Besides correctness, scalability is one of the top priorities of parallel programmers. With manual analytical performance modeling often being too laborious, developers increasingly resort to empirical performance modeling as a viable alternative, which learns performance models from a limited amount of performance measurements. Although powerful automatic techniques exist for this purpose, they usually struggle with the situation where performance data representing two or more different phenomena are conflated into a single performance model. This not only generates an inaccurate model for the given data, but can also either fail to point out existing scalability issues or create the appearance of such issues when none are present. In this paper, we present an algorithm to detect segmentation in a sequence of performance measurements and estimate the point where the behavior changes. Our method correctly identified segmentation in more than 80% of 5.2 million synthetic tests and confirmed expected segmentation in three application case studies.
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1 Introduction
The increasing number of processors in our computing hardware poses new challenges to developers. Increasing software parallelism challenges traditional ways of writing and debugging programs. Badly designed parallel programs may fail to reach the expected performance when run on a larger number of processors. Therefore, finding and removing scalability bugs is key to the achievement of sustainable parallel performance. The term scalability bug refers to those parts of a program whose scaling behavior is unintentionally poor, i.e., which perform worse than expected when using a larger number of processors [2]. As scalability bugs do not become manifest unless the program is actually run at larger scales, it is very difficult for developers to discover them. Often, they are found when the software is already deployed and changes are more expensive.
One approach capable of finding such bugs early and easily is empirical performance modeling: a performance model of a program is built from measurements of relevant performance metrics. We can do this even for individual regions of the code, henceforth called kernels. Typically, we run the program on different numbers of processors p and measure the metric m of interest for each run, creating for each kernel data points of the form (p, m). These data points are then analyzed using regression and turned into a mathematical performance model of the kernel. Empirical models are not necessarily as accurate as analytical models but are good enough to show the scaling trend of the kernel. Problematic kernels can then be examined by the developer in more detail. The whole process can be automated to obtain empirical models for all possible kernels of a program, hence avoiding the risk of overlooking any critical kernel, at least for the given input set.
Extra-P [2] is an automatic tool that implements the above approach. It generates empirical models for each kernel (i.e., call path) of a program in a human-readable form. Extra-P also extrapolates performance to a chosen target scale such that it can be compared with developer expectations. While Extra-P’s workflow is quite effective in finding scalability bugs, it fails if the input data represents two or more distinct behaviors of a program. Extra-P assumes that the performance of a kernel can be characterized by a single function, however, some kernels do not follow a single trend in every situation. There are many practical scenarios where programs change their behavior. For example, modern MPI implementations switch from one algorithm to another, depending on the message size, the number of processes, or the network topology [9]. Overlooking such segmentation not only results in the creation of inaccurate models but also poses the risk of ignoring potential scalability bugs or confusing the user with false positives.
In this paper, we introduce a novel method to detect such segmentation before generating empirical models. Driven by the requirements of performance modeling in HPC, where trial runs can be quite expensive, a particular challenge our method addresses is the low number of data points. Specifically, we propose
an algorithm to find segmentation in data with as few as six points, and
a method to estimate the change point.
Our approach (i) correctly identified segmentation in more than 80% of more than five million randomly generated datasets and (ii) confirmed expected segmented behavior in three realistic use cases, including a climate code, a simple matrix multiplication benchmark, and several MPI collective operations.
In the next section, we review the existing workflow of Extra-P and explain how it struggles with segmented data. In Sect. 3, we explain our approach with the help of an example. We demonstrate its effectiveness in Sect. 4. In Sect. 5, we compare it to related work and argue why it fits our purpose best. We conclude the paper in Sect. 6, where we also discuss future work.
2 Performance Modeling with Extra-P
As our work is intended to improve Extra-P, we briefly review how it generates models from performance data.
Extra-P exploits the observation that performance models of most practical programs can be expressed as n terms involving logarithms and powers of the model parameter p, which is usually the number of processors but can also be something different like the input size. Hence, performance models can be represented in the performance model normal form (PMNF):
As identification of scalability bugs rather than prediction accuracy is the primary objective of Extra-P, the sets I and J from which \(i_k\) and \(j_k\) are selected, do not need to be arbitrarily large to obtain reasonably accurate models. The authors suggest \(n=2\), \(I = \left\{ \frac{0}{2}, \frac{1}{2}, \frac{2}{2}, \frac{3}{2}, \frac{4}{2}, \frac{5}{2}, \frac{6}{2} \right\} \) and \( J = \left\{ 0, 1, 2 \right\} \) as default. The generation algorithm starts with a set of simple (i.e., short) candidate models and chooses the winner using K-fold validation. The size of the candidates is gradually increased until either the maximum of n is reached or signs of overfitting appear.
This approach works as long as all the performance measurements represent a single behavior. However, if a certain kernel exhibits segmented behavior, i.e., its performance trend changes after a certain point, the resulting model will be inaccurate. To clarify our point, we consider an example of segmented data and the corresponding model generated by Extra-P, which are shown in Fig. 1. The data was generated using the functions \(f_1(p)=p^2\) for \( p \in \left\{ 1,2,...,5\right\} \) and \(f_2(p)=30+p\) for \(p \in \left\{ 6,7,...,10\right\} \).
With these data as input, Extra-P generates the model \(f(p) = 1.65 + 3.97 \cdot log_2^2(p)\). This is misleading because the actual functions are quadratic and linear, but not logarithmic. At \(p = 1024\), the prediction error of the model is almost 62%.
3 Approach
Our algorithm is designed to help Extra-P detect segmentation in the data before models are generated. Its input is a set of performance measurements, while the output indicates whether the given measurements show segmented behavior or not. If the data turns out to be segmented, the algorithm tries to identify the change point. With this information, Extra-P can generate separate models for each segment and/or request new measurements if any segment is too small for model generation. Figure 2 highlights the different steps of our algorithm. Below, we discuss each step in detail and apply it to the example from Sect. 2.
3.1 Detecting Segmentation
Our algorithm rests on the observation that models generated from homogeneous subsets of the input data set (i.e., subsets representing a single behavior), will differ from models created from heterogeneous subsets (i.e., subsets representing multiple behaviors). In this work we focus on subsets defined by consecutive data points corresponding to subintervals of the input parameter.
As an example, we try to divide the segmented data from Fig. 1 into subsets representing five consecutive values of the model parameter p. We use a sliding window of five measurement points to create subsets which results in a total of six subsets, each containing five points. The first subset \(s_1\) contains the first five points \(\left\{ 1,4,9,16,25 \right\} \), the second subset \(s_2\) contains the five points starting from second point \(\left\{ 4,9,16,25,36 \right\} \), and so on. All these subsets are listed in Table 1. Note that the subsets \(s_1\), \(s_2\), and \(s_6\) are homogeneous, as they exhibit a single behavior while the subsets \(s_3\), \(s_4\), and \(s_5\) are heterogeneous, mixing points from the two behaviors. Then, we create models \(m_1, \ldots , m_{r}\) for each of the subsets \(s_1, \ldots , s_{r}\), respectively. The number of subsets r depends on the number of input data points and on the number of values each subset is allowed to contain. Ideally, each subset should contain five data points, as recommended in the original research work by Calotoiu et al. [2]. Below, we introduce two model properties that can be used to decide whether a subset is segmented or not.
Absolute nRSS. We define a generalized error value for each model, which is a normalized form of the common RSS. Residual Sum of Squares (RSS) is a measure of the discrepancy between the data and an estimation model and is used to measure the goodness of a model. The normalized residual sum of squares (nRSS) is calculated by dividing the square root of the RSS by the mean of the points used to generate the models:
Calculating the nRSS for each subset yields r error terms \(e_1, \ldots , e_{r}\). For our example data from Fig. 1, we get six models and their corresponding nRSS values, which are shown in Table 1. The nRSS of the heterogeneous subsets is much higher than the one of the homogeneous subsets because a well-fitting model cannot be found for such diverse data. We identify a subset \(s_i\) as potentially heterogeneous if its nRSS \(e_i > 0.1\) and homogeneous otherwise. We classify a data set as segmented if the maximum absolute value of the nRSS across all subsets exceeds a threshold of \(\theta =0.5\), an empirically determined value reflecting our experiences after analyzing more than five million synthetic data sets. In most cases, using \(\theta =0.5\) correctly identifies segmented behavior if it exists, while producing only few false positives (i.e., non-segmented behavior falsely identified as segmented).
Relative nRSS. The secondary indicator is the relative nRSS, which is the ratio of the nRSS values of two consecutive subsets. It is applied only when \(0.1 \le nRSS \le 0.5\). The relative nRSS \(\epsilon \) can be mathematically expressed as \( \epsilon _i = e_{i+1}/{(e_i+\eta )} \). \(\eta \) is a minimal non-zero value added to avoid division by zero. This criterion has the advantage that it rules out false positives that occur when noise lifts all errors above the threshold. It also covers those scenarios where the absolute nRSS values are smaller than the threshold but the heterogeneous subsets still show a much higher nRSS than the homogeneous ones. We found that \(\epsilon >4\) provides a good additional criterion to determine segmentation when \(0.1 \le nRSS \le 0.5\).
In our example from Table 1, it is clear that the heterogeneous subsets \(s_3\), \(s_4\) and \(s_5\) have much higher absolute nRSS values than the homogeneous ones, but the maximum resides still below the threshold. However, because \(\epsilon _3>>4\) we still conclude correctly that the data is segmented.
3.2 Identifying the Change Point
Identifying the change point goes beyond a binary decision whether the data is segmented or not. If a change point can be detected, then a separate model for each behavior, divided by the change point, can be determined, provided enough data points are available. To accomplish this, we tag each subset with a zero if its nRSS classifies it as homogeneous and with a one otherwise. For the data from Table 1, we obtain the pattern 001110.
For the sake of simplicity, we assume that there is a single change point in the data, but the same method can be extended to multiple change points via recursion. Since we create subsets containing five points and we assume that only two different behaviors are present in the data, at most four subsets can be heterogeneous (one point representing the first behavior combined with four points representing the second one, then two combined with three, and so forth). If the two behaviors share a common data point such as in the example, only three such subsets will exist. Therefore, each sequence of values corresponding to the series of subsets will contain either three or four ones, preceded and followed by an arbitrary number of zeros.
The location of the change point can therefore be deduced by examining only the pattern of ones. Practically, we select the subset corresponding to the second one in the pattern. If a common data point for both behaviors exists and therefore the pattern contains three ones, then the change point will be the third data point of that subset. If no common data point for both behaviors exists, then the change point will be between the third and the fourth data point of that subset. In the example, the relevant subsets are s3, s4, and s5, thus the change point is \(p=6\), as shown in Fig. 3. In most cases, we do not see a single change point, but two points between which the change happens.
4 Evaluation
To ensure our method correctly distinguishes segmented from non-segmented behavior, we first applied it to millions of synthetic data sets. After that, we tested it with application data known to be segmented, which we correctly identified as such without producing false positives.
4.1 Synthetic Data
We ran our algorithm on data from two categories of randomly generated functions:
Functions guaranteed to be within the search space, with randomly generated coefficients and exponents chosen at random from those present in the search space. These functions can be exactly matched by the algorithm and errors will only appear due to noise or segmentation.
Functions not guaranteed to be within the search space, with randomly generated exponents and coefficients. These functions are unlikely be matched exactly and likely to have larger overall errors, therefore making the detection of segmented behavior harder.
Two examples from synthetic data set used for evaluation of the algorithm. Both functions were generated with random coefficients and exponents and a 5% of noise was added. In first case, the segmentation was correctly detected while the second case is a false negative because algorithm failed to detect segmentation.
For each category, we generated tests using data from one function, which should not be marked as segmented, and from two different functions, which should be marked as segmented. A failure in the first case is a false positive, while a failure in the second case is a false negative. Additionally, to observe the accuracy of our algorithms under production conditions, we applied different levels of noise ranging from 0% to 15%. For a noise level of x%, we added a randomly selected percentage of noise between −x and x to the original value. For each noise level, Fig. 5a presents the percentages where the algorithm correctly identified the data as segmented or not segmented. The algorithm was always provided with ten data points, either all from one function or equally divided among two different functions. Figure 4a shows an example where randomly generated data was correctly detected as segmented while Fig. 4b represents a case of false negative.
Apart from different noise levels, we also tested the accuracy of our algorithm for different numbers and combinations of measurement points. We used a maximum of ten and a minimum of six points and tried various combinations of contributions from each function. In general, our algorithm works best when there are ten or more data points with at least five data points from each function. If there are less than five data points from either of the functions, the percentage of true positives decreases. Figure 5b shows the fractions of point combination where data was correctly identified as segmented or not segmented.
For functions within the search space, the algorithm correctly found the location of the change point in about 90% of the cases. However, the percentage decreases with increasing noise. In those cases where the functions were not guaranteed to be in the search space, the algorithm correctly found the location of the change point around 70% of the time.
Our approach generates less than 1% false positives for a noise level of upto 5%, sparing the user unnecessary confusion and work. With as few as six data points, or one measurement more than usually required by Extra-P, our approach correctly identifies more than 50% of the occurrences of segmented data, and this percentage increases sharply if more measurements are made available. The user can therefore obtain significant gains at very little additional cost.
4.2 Case Studies
In this section, we present three cases studies where we correctly identify expected segmentation in real performance measurements. One of the presented applications, HOMME [4], had already been studied before and has a known segmentation in performance measurements while the other two, namely matrix multiplication and MPI collective operations, are expected to exhibit such a behavior based on how they work.
HOMME. This code is the dynamical core of the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM). The scalability of HOMME was studied by Calotoiu et al. [2] and in addition to identifying scalability issues, they found certain kernels to exhibit segmentation. We used performance measurements with processor counts \(p \in \) {600, 1176, 2400, 4056, 7776, 11616, 13824, 14406, 15000, 16224, 23814, 31974, 43350, 54150} which were taken on the IBM Blue Gene/Q system Juqueen in Jülich according to developer recommendations.
Our algorithm identified 25 out of 664 kernels as segmented and estimated the change point each time to lie between 15, 000 and 16, 224. The execution time of one such kernel, laplace_sphere_wk, was previously characterized as \( f(p) = 27.7 + 2.23 \cdot 10^{-7} \cdot p^2 \) using the non-segmented algorithm. Using the segmented approach, we came up with the following segmented model:
Figure 6a shows the measured execution times and both segmented and non-segmented models for this kernel. The reason for this segmentation is a ceiling term in the code, causing those kernels to be called only once when using 15,000 processors or less, hence resulting in constant time. However, beyond 15,000 processors, the kernels are called quadratically, causing quadratic models to appear. This case study illustrates the advantage of our algorithm, which can detect such segmentation automatically without any user intervention.
Matrix Multiplication. A practical scenario of abrupt change in behavior is the effect of cache spilling. The runtime of a memory-bound program heavily depends on the time required to fetch data from the memory. If the data is small enough to fit in the cache, the runtime stays very small. However, as soon as the amount of data exceeds the size of the cache and memory access time becomes the limiting factor, the runtime changes abruptly and follows a completely different pattern.
We used a sequential naive matrix multiplication to observe this effect and see whether our algorithm can correctly identify the change. We ran our program with increasing matrix sizes and measured the runtime for each matrix size on an Intel Core i5 processor with 2 cores, one 256 kB L2 cache per core, and a 3 MB shared L3 cache. We then divided the runtime by the number of FLOPs to measure the influence of the memory-access time. As the matrix reached a size large enough to not fit in the L2 cache, we saw a sudden drop in the performance (Fig. 6b). We not only detected the segmentation of data but also identified the change point between a matrix size of 244 kB and 295 kB, which roughly matches the size of the L2 cache. Overall, the segmented model much better reflects the memory hierarchy than the more inaccurate unified model.
MPI Collective Operations. The performance of MPI collective operations highly depends on the network topology, the number of processes, and the size of messages. Some algorithms perform very well on short messages but fail to perform the same way on larger messages while others behave the opposite way [10]. To maximize performance in every situation, modern MPI libraries offer a wide variety of algorithms for each collective operation and switch between them according to the environment [5, 9]. Of course, switching between algorithms leads to segmented performance behavior.
To study this, we measured the runtimes of selected MPI collective operations from Open MPI and Intel MPI for different numbers of processes \(p \in \{16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512\}\) on the Lichtenberg Cluster of TU Darmstadt. We found that MPI_Allreduce and MPI_Gather from Intel MPI change their behavior after 256 and 128 processes, respectively. With Open MPI, such behavior was only noticed for MPI_Gather after 64 processes, as shown in Table 2. The change point was in agreement with the threshold found in the code base of Open MPI, at which the default decision function switches the gather algorithm from linear to binomial. The performance measurements and both the segmented and the non-segmented models are shown in Fig. 6c and d. Despite restricting the segmentation analysis to only six data points in this case study, our algorithm provides valuable feedback on the performance variability of these collectives. By looking at the results of the analysis, the user can know which extra measurement points he needs to provide to improve model accuracy. It is also evident from Fig. 6 that the non-segmented models predicted by Extra-P would result in misleading predictions at higher scales.
5 Related Work
The change point estimation problem has been discussed in the literature since 1966. Several algorithms have been suggested and used by researchers since then and are being further improved to this day. Auger and Lawrance [1] suggested an algorithm in 1989 to find segmented neighborhoods in the data collected by the experiments of molecular biology. The algorithm runs in \(O(kn^{2})\) time, where k is the maximum number of change points. The algorithm was later improved by Jackson et al. [6] to decrease the time complexity to \(O(n^2)\). In 2012, Killick et al. [7] proposed a variation of the same algorithm that runs in linear time in the best case, but incurs quadratic cost in the worst case. All the above mentioned methods are collectively called optimal partitioning methods and give the exact location of the change point. However, these algorithms are too slow and need much more points than we have in our experiments.
Another popular method and the most similar one to ours was suggested by Scott and Knott [8] in 1944 and is known as binary segmentation. It is a recursive algorithm that finds the change points by first finding a point and then recursively dividing and reapplying the method to each segment. It continues to do so until no more change points can be found. To tackle multiple change points, our method could be used in a similar way, but in general too few data points are provided to justify its recursive application. The main difference, however, is that our change-point identification scheme is much simpler and faster.
Chang et al. [3] used fuzzy c-partitioning as a way to find change points in data. They argue that finding change points is similar to arranging data in clusters and hence fuzzy logic can be applied. Similarly, Zhang et al. [11] used the sparse group lasso (SGL) method to estimate change points. In SGL, two penalty terms of the fitting function make sure to find the best fit for the data. Both of the methods, however, require much more data points than our method to give any reasonable answers. It is important to mention that all of those methods are generic and do not take advantage of the small search space resulting from the performance model normal form like our method does and hence, are much slower, more complicated, and need more data points than our method does.
6 Conclusion
The results of our synthetic data tests as well as the case studies confirm that the proposed algorithm can be used as an effective way to find segmentation in performance data when creating empirical performance models. The suggested algorithm does not require any extra effort on the user’s side, is very simple to implement, and can work very well on as few as six points. The algorithm has correctly identified segmented behavior, and did not signal such behavior when none was present in more than 80% of 5.2 million test cases. Hence, it is capable of finding segmentation in the majority of cases, where it would go unnoticed otherwise and leave the user with inaccurate models. We plan to integrate our approach into the next release of Extra-P.
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This work was supported in part by the German Research Foundation (DFG) through the Priority Programme 1648 Software for Exascale Computing (SPPEXA) and the Programme Performance Engineering for Scientific Software. Additional support was provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under Grant No. 01IH16008, and by the US Department of Energy under Grant No. DE-SC0015524. Finally, we would like to thank the University Computing Center (Hochschulrechenzentrum) of TU Darmstadt for providing us with access to the Lichtenberg Cluster.
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Ilyas, M.K., Calotoiu, A., Wolf, F. (2017). Off-Road Performance Modeling – How to Deal with Segmented Data. In: Rivera, F., Pena, T., Cabaleiro, J. (eds) Euro-Par 2017: Parallel Processing. Euro-Par 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 10417. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-64203-1_3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-64203-1_3
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-319-64202-4
Online ISBN: 978-3-319-64203-1
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