
1 Introduction

Multi- and many-core systems have become the norm, and their efficient exploitation requires efficient and scalable synchronization mechanisms. Barriers are one of the fundamental synchronization primitives, underpinning the parallel execution models of many modern shared-memory parallel programming languages such as OpenMP, OpenCL or Cilk. The optimization of software barrier synchronization has been widely studied [2, 79, 12, 18], yet no algorithm has proven optimal across the wide variety of parallel architectures. Indeed, each algorithm comes with its own set of tradeoffs with respect to communication complexity (volume) and patterns, length of the critical path, and memory footprint. For any given architecture, the optimal algorithm is largely dependent on factors such as the system’s topology, the structure of the memory hierarchy, and the characteristics of the system interconnect.

The focus of this paper is to analyze and optimize the efficiency of barrier synchronization on the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor. Based on the Intel MIC (Many Integrated Core) Architecture, that provides a commodity off-the-shelf many-core system, the Xeon Phi has up to 61 cores, each 4-way multithreaded, for a maximum of 244 logical threads. At this scale, the efficiency of barrier synchronization is crucial for performance in synchronization intensive workloads.

Our first contribution is a thorough evaluation of the behavior of current state-of-the-art barrier algorithms, and an analysis of their tradeoffs for the memory hierarchy of Xeon Phi. We show that while the best algorithm depends on run-time conditions, a single statically chosen algorithm is only marginally outperformed in a small number of cases. Our second contribution is a novel and more efficient hybrid algorithm, mixing different (existing) barrier algorithms at different levels of granularity of synchronization, and optimized with streaming store instructions to write full cache lines, that eliminate a costly read-for-ownership cache coherency operation. We show that our hybrid approach outperforms all previous algorithms on the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor.

Section 2 presents key features of the Xeon Phi and the resulting methodological constraints for experiments. Section 3 reviews the state-of-the-art barrier synchronization algorithms and their implementations. Our optimizations and our new hybrid synchronization scheme are presented in Sect. 4. Section 5 presents our experimental findings. Finally, Sect. 6 discusses previous work on Xeon Phi barrier optimization, and Sect. 7 summarizes our work. The optimized barriers presented in the paper are available at released under the Apache v2.0 free software license.

2 Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor

We experimented on a 60-Core Xeon Phi 5110P with base frequency of 1.053GHz. Cores are in-order, 4-way SMT, using a bidirectional ring interconnect. Each core has 32 KB of L1 and 512 KB of L2 cache. The state of the distributed L2 cache is controlled by a distributed tag directory implementing the GOLS protocol [10]. The coherence of L1 and L2 caches is maintained by a modified MESI protocol. However the GOLS protocol makes it possible to emulate the Owner state, enabling a MOESI-like functionality. 8GB of GDDR5 RAM is accessed through 8 dual channel memory controllers connected through a ring interconnect interface.

The 512-bit SIMD instructions were used to optimize barrier synchronization in the SIMD barrier [4]. SIMD stores, also known as streaming stores, use a vector size matching that of a cache line. As a result, such store instructions do not need to issue a read-for-ownership request in the cache coherence protocol. Store instructions with the no-read hint can be either globally ordered (vmovnrap[d/s]), providing a total store order type consistency, or non globally ordered (vmovnrngoap[d/s]), leading to a weaker memory consistency.

The execution of HW threads can be paused, using the delay r32/r64 instruction, which forces the processor to halt the fetch and issue of further instructions for a parametric number of cycles. The pause instruction is not available.

3 Barrier Synchronization Algorithms

Many algorithms have been proposed for barrier synchronization. One of the simplest, and least scalable, is the Sense-reversing centralized barrier. It uses two global variables, a counter and a flag, and one thread-local flag called sense. The synchronization counter is initialized with the number of threads in the barrier, the global flag is set to false and all local sense flags are set to true. Upon reaching a barrier, each thread registers its arrival by atomically decrementing the counter, then waits while the value of the global flag is different from its local flag. The last thread to complete the atomic operation, when the counter reaches zero, re-initializes the counter, flips the global flag and its local flag. The other threads eventually perceive that the global sense has changed and pass the barrier, flipping their own flag. This technique, called sense-reversing, allows the reuse of the same barrier variables for the next synchronization round.

To reduce the contention on shared variables, the combining-tree barrier [18] organizes the participating threads in a tree, using an algorithm similar to a centralized barrier at each node of the tree: the last thread to decrement the synchronization counter of a node recursively proceeds to decrement the counter of its parent, while the other threads wait on node-level release flags for notification that the barrier has passed. It is also possible to use a global release flag, trading a shorter critical path for additional contention on the global flag.

Realizing that atomic operations were only necessary to reach a consensus on the arrival order of threads, Hensgen et al. [8] proposed the static tournament barrier. Instead of discriminating on arrival order, it relies on a statically determined thread, called winner, that will automatically progress to the next round once all other threads, the losers, have arrived at a given node of the tree. In this way, it is only necessary to determine whether all threads are accounted for, irrespectively of their arrival order, which does not require atomic operations. The initial version of the algorithm by Hensgen et al. [8] was later improved by Mellor-Crummey et al. [12] with a tree-based Notification Phase and sense-reversing to avoid re-initializing the barrier state. The static f-way tournament by Grunwald et al. [7] generalizes the static tournament approach, with an arbitrary number of participants per round. To avoid cases where a static winner arrives early and busy-waits on a location yet to be set by one or multiple losers, the dynamic f-way tournament barrier [7] lets the winner identify itself by checking the value of adjacent memory locations marked by other threads upon arrival.

A shortcoming shared by all previous algorithms is that they all require two phases: registration of threads arrival - Registration Phase and notification of threads arrival - Notification Phase. However, these phases can be merged, at the cost of additional communication, by providing each thread with sufficient information to locally decide when the barrier can be passed. The first instance of this class of barriers was the butterfly barrier [2]. When the number of threads participating in the barrier is not a power of 2, the dissemination barrier [8] can be a more efficient solution. In the dissemination barrier pattern, a thread i in round r notifies another thread \(j = {(i + 2^{r})}\,mod\,N\) by writing its local flag, which is sense-reversed, to a dedicated memory location, where N is the number of threads, \(i,j\in [0,N-1]\) and \(r\in [0,\lfloor \log _2 N\rfloor ]\). Each thread can proceed to the next round as soon as its notification variable is set to the appropriate value for the current round. In this way, synchronization is achieved in \(\lceil \log _2 N\rceil \) rounds. The f-way dissemination barrier [9] is a generalized version, where each thread can notify f other threads in one round, requiring only \(\lceil \log _{f+1} N\rceil \) rounds to complete. If \(f=N-1\), then it will be a broadcast barrier (all-to-all communication) requiring \(N*(N-1)\) notifications.

4 Hybrid Barrier

We came to the design of the hybrid barrier from the observation that, on systems with a hierarchical topology, different algorithms can be optimal for different levels in the hierarchy. As always, the objective is to minimize inter-core communication while exploiting the low cost of intra-core communication. During our preliminary evaluation, we observed that the most efficient algorithms were the dissemination barrier and the combining tree with arity 4. Figure 1b shows the communication patterns of a dissemination barrier. Evidently, each round contains at least one inter-core communication edge, which will be slower and will consequently determine the critical path for each round. We therefore propose to rely on the centralized sense-reversing barrier (equivalent to the combining tree with arity 4) for the intra-core phase, then revert to dissemination once a single thread remains per core. A similar approach was discussed by Cownie [5]. Figure 1a and Listing 1.1 show the scheme and pseudocode of the hybrid algorithm.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Hybrid dissemination barrier rationale.

Busy-Waiting Amortization. Busy-waiting on the same memory location can have a negative impact on performance because of the increased memory traffic, leaving less bandwidth to other threads. This effect was previously noted [1] and we empirically determined (see Sect. 5) the appropriate delay to amortize the impact of busy-waiting while balancing the additional latency this introduces for a thread to perceive a store operation. The delay can be introduced with the _mm_delay32 intrinsic, as shown in Listing 1.2, the parameter specifies the number of idle cycles.

figure a

Streaming Stores. Streaming stores can reduce barrier overhead [11] when storing notification values to flags in the Notification Phase or reinitializing counters in the combining tree or sense-reversing centralized barrier. Listing 1.3 details the implementation of the mic_store function. Note that, contrary to Caballero et al. [4], we use the globally ordered version of streaming stores; Sect. 5 presents the rationale for this.

5 Experimental Results

5.1 Benchmarks

EPCC OpenMP Microbenchmarks. We implemented a part of the EPCC OpenMP microbenchmark [3] evaluating the overhead of the standalone barrier primitive, which will be referred to as EPCC.

NAS Parallel Benchmarks. We chose the CG and MG kernels from the C versions [16] of the NAS Parallel Benchmarks (NASPB) [13] in order to evaluate the efficiency of barrier synchronization [4, 15, 17]. As the original inputs for these benchmarks lead to a low frequency of barrier synchronization, even using the smallest class S, which makes it difficult to observe barrier overhead, we introduced our own input class Y for these 2 NASPB kernels. The frequencies of barrier synchronization in both classes S and Y are presented in Table 1. Class Y consists of inputs {na = 240; nonzer = 2; niter = 300; shiftY = 5.0} for CG and {problem_size = 16; nit = 800} for MG. We also added a collapse(2) clause to the relevant OpenMP parallel loops in the MG kernel, as suggested in [4], to increase the amount of parallelism which would otherwise not lead to a reasonable load balance. The collapse clause is used to specify that a loop nest is not only parallel on the first loop construct annotated, but also at a deeper level (parameter of the clause), which allows to collapse multiple loops into a single loop that is subsequently parallelized.

Table 1. Barrier frequency in NASPB for inputs Y and S.

Direct N-body Simulation. We implemented a direct N-body simulation kernel to evaluate the efficiency of barrier synchronization in the task where synchronization cannot be relaxed. It was shown that using more relaxed synchronization constructs, like phasers, is more efficient than using barriers for CG and MG [17]. In the direct N-body simulation kernel we have implemented, each thread calculates the coordinates and velocities of a single particle, so that the frequency of barriers will be the highest. Coordinates and velocities of a single particle are stored within a private memory location which can fit into a single cache line. This kernel will be referenced as NBODY in the rest of the article.

To test our barrier implementations without interfering with the rest of the OpenMP implementation, we replaced the calls to the __kmpc_barrier function, which is the internal barrier function in the Intel OpenMP library, with a trampoline, barrier_trampoline_, that calls the function implementing the desired barrier algorithm.

5.2 Naming Convention and Methodology

For the remainder of this paper, the geomean overhead of a barrier (or execution time per barrier) is measured in our experiments on EPCC as the geometric mean of its overhead across the different thread counts; so \(O_{geomean}=\root N \of {\prod _{i=1}^{N} O_{n_{i}}}\), where N is the number of different thread counts, \(n_{i}\) is the number of threads in element i in the vector of different thread counts, and \(O_{n}\) is a barrier overhead for n participating threads. For CG, MG, and NBODY, we use execution time of a kernel instead of the overhead of a single barrier. On charts representing the geomean overhead (execution time), horizontal lines show the best (green, low horizontal line) and the worst (red, high horizontal line) geomean overhead respectively, calculated as geometric mean of the best and the worst barrier overheads for each number of threads amongst all algorithms.

The best geomean overhead represents the practical lower bound of synchronization overhead, which could be achieved given an oracle that predicts the best possible algorithm in every configuration. The performance of this ideal meta-algorithm shows the loss of performance resulting from using a single algorithm compared to the ideal performance that could (theoretically) be achieved by selecting algorithms dynamically with an oracle.

Individual barrier algorithms on the charts can be identified by their signatures. A signature uniquely identifies an algorithm by two 3–5 letter abbreviations and a number. The first abbreviation corresponds to the algorithm and its variations: sr - centralized sense-reversing barrier; dsmn - dissemination barrier; dsmnH - hybrid dissemination barrier; ct - combining tree barrier; stn - static tournament barrier; dtn - dynamic tournament barrier; ls - tree-based notification with local flags; gs - broadcast notification using a single global flag; omp - Intel OpenMP barrier.

The second part of the signature defines whether the waiting loops contained the 64-cycle delay (which will be discussed below) - pause, or contained no delay - spin. This part is meaningless for Intel OpenMP barrier.

The last part is a number corresponding to the arity of the tree for tree algorithms, the number of ways for a n-way dissemination barrier and meaningless for the centralized sense-reversing barrier and Intel OpenMP barrier.

All of our experiments rely on a balanced strategy for thread mapping, mapping threads to cores with the least load first. This type of thread affinity is enabled in Intel OpenMP by setting the environment variable KMP_AFFINITY to balanced; the KMP_LIBRARY variable was set to turnaround; the KMP_BLOCKTIME variable was set to infinite; and the number of threads was controlled by setting the OMP_NUM_THREADS variable.

Each data point was obtained from 10 measurements and represented by a box plot. Unless otherwise indicated in a figure, the number of threads varies from 8 to 232 in increments of 8. The arities tested were: 2, 3, 4, 8, 16 and 32 for the combining tree barrier; 2, 3, 4 and 5 for the static tournament barrier; and 2, 3 and 4 for the dynamic tournament barrier.

5.3 Experimental Data and Discussion

Figure 2 shows the results for geomean overhead of barrier synchronization algorithms on EPCC, and Fig. 3 shows the results of the ideal meta-algorithm on EPCC.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Geomean overhead of barrier synchronization algorithms on EPCC.

Global Sense vs Local Sense. The overhead of tree barriers with global notification flag gs is much higher than that of barriers with a combining tree Notification Phase ls as can be seen on Fig. 2, where the fastest gs variant is close to 2\(\times \) slower than the slowest ls variant.

It can be observed that a combining tree with global flag in Notification Phase has higher geomean overhead than a centralized sense-reversing barrier, and the higher the tree arity, the less the overhead. This indicates that another hybrid algorithm should be investigated: a single global counter for the Registration Phase, like in the centralized sense-reversing barrier, and a tree-based Notification Phase.

Delayed Busy-Waiting. As it can be seen from Fig. 2, where the geomean overhead for different algorithms follows increasing order, the same algorithm with delayed busy-waiting pause outperform the undelayed spinning variants spin in the majority of cases. Due to this fact, we did not consider undelayed busy-waiting in our further experiments.

Sizing the Delay for Spinning. To determine a suitable value (number of sleep cycles) to pass as parameter to the delay instruction conveniently provided on Xeon Phi, we evaluated delay values in the range from 0 to 128 cycles with step 8 on EPCC. Above 128 cycles, the performance starts to degrade as the delay introduces too much latency for waiting threads.

The best performance was obtained with a 64 cycle delay that was used in all subsequent experiments. In future studies, this parameter can be investigated further as it is likely to depend on runtime conditions, such as the level of contention on the interconnect.

Hybrid Barrier. Figures 2 and 3 show that the hybrid dissemination barrier is the closest to the ideal meta-algorithm on synthetic benchmarks. Indeed, as confirmed by the results presented in Fig. 4, the few instances where the hybrid barrier is not the most efficient in Fig. 3 only correspond to minor timing variability up to 60 threads, up to which point the algorithms have similar overhead. Above 72 threads, the hybrid barrier overhead is considerably lower than that of the dissemination barrier.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Overhead of the ideal barrier synchronization meta-algorithm on EPCC.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Dissemination barrier (black boxplots) compared to hybrid dissemination barrier (red triangles) (Color figure online).

Streaming Stores. A non globally ordered streaming store is unordered in respect to other stores, meaning that other store instructions issued subsequently by the same thread can overtake it and become visible to other threads earlier. This relaxation of the memory ordering constraints makes it tempting to rely on this instruction for implementing barriers, as suggested by Cownie [5] and implemented by Caballero et al. [4]. However, we observed 5 % less overhead on average for top performing barrier implementations on EPCC when using globally ordered streaming stores over both ordinary stores and non globally ordered streaming stores, having on average the same effect on barriers overhead.

Real-World Kernels. The most efficient barrier algorithms selected above were evaluated on the CG and MG kernels of the NAS Parallel Benchmarks and direct N-body simulation kernel. Our results are presented in Fig. 5. Hybrid dissemination barrier is superior over the other algorithms on CG and NBODY, while combining tree barrier with arities grater than 2 is slightly better than dissemination barrier on MG.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Comparison of barrier synchronization algorithms on CG and MG kernels of NAS Parallel Benchmarks and direct N-body simulation kernel.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Impact of non-uniform cache line access latency.

Effects of the Ring Interconnect. As discussed by Dolbeau [6], the address of the shared memory location used for communicating among threads may have a significant effect on latency, and therefore on barrier overhead. We observed the same behavior, induced by the ring interconnect and the distributed tag directories, on a centralized sense-reversing barrier. Figures 6a, b, and c show three sets of performance results obtained on EPCC for 1 to 60 threads. Within each experiment, the data for a given number of threads was obtained in a single execution, containing multiple iterations where the same memory locations are re-used to store synchronization variables. The only difference between the three experiments is the effective memory addresses allocated and used for the synchronization variables. It is apparent that the variability of performance results is negligible within a given set, but it is significant in-between sets. The graph in Fig. 6d shows the same benchmark, but for each thread count the benchmark was re-launched for every iteration, thus allocating different memory regions.

This variability is explained by the ring topology and the distributed tag directories. Indeed, in this configuration, each cache line is attributed a tag directory which is queried whenever a core misses in both L1 and L2 for that specific line, requiring a round-trip from the core to the adequate tag directory. This means that the delay of communications between threads during a barrier is dependent on the distances between threads and the tag directories that are responsible for the cache lines used in the synchronization. As threads are mapped to cores in a circular order along the ring interconnect, the barrier overhead will follow an S-shaped curve as in Fig. 6c. If the selection of a tag directory is equiprobable, then (on average) the overhead of the barrier will increase linearly with the number of threads, following the average straight line apparent in Fig. 6d. Unfortunately the selection of tag directories is not under explicit user control, which introduces extra variability in the barrier overhead.

6 Related Work

A barrier using SIMD instructions was proposed by Caballero et al. [4], achieving a 2.84\(\times \) lower barrier overhead on EPCC than the Intel OpenMP barrier. However, they implemented their algorithm with non globally ordered streaming stores, which we showed to lead to a missed opportunity for 5 % overhead reduction.

Dolbeau [6] showed that address selection is an important factor influencing barrier overhead due to non-uniform access time to distributed tag directories. Thus, a combining tree of specific topology and topology-aware memory allocation would allow to lower the overhead of barrier synchronization. However, there is no explicit way to control topological aspects of memory allocation on Intel Xeon Phi systems. A direct comparison of this barrier against the Intel OpenMP barrier generated an initial speedup of 2.41\(\times \), further showing that address selection leads to an improvement to 2.85\(\times \). The technique employed to control memory allocation for this result is based on a trial-and-error approach for reverse-engineering the hashing function used by the tag directories.

Finally, Ramos and Hoefler [14] proposed a model for dissemination barrier synchronization and also compare with the Intel OpenMP barrier. However, the experiments only showed equivalent performance with the Intel implementation.

7 Conclusions

We have optimized the performance of five state-of-the-art barrier synchronization algorithms on the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor and provided a novel hybrid variant based on different algorithms to synchronize at intra-core and inter-core levels. Comparing our hybrid algorithm with previous implementations, we have observed lower overheads in the experiments on EPCC barrier microbenchmark and an improved performance on direct N-body simulation kernel and on two NAS Parallel Benchmarks, CG and MG. In other words, we have presented the fastest known barrier implementation for Intel Xeon Phi. These optimized barriers are available at released as free software.

In addition, we have provided an analysis of key specificities of the Xeon Phi system, in particular characterizing: (1) the impact of the ring interconnect and distributed tag directories leading to non-uniform cache line access latencies; (2) the performance degradation that can result from spin-based synchronization with insufficient delay; and (3) the positive impact of using globally ordered streaming stores for fine grained synchronization.