntityInvolvement.

  2. 2.

    Associate the instance EntityCPMeteo with the instance CPMeteo of the class grBusinessEntity via the property ofBusinessEntity . Note that the instance CPMeteo identifies the business entity which is responsible for defining the BP.

  3. 3.

    Associate the instance EntityCPMeteo with the instance Intermediary of the class BusinessRole via the property withBusinessRole . Note that the instance Intermediary identifies the role in the capacity of which CPMeteo acts when defining the BP.

By virtue of steps 1 and 2 above, and the transitivity of object properties, the instance BP-CPMeteo is associated (indirectly) with the instance CPMeteo , thus identifying the business entity responsible for defining BP-CPMeteo . Similarly, by virtue of steps 1 and 3 above, BP-CPMeteo is associated with the instance Intermediary , thus identifying the role in the capacity of which CPMeteo acts when defining BP-CPMeteo .

4.2 Validating the Core Portion of a BP

Our aim is to verify that the Core portion of a BP correctly captures the two facts mentioned in Sect. 4.1, namely the business entity responsible for defining the BP, as well as the role in the capacity of which this business entity acts when defining the BP. First, however, we need to ensure that there indeed exists an instance of the class ServiceModel which identifies the BP. To this end, the policy validation mechanism uses the Apache Jena Java API in order to obtain all those resources that are defined as subclasses of the class ServiceModel , as well as all the instances that are encompassed in these subclasses. The mechanism then ensures that there exists exactly one instance in the subclass ServiceModelCPMeteo (i.e. the BP-CPMeteo instance of Fig. 1) which identifies the BP.

Turning next to verifying that the BP correctly captures the two facts mentioned in Sect. 4.1, the validation mechanism uses again the Jena Java API in order to check that: (i) BP-CPMeteo is associated with exactly one instance of the class EntityInvolvement via the hasEntityInvolvement property; (ii) this EntityInvolvement instance is associated with the instance CPMeteo of the class gr:BusinessEntity , and with no other instances from that class; (iii) the same EntityInvolvement instance is associated with the instance Intermediary of the class BusinessRole , and with no other instances from that class. In case any of these checks fails, the validation process fails.

4.3 Linked USDL SLA

USDL SLA provides an adequate ontological framework for modelling the knowledge that lurks behind a BP, i.e. the particular characteristics that a service must exhibit in order to be on-boarded on a cloud platform. As discussed in Sect. 3, these characteristics are formulated in terms of SLPs and SLOs. Below we outline how these SLPs and SLOs are modelled in USDL SLAFootnote 4.

SLPs are expressed as instances of the USDL SLA ServiceLevelProfile class (see Fig. 2). For example, the SLPs of the scenario of Sect. 3.1 are expressed as instances of a particular subclass of the class ServiceLevelProfile , namely SLP-CPMeteo , which encompasses all SLPs offered by CPMeteo. Thus, the instance SLP-Gold depicted in Fig. 2, represents CPMeteo’s ‘gold’ profile. The class SLP-CPMeteo is associated with the BP (i.e. with the instance BP-CPMeteo that identifies the BP) through the property hasSLPCPMeteo (see Fig. 2). This is a sub-property of the USDL SLA property hasServiceLevelProfile which associates the USDL Core class ServiceModel with the USDL SLA class ServiceLevelProfile .

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Linked USDL SLA framework

As reported in Sect. 3.1, each SLP comprises an SLO for each of the service-level attributes of Table 1. In our framework, the SLOs corresponding to a particular attribute are expressed as instances of a suitable subclass of the USDL SLA GuaranteedStates class (see Fig. 2). For example, the SLOs of the attribute storage , i.e. the ‘gold storage’, ‘silver storage’, and ‘bronze storage’ SLOs of Table 1, appear as instances of the subclass SL-Storage (for instance the instance SL-GoldStorage depicted in Fig. 2)Footnote 5. An SLP is related to the SLOs that it comprises through suitable sub-properties of the property hasServiceLevel . For instance, an SLP is associated with the SLOs of the storage attribute through the sub-property hasSLStorage ; in Fig. 2, this sub-property interrelates the instances SLP-Gold and SL-GoldStorage .

Now, each SLO is expressed in terms of a service-level expression (SLE) which articulates those conditions that must be met for the SLO to be achieved. An SLE is represented as an instance of an appropriate subclass of the class ServiceLevelExpression (see Fig. 2). For instance, the SLEs corresponding to the storage SLOs take the form of instances of the class SLE-Storage (cf. SLE-GoldStorage of Fig. 2). SLOs are related to their SLEs through suitable sub-properties of the property hasServiceLevelExpression . For instance, the storage SLOs are related to their SLEs via the property hasSLEStorage depicted in Fig. 2.

Finally, each SLE is associated with a variable that represents a certain attribute and is linked with an allowable range of values. Following a symmetrical approach to the one provided for SLOs and SLEs, variables take the form of instances of suitable subclasess of the class USDL SLA Variable class. Similarly, value ranges take the form of instances of suitable subclasses of the class gr:Quantitative ValueInteger . Figure 2 illustrates these subclasses ( Var-Storage , AllowedStorage ), and instances ( Var-GoldStorage , Val-Gold Storage ), for the ‘gold’ storage attribute. SLEs bind their constituent variables through sub-properties of the property hasVariable (e.g. the hasVarStorage sub-property of Fig. 2). Similarly, variables are linked to their allowable value ranges through sub-properties of the property hasDefaultQuantitativeValue (e.g. the hasDefaultStorage sub-property of Fig. 2).

4.4 Validating the SLA Portion of a BP

Two main methods are involved in the validation of the SLA portion of a BP: (i) a parsing method which constructs a programmatic representation of the framework described in Sect. 4.3; (ii) a policy validation method which performs the necessary correctness checks.

Programmatically Representing the SLA Portion of a BP.

Each of the USDL-SLA classes depicted in Fig. 2 is represented programmatically in terms of an appropriate in-memory data structure. Subsequently, for each such class \( S \), the validation mechanism discovers all the domain-specific subclasses \( C \) of \( S \) that are encompassed in the BP. It then populates the data structure corresponding to \( S \) with these subclasses. For example, it populates the data structure corresponding to the USDL-SLA class ServiceLevelProfile with the SLP-CPMeteo subclass and the data structure corresponding to the USDL-SLA class ServiceLevel with the SL-Storage subclass. The same applies for the data structures corresponding to the rest of the USDL SLA classes depicted in Fig. 2. Each discovered subclass \( C \) is also represented programmatically in terms of an appropriate in-memory structure. For each such subclass \( C \), the validation mechanism proceeds to discover all those properties that are defined in the BP, along with their linked ranges, which happen to have as the subclass \( C \) as their domain. It then populates the data structure corresponding to \( C \) with these properties. These properties are effectively all the sub-properties of the USDL SLA properties that are encountered in the BP. By the end of this process, we have a complete in-memory representation of the model depicted in Fig. 2.

Validating the SLA Portion of a BP.

The policy validation method operates on the in-memory data structures constructed by the parsing method above. More specifically, it checks that: (i) at least one instance exists in each of the subclasses of the ServiceLevelProfile class (e.g. the instance SLP-Gold depicted in Fig. 2); (ii) the instance BP-CPMeteo (that identifies the BP) is associated with such an instance through a sub-property of the property hasServiceLevelProfile . Subsequently, the validation method checks that: (i) each SLP instance is associated with at least one SLO instance, i.e. with at least one instance from the subclasses of the GuaranteedStates class that were discovered by the parsing process; (ii) these associations take place through distinct sub-properties of the USDL SLA property hasServiceLevel . In an entirely symmetrical manner, the validation mechanism then checks that: (i) each SLO (i.e. each subclass of the class GuaranteedStates ) is associated with at least one SLE (i.e. with at least one subclass of ServiceLevelExpression ) via a distinct sub-property of hasServiceLevelExpression ; (ii) each SLO instance is associated with at least one SLE instance. An analogous set of checks applies for the associations between SLEs and variables. Furthermore, the mechanism checks that there exists an one-to-one correspondence between variables and quantitative (or qualitative) values. In addition, it checks that: (i) all quantitative value instances are associated with minimum and maximum values via the properties gr:hasMinValueInteger , gr:hasMaxValueInteger ; (ii) each quantitative value instance is associated with an appropriate unit of measurement via gr:hasUnitOfMeasurement .

Testing the Validation Mechanism.

In order to increase our assurance on the policy validation mechanism, a test harness has been developed for potentially discovering invalid BPs that may go undetected by the mechanism. The harness automatically injects errors into the BP and observes whether these are detected by the validation mechanism. More specifically, for every triple T in the BP, it extracts the subject \( \text{T}_{\text{S}} \), the predicate \( \text{T}_{\text{P}} \), and the object \( \text{T}_{\text{O}} \), of T. It then generates a new triple \( T^{\prime } \) by introducing an error in \( \text{T}_{\text{S}} \) (e.g. a typo) and runs the validation mechanism with T being replaced by \( T^{\prime } \). It follows the same procedure for \( \text{T}_{\text{P}} \) and \( \text{T}_{\text{O}} \). The test harness revealed a number of bugs that led to failure in detecting certain erroneous BPs. For example, a significant bug that was discovered was that the validation mechanism failed to check whether certain object properties interconnecting instances in the BP were in fact sub-properties of the correct Linked USDL properties.

5 Conclusions and Future Work

We have presented a policy validation mechanism which automatically assesses the correctness of state-oriented policies. This ensures that cloud services are checked for compliance against correctly-formed policies. We believe that such a mechanism is a vital ingredient of any framework aspiring to provide policy-based quality assurance of cloud services. Our policy validation mechanism has been used in conjunction with the SC3 mechanism that we have developed for evaluating the quality of cloud services. Both mechanisms have been successfully used for assessing CRM services on-boarded on an exising commercial cloud application platform – namely the CAS Open platform [18].

As part of future work, we intend to extend our mechanism to cover a wider range of policies including action-oriented policies. Such an extension will enable us to model policies articulating the actions that need to be taken in case one or more SLOs are violated (or are about to be violated) during the consumption of a service. In addition, we are already extending our mechanism to cope with context-aware security policies in highly-dynamic and heterogeneous cloud environments.