We propose a deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) method for natural image matting. Our method takes results of the closed form matting, results of the KNN matting and normalized RGB color images as inputs, and directly learns an end-to-end mapping between the inputs, and reconstructed alpha mattes. We analyze pros and cons of the closed form matting, and the KNN matting in terms of local and nonlocal principle, and show that they are complementary to each other. A major benefit of our method is that it can “recognize” different local image structures, and then combine results of local (closed form matting), and nonlocal (KNN matting) matting effectively to achieve higher quality alpha mattes than both of its inputs. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed deep CNN matting produces visually and quantitatively high-quality alpha mattes. In addition, our method has achieved the highest ranking in the public alpha matting evaluation dataset in terms of the sum of absolute differences, mean squared errors, and gradient errors.
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1 Introduction and Related Work
Image matting aims to extract an alpha matte of foreground given a trimap of an image. This problem can be expressed as a linear combination of foreground and background colors as follows [1]:
where I, F, B, and \(\alpha \) denote the observed image (usually in RGB), foreground, background and mixing coefficients (alpha matte) respectively. Given an input I, finding F, B, and \(\alpha \) simultaneously is a highly ill-posed problem.
Previous works in image matting have shown that, if we make proper assumptions, e.g. the color line model, about F and B, we can solve \(\alpha \) in a closed form [2]. Local affinity based methods [2, 3] analyze statistical correlation among local pixels to propagate alpha values from known regions to unknown pixels. When their assumptions about local color distribution were violated, unsatisfactory results can be obtained. Nonlocal affinity based approaches [4–9] and color sampling based methods [10–14] rely on the nonlocal principle. They try to relax the local color distribution assumption by searching nonlocal neighbors and color samples which provide a better description of the image matting equation (Eq. (1)). Moreover, some works utilize multiple frames such as video [9, 15] and camera arrays [16, 18] to get local and nonlocal information across the images for matting.
Nonlocal methods, however, do not always outperform local methods. This is because these nonlocal methods were also built on top of some assumptions, e.g. nonlocal matting Laplacian [6], structure and texture similarity [13], comprehensive sampling sets [14], to search for proper nonlocal neighbors. In practice, alpha mattes from local methods are spatially smoother while alpha mattes from nonlocal methods can better capture long hair structures. There are also a few works [19, 20] which implicitly deal with a combination of local and nonlocal principles.
We observe that there is a synergistic effect between local and nonlocal methods. The question is how these two kinds of methods can be combined effectively without losing the advantages of both methods. The answer, however, is not straight forward. An important criterion is that the solution should be able to adapt well to different image structures without depending too much on parameter tuning. Deep learning has recently drawn a lot of attentions in object recognition [21]. It has demonstrated its strength in feature extraction, classification [22, 23], object detection [24, 25] and saliency detection [26, 27], as well as image reconstruction tasks such as image denoising [28], dirt removal [30], super-resolution [31], and image deblurring [33]. Because of its benefits in performance, and its versatility in various tasks, we are interested in applying deep learning to the natural image matting problem to bridge the gap between local and nonlocal methods. In addition, although deep learning has a lot of parameters in its training phase, it is almost parameter-free in its testing phase. Because the testing phase requires only a single forward pass of the deep architecture, it is also very efficient in computation especially with the supports of nowadays GPU implementation [34, 35].
We have designed a deep CNN whose inputs are the alpha matte from the closed form matting, the alpha matte from the KNN matting, and the normalized RGB colors of the corresponding input image. We choose the closed form matting and the KNN matting as the representative of local and nonlocal methods because both methods are simple, mathematically solid and with publicly available source codes from their original authors. Also, both methods have a few parameters, and their performance is quite stable across wide range of examples. Our deep CNN is directly learnt from more than a hundred thousand of sampled image patches whose ground truth alpha mattes were collected from various sources [36]. We adopt data augmentation to increase variations and the number of training patches. In addition, we apply clustering using the ground truth alpha mattes to balance the number of training patches of different image structures. This is necessary in order to avoid overfitting of training data to particular type of image structures, e.g. long hairs.
After our deep CNN model is trained, we can directly apply our trained model to alpha matte reconstruction at the original resolution of input images. This is possible because our model utilizes only convolutional layers, and the convolutional layer do not have the fixed size limitation as opposed to the fully connected layer [37]. Our proposed deep CNN method can effectively combine the benefits of local and nonlocal information to reconstruct higher quality alpha mattes than both of its inputs. Note that this reconstruction is free of parameter, and the initial alpha mattes were obtained from the default parameters of the closed form matting and KNN matting. Because of the nonlinear units across the multiple layers in our deep CNN architecture, our results cannot be reproduced by a simple linear combination of our inputs. We have also found that different image structures activate different neurons in our deep CNN, which results in the best possible alpha mattes reconstruction from our inputs. Finally, we further extend our work by combining the inputs from closed form matting, KNN matting, and comprehensive matting, and a significant performance boost has achieved.
In summary, this paper offers the following contributions:
We introduce a deep CNN model for natural image matting. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to apply deep learning to the natural image matting problem.
Our deep CNN model can effectively combine alpha mattes of local and nonlocal methods to reconstruct higher quality alpha mattes than both of its inputs. This is because our deep CNN model can “recognize” local image structures through the activations of different neuron units, and apply appropriate reconstruction scheme to adapt different image structures. This whole process is efficient and parameter-free once our deep CNN model is trained.
Our deep CNN method demonstrates outstanding performance in the public alpha matting evaluation benchmark dataset [36]. Our method has achieved the highest ranking in terms of the sum of absolute differences, mean squared errors, and gradient errors.
2 Review of Closed Form and KNN Mattings
Our method takes results from the closed form matting [2] and the KNN matting [8] as parts of our inputs. In this section, we briefly review these two methods, and discuss their strength and weakness in the natural image matting problem.
2.1 Closed Form Matting
The closed form matting assumes that the local color distribution follows a color line model where colors within a local window can be expressed as a linear combination of two colors. Based on this assumption, Levin et al. derived the matting Laplacian and proved that the alpha matte of foreground can be solved in a closed form without explicit estimation of foreground and background colors. Since then, the matting Laplacian has been extensively used as a regularization term to enhance smoothness of estimated alpha mattes [5, 12, 13], and other applications [38, 39].
Strength: In the closed form matting, there are only a few parameters: local window size, \(\epsilon \), and \(\lambda \). In practical usages, a user only needs to adjust \(\lambda \) which is the regularization weight to define the strength of smoothness defined by the matting Laplacian. The value of \(\lambda \) can also be fixed for wide range of applications since the performance of matting Laplacian is quite robust to the values of its parameters. Its performance is guaranteed when the color line model assumption is satisfied.
Weakness: Although the color line model is quite general, there are a lot of cases where the color line model assumption is violated. It happens when background contains textures or multiple colors in a local region, or when local color distributions of foreground and background are overlapped. In addition, in order to satisfy the color line model, the local window size needs to be unavoidably small (e.g. \(3 \times 3\)). A large local window also makes the sparse matting Laplacian matrix computationally intractable. Consequently, the matting Laplacian contains only local information. Since alpha mattes are estimated through the propagation by the matting Laplacian, if the initial definite foreground or definite background samples provided by a user are far away from the matting regions, the estimated alpha mattes will still be over smoothed even through the color line model is satisfied. Also, alpha mattes in isolated regions of a trimap can never be correctly estimated since alpha values are propagated to local neighborhood only. These weaknesses are illustrated in Figs. 1 and 2.
2.2 KNN Matting
The KNN matting was derived based on the nonlocal principle in matting originally proposed by the nonlocal matting [6]. Its goal is to resolve the limitations of matting Laplacian by allowing alpha values to be propagated across nonlocal neighbors. Similar to the closed form matting, the nonlocal matting also makes an assumption about the sampled nonlocal neighbors. It assumes that the alpha value of a pixel can be described by a weighted sum of the alpha values of the nonlocal pixels that have similar appearance. In the nonlocal matting, the similar appearance is defined by colors, distance, and texture similarities. The computation of nonlocal matting, however, is very high due to the comparisons of nonlocal neighbors. The KNN matting improved the nonlocal matting by considering only the first K-nearest neighbors in a high dimensional feature space. It reduces the computation by considering only colors (in the HSV color space) and location similarity in their feature space. It also introduced a better preconditioning to further speed up computations. Interestingly, the alpha mattes by the KNN matting outperform the alpha mattes by the nonlocal matting because nonlocal neighbors at farther distance can be considered owing to the reduction of computations.
Strength: Similar to the closed form matting, the KNN matting also has a few parameters, and their parameters can be fixed for wide range of examples. Because the KNN matting utilizes nonlocal information, it can handle isolated regions, and better propagate alpha values across fine structures which are usually over smoothed by the closed form matting at a long distance.
Weakness: A major limitation of nonlocal methods is that it is difficult to define a universal feature space which can properly evaluate the nonlocal neighbors to adapt different structures of an image. Considering the KNN matting, it utilizes the HSV space instead of the RGB space in its feature vectors because the HSV feature has better quantitative performance in the alpha matting evaluation dataset [36]. However, it is controversial to conclude that the HSV feature always outperforms the RGB feature. This is illustrated in Fig. 3(a-d). Similarly, it is controversial to conclude that features that utilize more texture information can always outperform features that utilize only color information, especially for the natural image matting problem. Because of the limitation of feature spaces, nonlocal methods can perform worse than local methods when improper nonlocal neighbors are considered.
To conclude, we compare the performance of the closed form matting and the KNN matting in Fig. 3(e-i). The closed form matting performs better in preserving local smoothness which has smaller errors in sharp, and short hair regions. In contrast, the KNN matting performs better in protecting long hair regions as shown in the zoom-in regions.
3 Deep CNN Matting
In this section, we first describe our deep CNN architecture. After that, we provide a deeper analysis to the activation of neurons in our deep CNN model.
3.1 Architecture
The architecture of our deep CNN model is illustrated in Fig. 4. Our network directly maps the input patches (27\(\times \)27\(\times \)5) to the output alpha matte (15\(\times \)15\(\times \)1) as follows:
where \(\mathcal {F}(\cdot )\) denotes a forward pass of our network, \(\bar{I}=\frac{I}{\sqrt{r^{2}+g^{2}+b^{2}}}\) is the input image whose intensity is normalized by the magnitude of RGB vector, \(\alpha _{c}\) is the alpha matte from the closed form matting, and \(\alpha _{k}\) is the alpha matte from the KNN matting. The main reason that the normalized RGB is adopted is to reduce magnitude variations of input signals since the magnitude variations are better captured in the initial alpha mattes (\(\alpha _{c}\) and \(\alpha _{k}\)). Similarly, we do not include the trimap in our input signals because the trimap information has already implicitly encoded in \(\alpha _{c}\) and \(\alpha _{k}\). Also, strong edges in a trimap can give inaccurate high activation responses which can hinder the accuracy of our reconstructed alpha mattes. The initial alpha mattes, \(\alpha _{c}\) and \(\alpha _{k}\), are obtained using the default parameters provided in the original source codes of [2, 8].
Our deep CNN model can be roughly divided into three stages according to the size of convolution kernels. In the first stage (\(\mathcal {F}_1\)), the first convolutional layer is convolved with the 5-channel inputs using 64 \(9 \times 9\) kernels which results in 64 response mapsFootnote 1. Mathematically, the response map after the first convolutional layer and the ReLU layer is defined as:
where \(W_{1,n}\) denotes the weight of the n-th filter in the first layer, and \(b_{1,n}\) is the bias term. We set the bias term equal to zero, and the filter weights, \(W_{1,n}\), are directly learnt from training examples. The first stage serves as structure analysis which activates response of different neurons according to the weights of the filters. After this stage, the response maps capture different local image structures in different output channels.
In the second stage (\(\mathcal {F}_2\) \(\sim \) \(\mathcal {F}_5\)), it stacks multiple 1\(\times \)1 convolutional layers to remap the response maps to enhance or suppress the neuron responses nonlinearly according to cross channel correlation. This process is similar to the nonlinear coefficient remapping in sparse coding for image superresolution [40] as discussed in [31]. In [31], only one layer of 1\(\times \)1 convolutional layer is used for the remapping. We found that stacking multiple 1\(\times \)1 convolutional layers can significantly enhance the performance of our method.
In the last stage (\(\mathcal {F}_6\)), the alpha mattes are directly reconstructed from the response maps after the second stage:
We use kernels with size \(5 \times 5\) for the reconstruction in order to consider spatial smoothness of the reconstructed alpha mattes.
During the training phase, the reconstructed alpha mattes are compared with the ground truth alpha mattes using the Euclidean loss cost function. The errors are back propagated to each layer to update the weights of kernels in each layer. In the testing phase, only a single forward pass is needed to reconstruct the resulting alpha mattes. We use zero padded input images, and directly apply the forward pass at the original image resolution to reconstruct a full resolution alpha matte directly from its inputs. There is no parameter tuning once the deep CNN model is learnt.
3.2 Analyses
Internal Response. We analyze the functionality of each stage by plotting the response maps (\(\mathcal {F}_{1}\) \(\sim \) \(\mathcal {F}_{6}\)) at each layer. Figure 5 shows the response maps of two local patches with different local structures. In the top example, the alpha matte from the KNN matting is more accurate, while in the bottom example, the alpha matte from the closed form matting is more accurate. As visualized in the response maps after the first stage, their filter responses are significantly different from each other. One can interpret that each of the learnt kernels in the first stage are local classifiers which detect particular type of image structures within a local window. It can also be interpreted that the learnt kernels compare the alpha mattes from the closed form matting, and the KNN matting which result in very different response maps with respect to the original image structures, and evaluate which alpha mattes are more accurate.
Compared to the response maps in the previous layers, the reconstructed alpha mattes depends only on a subset of response maps which has been activated. Because the response maps are content adaptive, the reconstruction of alpha mattes can choose the best possible weighted combinations (learnt from training examples) of response maps to reconstruct the alpha mattes which are also adaptive to local image structures. An interesting observation in this example is that the response maps in the nonlinear remapping stage are getting closer to reconstructed alpha mattes after each 1\(\times \)1 convolutional and ReLU layers. This indicates that stacking multiple 1\(\times \)1 convolutional and ReLU layers indeed helps to enhance the performance of our method.
Effect of the Number of Nonlinear Activation Layers. To further analyze the effects of nonlinear activation layers, we compare the performance of our CNN architecture by changing the number of nonlinear activation layers. We compare the performance with one, four, and eight layers of nonlinear activations. To provide a fair comparison, all architectures were trained from scratch with the same set of training examples and parameters, e.g. , the same initialization, learning rate, and number of iterations. Also, the number of channels of each nonlinear activation layer is fixed to 64. Table. 1 reports the average errors on a validation set and the processing time of a forward pass. As expected, more nonlinear activations can improve the results but the improvement with eight-layer architecture is marginal in compare with the results from four-layer architecture. Therefore, we choose the architecture with four-layer nonlinear activations to reduce running time and to avoid overfitting.
Effects of Initial Alpha Mattes. We experiment the effectiveness of our network with different initial alpha mattes. In particular, without changing the network architectures, we re-train the network from scratch with different inputs: RGB+Trimap, RGB+closed form matting, RGB+KNN matting, RGB+closed form matting+comprehensive sampling matting, and RGB+closed form matting+KNN matting+comprehensive sampling matting. The RGB+Trimap is the standard input setting of the image matting problem.
Figure 6 shows the qualitative comparisons. Without the initial alpha mattes, the results from RGB+Trimap (Fig. 6(g)) are worse than the alpha mattes from conventional methods. The worse results may be deal to the usage of small network (with only one layer for structure analysis) or may be deal to the usage of small patches (27\(\times \)27) for training. However, using larger network or larger patches (or entire images) for training would require significantly more training examples, and longer time to process. Also, the results from the state-of-the-art deep learning algorithm [41] for image segmentation are still imperfect which is not suitable for the image matting application. These shortcomings motivate us to utilize alpha mattes from conventional methods, e.g. closed form and KNN mattings, as an approximate solution for refinement.
Figure 6(h, i) show the results where inputs are from RGB+closed form matting and RGB+KNN matting. With the alpha mattes from closed form matting, or KNN matting, the matting results are significantly improved. However, both results depend too much on the quality of input alpha mattes. Also, the limitations of local and nonlocal methods remain in their results respectively. Our results (RGB+closed form matting+KNN matting) which combine the alpha mattes from closed form matting and KNN matting are presented in Fig. 6(j). The results from (RGB+closed form matting+KNN matting) are significantly better than both of its inputs, which favourably combines the benefits of local and nonlocal methods.
To further analyze the effects of inputs, we have also trained a network which inputs are from RGB+closed form matting+comprehensive sampling matting. The comprehensive matting is chosen because its algorithm combines both local and nonlocal information, and its performance is better than both closed form matting and KNN matting. However, the results (Fig. 6(k)) from RGB+closed form matting+comprehensive sampling matting are worse than the results (Fig. 6(j)) from RGB+closed form matting+KNN matting. This may be because the comprehensive sampling matting also consider local information, which introduces bias to the inputs. Consequently, this combination cannot fully utilize the nonlocal information, and their results are worse than our results from RGB+closed form matting+KNN matting.
Finally, on top of initial alpha mattes from the closed form matting and KNN matting, we add the alpha mattes from the comprehensive matting. As shown in Fig. 6(l), results from three initial alpha mattes are slightly better than the combination of the closed form matting and KNN matting. We submitted the results from RGB+closed form matting+KNN matting+comprehensive sampling matting together with the results from RGB+closed form matting+KNN matting to the evaluation site of alpha matting algorithms. Both results achieve the highest rank, and the results from three initial trimaps are better.
4 Experiment
In this section, we first describe our processes to prepare the training data. Then, we evaluate the performance of our deep CNN matting on the public alpha matting evaluation dataset [36], as well as some real world examples. Limitations and a failure case are also discussed. The trained model and testing codes are released in our website.Footnote 2
4.1 Training
We collect training dataset from [36]. There are 27 examples which are composed of a RGB image, trimaps, and a ground truth alpha matte. For each example, we apply the closed form matting [2] and the KNN [8] matting to obtain their alpha mattes as part of our inputs: \(\alpha _{c}\) and \(\alpha _{k}\). Since our training phase processes on each \(27 \times 27\) image patches, we can generate a lot of training patches from the 27 examples. We have also increased the number of training data through data augmentation. In particular, using their ground truth alpha mattes, we composite the foreground onto different background to increase variations and the number of training examples. We have also exploited different rotation, reflection and resizing to increase the number of training patches. Using data augmentation, we can generate more than a hundred thousand of training patches.
While increasing the number of training patches can enhance performance of our trained deep CNN model, we noticed that data balancing is also very important when preparing the training data. We want to avoid overfitting of the training data to a particular type of alpha mattes. To resolve this issue, we cluster the training patches according to the number of pixels with non-zero alpha values, and with non-zero alpha gradients. If a patch has many pixels with non-zero alphas, but has a few pixels with non-zero alpha gradients, the patch can be considered as a sharp boundary patch. In contrast, if a patch has a few pixels with non-zero alphas, but has many pixels with non-zero alpha gradients, the patch can be considered as a long hair patch. Based on this analysis, we cluster the training patches into 20 groups. When preparing the training data for the deep learning, we balance the number of sampled patches from each group in order to avoid the overfitting problem of training data.
After preparing the training data, we train our deep CNN model using the back propagation. It takes around 2\(\sim \)3 days for \(10^{6}\) number of iterations on a machine with GTX 760 GPU and intel i7 3.4 GHz CPU. We use the method “xavier” (caffe parameter) to initialize the training weights. The xavier algorithm automatically determines the scale of initialization based on the number of input and output neurons. The learning rate, momentum and batch size are set to \(10^{-5}, 0.9\) and 128 respectively. In the training phase, we did not pad the image patches. Therefore, the resolution of output (\(15 \times 15\)) is smaller than the input (\(27 \times 27\)). In testing phase, we zero padded the boundary of input images with 6-pixel width (\(\frac{27-15}{2}=6\)), and directly apply the forward pass at the original image resolution with zero padded boundary to reconstruct a full resolution alpha matte. Thus, the resolution of our alpha matte is the same as the resolution of input image. A forward pass takes around \(4 \sim 6\) s to process an image with a resolution of \(800 \times 640\) pixels.
4.2 Evaluation
Quantitative Comparisons. Table 2 shows the quantitative comparisons on the testing dataset in [36]. The ground truths of the testing dataset are unavailable to public. The quantitative results are obtained by submitting our resulting alpha mattes to the evaluation website as “anonymous\(\_\)submission” and “anonymous\(\_\)submission (modified version)”, and the scores are directly obtained from the evaluation website. As shown in Table. 2, our results (DCNN (Closed from + KNN)) and extensions (DCNN (Closed from + KNN + Comprehensive)) have dominated the first two rank in terms of SAD, MSE, and Gradient errors. Note that all results are obtained using the same network without parameter tuning. The initial alpha mattes are obtained by using the default parameters of closed form matting, KNN matting, and comprehensive sampling matting. Also, we did not separate the training examples nor separately train the network for small/large/user trimaps. Thus, our trained network is general and is applicable to different set of inputs.
Qualitative Comparisons. Figure 7 shows the qualitative performance of our deep CNN matting. We compared our results with results from the state-of-the-art matting algorithms: closed form matting [2], KNN matting [8], weighted color and texture matting [13], and comprehensive matting [14]. Our results are more stable and visually pleasing for various object structures: solid boundary (elephant), semi transparency (net), overlapped color distribution (pineapple), and long hair (troll). More qualitative comparisons with other methods and the whole set of our results can be found at www.alphamatting.com.
Additional Results. To further evaluate the performance, we generate synthetic data using the training dataset in [36] by replacing the original backgrounds with new backgrounds. These new backgrounds are very colorful and highly textured. The color line model assumption in the closed form matting is violated, and the local color distribution of foreground and background can be overlapped in these new examples. We use the small trimap provided by [36] to generate the matting results. These new examples are not included in our training dataset. Figure 8 shows the qualitative comparisons on these new synthetic datasets. Compared to results from the other methods, our deep CNN matting estimates more accurate alpha mattes.
Figure 9 shows qualitative comparisons on real world images. The top row example contains short curly hairs while the bottom example contains long hairs. In both examples, the closed form matting produces over smoothed alpha mattes while the KNN matting produces visually unpleasing results as shown in Fig 9(c, d), respectively. In contrast, as shown in Fig 9(f), our deep CNN matting can combine results from the closed form matting and KNN matting properly to reconstruct accurate alpha mattes automatically by recognizing local image structures. In other words, our proposed method can take advantages of both local and nonlocal principles depending on the recognized local image structures.
Failure Case. Our deep CNN matting takes the alpha mattes from the closed form matting, and the alpha mattes from KNN matting as part of the inputs. It is unavoidable that the quality of our results would depend on the quality of inputs. When the alpha mattes from both methods fail simultaneously, our matting results would contain similar artifacts as its inputs. This failure case is illustrated in Fig. 10 (red box). However, because our deep CNN matting can recognize structures, even alpha mattes from the both methods contain artifacts, our method can still produce reasonable alpha mattes better than both of its inputs ( Fig. 10 (yellow box)) if their artifacts are different from each other.
5 Conclusion
In this paper, we have introduced the deep CNN matting. Our deep CNN matting takes the advantages of both local and nonlocal methods, and can adaptively reconstruct high quality alpha mattes from its inputs by recognizing local image structures. Our method is effective and parameter-free once the deep CNN model has been trained. Our matting results have achieved the highest rank in the benchmark dataset [36] in terms of sum of absolute differences, mean squared errors and gradient errors. To our knowledge, this is also the first attempt to apply deep learning to the natural image matting problem. We believe that our method is highly innovative and inspires follow-up works. As a future work, we are planning to study how to relax the dependency of our results with respect to the quality of the input alpha mattes.
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In CAFFE [34], each response map is a weighted sum of the response map of each input channel after passing through the \(9 \times 9\) convolution. Thus, the number of output channels is equal to the number of filters defined in each layer, instead of the multiplication of the number of filters multiplied with the number of input channels.
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This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIP) (No. 2010-0028680).
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Cho, D., Tai, YW., Kweon, I. (2016). Natural Image Matting Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. In: Leibe, B., Matas, J., Sebe, N., Welling, M. (eds) Computer Vision – ECCV 2016. ECCV 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 9906. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-46475-6_39
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-46475-6_39
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-319-46474-9
Online ISBN: 978-3-319-46475-6
eBook Packages: Computer ScienceComputer Science (R0)