A popular approach to tweakable blockcipher design is via masking, where a certain primitive (a blockcipher or a permutation) is preceded and followed by an easy-to-compute tweak-dependent mask. In this work, we revisit the principle of masking. We do so alongside the introduction of the tweakable Even-Mansour construction \(\mathsf {MEM}\). Its masking function combines the advantages of word-oriented LFSR- and powering-up-based methods. We show in particular how recent advancements in computing discrete logarithms over finite fields of characteristic 2 can be exploited in a constructive way to realize highly efficient, constant-time masking functions. If the masking satisfies a set of simple conditions, then \(\mathsf {MEM}\) is a secure tweakable blockcipher up to the birthday bound. The strengths of \(\mathsf {MEM}\) are exhibited by the design of fully parallelizable authenticated encryption schemes \(\mathsf {OPP}\) (nonce-respecting) and \(\mathsf {MRO}\) (misuse-resistant). If instantiated with a reduced-round BLAKE2b permutation, \(\mathsf {OPP}\) and \(\mathsf {MRO}\) achieve speeds up to 0.55 and 1.06 cycles per byte on the Intel Haswell microarchitecture, and are able to significantly outperform their closest competitors.
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1 Introduction
Authenticated encryption (AE) has faced significant attention in light of the ongoing CAESAR competition [15]. An AE scheme aims to provide both confidentiality and integrity of processed data. While the classical approach is predominantly blockcipher-based, where an underlying blockcipher is used to encrypt, novel approaches start from a permutation and either rely on Sponge-based principles or on the fact that the Even-Mansour construction \(E(K,M)=P(K\oplus M)\oplus K\) is a blockcipher.
Characteristic for the majority of blockcipher-based AE schemes is that they rely on a tweakable blockcipher where changes in the tweak can be realized efficiently. The most prominent example of this is the OCB2 mode which internally uses the XEX tweakable blockcipher [71]:
where \(\delta =\mathbf {2}^{i_0}\mathbf {3}^{i_1}\mathbf {7}^{i_2}E(K,X)\). The idea is that every associated data or message block is transformed using a different tweak, where increasing \(i_0\), \(i_1\), or \(i_2\) can be done efficiently. This approach is furthermore used in second-round CAESAR candidates AEZ, COPA, ELmD, OTR, POET, and SHELL. Other approaches to masking include Gray code ordering (used in OCB1 and OCB3 [55, 72] and OMD) and the word-oriented LFSR-based approach where \(\delta =\varphi ^i(E(K,X))\) for some LFSR \(\varphi \) (suggested by Chakraborty and Sarkar [18]).
The same masking techniques can also be used for permutation-based tweakable blockciphers. For instance, Minalpher uses the Tweakable Even-Mansour (TEM) construction [75] with XEX-like masking, and similar for Prøst. This TEM construction has faced generalizations by Cogliati et al. [23, 24] and Mennink [62], but none of them considers efficiency improvements of the masking.
1.1 Masked Even-Mansour (\(\mathsf {MEM}\)) Tweakable Cipher
As a first contribution, we revisit the state of the art in masking with the introduction of the “Masked Even-Mansour” tweakable blockcipher in Sect. 3. At a high level, \(\mathsf {MEM}\) is a Tweakable Even-Mansour construction, where the masking combines ideas from both word-oriented LFSR- and powering-up-based masking. As such, \(\mathsf {MEM}\) combines “the best of both” masking approaches, leading to significant improvements in simplicity, error-proneness, and efficiency.
In more detail, let P be a b-bit permutation. MEM’s encryption function is defined as
where \(\bar{i} = (i_0,\dots ,i_{u-1})\) and where the masking function is of the form
for a certain set of LFSRs \((\varphi _0,\ldots ,\varphi _{u-1})\). MEM’s decryption function \(\widetilde{D}\) is specified analogously but using \(P^{-1}\) instead of P.
The tweak space and the list of LFSRs are clearly required to satisfy some randomness condition. Indeed, if a distinguisher can choose a list of tweaks \(\bar{i}\) such that \(\varphi _{u-1}^{i_{u-1}} \circ \dots \circ \varphi _0^{i_0}(L)\) for a uniformly random L offers no or limited entropy, it can easily distinguish \(\mathsf {MEM}\) from a random primitive. A similar case applies if the distinguisher can make two different maskings collide with high probability. Denote by \(\epsilon \) the minimal amount of entropy offered by the functions \(\varphi _{u-1}^{i_{u-1}} \circ \dots \circ \varphi _0^{i_0}\) and \(\varphi _{u-1}^{i_{u-1}} \circ \dots \circ \varphi _0^{i_0} \oplus \varphi _{u-1}^{i'_{u-1}} \circ \dots \circ \varphi _0^{i'_0}\) for any two maskings \(\bar{i}, \bar{i}'\) (see Definition 1 for the formal definition). Then, we prove that \(\mathsf {MEM}\) is a secure tweakable blockcipher in the ideal permutation model up to \(\frac{4.5q^2+3qp}{2^\epsilon } + \frac{p}{2^k}\), where q is the number of construction queries, p the number of primitive queries, and k the key length. The security proof follows Patarin’s H-coefficient technique, which has shown its use to Even-Mansour security proofs before in, among others, [3, 20, 21, 23, 25, 63].
To guarantee that the maskings offer enough randomness, it is of pivotal importance to define a proper domain of the masking. At the least, the functions \(\varphi _{u-1}^{i_{u-1}} \circ \dots \circ \varphi _0^{i_0}\) should be different for all possible choices of \(\bar{i}\), or more formally, such that there do not exist \(\bar{i},\bar{i}'\) such that
Guaranteeing this requires the computation of discrete logarithms. For small cases, such as \(b=64\) and \(b=128\), we can inherit the computations from Rogaway for XEX [71]. For instance, for \(b=128\), it is known that \(u=3\), \((\varphi _0,\varphi _1,\varphi _2)=(\mathbf {2},\mathbf {3},\mathbf {7})\), and \((i_0,i_1,i_2)\in \{-2^{108}, \cdots ,2^{108}\}\times \{-2^7, \cdots , 2^7\}\times \{-2^7, \cdots , 2^7\}\) does the job.
We extend the XEX approach to much larger block sizes by taking advantage of the recent breakthroughs in the computation of discrete logs in small characteristic fields, beginning with [30], followed by [45]. Computation of individual discrete logarithms for the 1024-bit block used in our \(\mathsf {MEM}\) instantiation takes about 8 h on a single core of a standard desktop computer, after an initial precomputation, applicable to all logarithms, of 33.3 h. Larger blocks are also attainable, rendering workarounds such as subgroups [77] or different modes [74] largely unnecessary.
Peculiarly, there have been uses of XEX for state sizes larger than \(b=128\) bits, even though it has been unclear what restrictions on the indices are due. For instance, Prøst [50] defines a COPA and OTR instance for a 256- and 512-bit blockcipher; both use maskings of the form \(\mathbf {2}^{i_0}\mathbf {3}^{i_1}\mathbf {7}^{i_2}\) for \(i_0\) ranging between 0 and the maximal message length. For COPA, it has \((i_1,i_2)\in \{0,\ldots ,5\}\times \{0,1\}\) and for OTR it has \((i_1,i_2)\in \{0,1\}\times \{0\}\). The security proof of Prøst never formally computes conditions on the indices, and simply inherits the conditions for \(b=128\). By computing the discrete logarithms in the respective fields—a computationally easy task, demonstrated in Sect. 3.6—we can confirm that the tweaks are unique for \(i_0 \in \{0, \cdots , 2^{246} - 1\}\) in the 256-bit block case, and \(i_0 \in \{0, \cdots , 2^{505}-1\}\) in the 512-bit block case.
1.2 Application to Nonce-Based AE
As first application, we present the Offset Public Permutation (\(\mathsf {OPP}\)) mode in Sect. 4, a parallelizable nonce-based AE based on \(\mathsf {MEM}\). It can be considered as a permutation-based generalization of OCB3 [55] to arbitrary block sizes using permutations and using the improved masking from \(\mathsf {MEM}\). Particularly, assuming security of \(\mathsf {MEM}\), the proof of [55] mostly carries over, and we obtain that \(\mathsf {OPP}\) behaves like a random AE up to attack complexity dominated by \(\min \{2^{b/2},2^k\}\), where b is the size of the permutation and k is the key length. \(\mathsf {OPP}\) also shows similarities with Kurosawa’s adaptation of IAPM and OCB to the permutation-based setting [56].
Using the masking techniques described later in this paper, \(\mathsf {OPP}\) has excellent performance when compared to contemporary permutation-based schemes, such as first-round CAESAR [15] submissions Artemia, Ascon, CBEAM, ICEPOLE, Keyak, NORX, \(\pi \)-Cipher, PRIMATEs, and STRIBOB, or SpongeWrap schemes in general [9, 63]. \(\mathsf {OPP}\) improves upon these by being inherently parallel and rate-1; the total overhead of the mode reduces to 2 extra permutation calls and the aforementioned efficient masking.
In particular, when instantiated with a reduced-round BLAKE2b permutation [5], \(\mathsf {OPP}\) achieves a peak speed of 0.55 cycles per byte on an Intel Haswell processor (see Sect. 8). This is faster than any other permutation-based CAESAR submission. In fact, there are only a few CAESAR ciphers, such as Tiaoxin (0.28 cpb) or AEGIS (0.35 cpb), which are faster than the above instantiation of \(\mathsf {OPP}\). However, both require AES-NI to reach their best performance and neither of them is arbitrarily parallelizable.
1.3 Application to Nonce-Misuse Resistant AE
We also consider permutation-based authenticated encryption schemes that are resistant against nonce-reuse. We consider “full” nonce-misuse resistance, where the output is completely random for different inputs, but we remark that similarly schemes can be designed to achieve “online” nonce-misuse resistance [26, 41], for instance starting from COPA [2]. It is a well-known result that nonce-misuse resistant schemes are inherently offline, meaning that two passes over the data must be made in order to perform the authenticated encryption.
The first misuse-resistant AE we consider is the parallelizable Misuse-Resistant Offset (\(\mathsf {MRO}\)) mode (Sect. 5). It starts from \(\mathsf {OPP}\), but with the absorption performed on the entire data and with encryption done in counter mode insteadFootnote 1. As the underlying \(\mathsf {MEM}\) is used by the absorption and encryption parts for different maskings, we can view the absorption and encryption as two independent functions and a classical MAC-then-Encrypt security proof shows that \(\mathsf {MRO}\) is secure up to complexity dominated by \(\min \{2^{b/2},2^k,2^{\tau /2}\}\), where b and k are as before and \(\tau \) denotes the tag length.
Next, we consider Misuse-Resistant Sponge (\(\mathsf {MRS}\)) in Sect. 6. It is not directly based on \(\mathsf {MEM}\); it can merely be seen as a cascaded evaluation of the Full-state Keyed Duplex of Mennink et al. [63], a generalization of the Duplex of Bertoni et al. [9]: a first evaluation computes the tag on input of all data, the second evaluation encrypts the message with the tag functioning as the nonce. \(\mathsf {MRS}\) is mostly presented to suit the introduction of the Misuse-Resistant Sponge-Offset hybrid (\(\mathsf {MRSO}\)) in Sect. 7, which absorbs like \(\mathsf {MRS}\) and encrypts like \(\mathsf {MRO}\). (It is also possible to consider the complementary Offset-Sponge hybrid, but we see no potential applications of this construction.) The schemes \(\mathsf {MRS}\) and \(\mathsf {MRSO}\) are proven secure up to complexity of about \(\min \{2^{c/2},2^{k/2},2^{\tau /2}\}\) and \(\min \{2^{(b-\tau )/2},2^k,2^{\tau /2}\}\), respectively, where c denotes the capacity of the Sponge.
While various blockcipher-based fully misuse-resistant AE schemes exist (such as SIV [73], GCM-SIV [37], HS1-SIV [54], AEZ [40], Deoxys\(^{=}\) and Joltik\(^{=}\) [43, 44] (using Synthetic Counter in Tweak mode [70]), and DAEAD [19]), the state of the art for permutation-based schemes is rather scarce. In particular, the only misuse-resistant AE schemes known in literature are \(\mathrm {Haddoc}\) and Mr. Monster Burrito by Bertoni et al. [11]. \(\mathrm {Haddoc}\) lacks a proper formalization but appears to be similar to \(\mathsf {MRSO}\), and the security and efficiency bounds mostly carry over. Mr. Monster Burrito is a proof of concept to design a permutation-based robust AE comparable with AEZ [40], but it is four-pass and thus not very practicalFootnote 2.
When instantiated with a reduced-round BLAKE2b permutation, \(\mathsf {MRO}\) achieves a peak speed of 1.06 cycles per byte on the Intel Haswell platform (see Sect. 8). This puts \(\mathsf {MRO}\) on the same level as AES-GCM-SIV [37] (1.17 cpb), which, however, requires AES-NI to reach its best performance. We further remark that \(\mathsf {MRO}\) is also more efficient than \(\mathsf {MRSO}\), and thus the \(\mathrm {Haddoc}\) mode.
2 Notation
Denote by \(\mathbb {F}_{2^n}\) the finite field of order \(2^n\) with \(n \ge 1\). A b-bit string X is an element of \(\{0,1\}^b\) or equivalently of the \(\mathbb {F}_2\)-vector space \(\mathbb {F}_2^b\). The length of a bit string X in bits is denoted by \(\vert X \vert \) \((= b)\) and in r-bit blocks by \(\vert X \vert _r\). For example, the size of X in bytes is \(\vert X \vert _8\). The bit string of length 0 is identified with \(\varepsilon \). The concatenation of two bit strings X and Y is denoted by \(X \parallel Y\). The encoding of an integer x as an n-bit string is denoted by \(\langle x \rangle _n\). The symbols \(\lnot \), \(\vee \), \(\wedge \), \(\oplus \), \(\ll \), \(\gg \), \(\lll \), and \(\ggg \), denote bit-wise NOT, OR, AND, XOR, left-shift, right-shift, left-rotation, and right-rotation, respectively.
Given a b-bit string \(X = x_0 \parallel \dots \parallel x_{b-1}\) we define \(\mathsf {left} _l(X) = x_0 \parallel \dots \parallel x_{l-1}\) to be the l left-most and \(\mathsf {right} _r(X) = x_{b-r} \parallel \dots \parallel x_{b-1}\) to be the r right-most bits of X, respectively, where \(1 \le l,r \le b\). In particular, note that \(X = \mathsf {left} _l(X) \parallel \mathsf {right} _{b-l}(X) = \mathsf {left} _{b-r}(X) \parallel \mathsf {right} _{r}(X)\). We define the following mapping functions which extend a given input string X to a multiple of the block size b and cut it into chunks of b bits:
The set of all permutations of width \(b \ge 0\) bits is denoted by \(\mathsf {Perm}(b)\). The parameters \(k, n, \tau \ge 0\) conventionally define the size of the key, nonce, and tag, respectively, for which we require that \(n\le b-k-1\). In the context of Sponge functions \(r \ge 0\) and \(c \ge 0\) denote rate and capacity such that \(b = r + c\), and we require \(k\le c\). When writing \(X\xleftarrow {{\scriptscriptstyle \$}}\mathcal {X}\) for some finite set \(\mathcal {X}\), we mean that X gets sampled uniformly at random from \(\mathcal {X}\).
2.1 Distinguishers
A distinguisher \(\mathbf {D}_{}\) is a computationally unbounded probabilistic algorithm. By \({\mathbf {D}_{}}^\mathcal {O}\) we denote the setting that \(\mathbf {D}_{}\) is given query access to an oracle \(\mathcal {O}\): it can make queries to \(\mathcal {O}\) adaptively, and after this, the distinguisher outputs 0 or 1. If we consider two different oracles \(\mathcal {O}\) and \(\mathcal {P}\) with the same interface, we define the distinguishing advantage of \(\mathbf {D}_{}\) by
Here, the probabilities are taken over the randomness from \(\mathcal {O}\) and \(\mathcal {P}\). The distinguisher is usually bounded by a limited set of resources, e.g., it is allowed to make at most q queries to its oracle. We will use the definition of \(\varDelta \) for our formalization of the security (tweakable) blockciphers and authenticated encryption. Later in the paper, \(\varDelta \) is used to measure the security of PRFs, etc.
2.2 Tweakable Blockciphers
Let \(\mathcal {T}\) be a set of “tweaks.” A tweakable blockcipher \(\widetilde{E}:\{0,1\}^{k}\times \mathcal {T}\times \{0,1\}^{b}\rightarrow \{0,1\}^{b}\) is a function such that for every key \(K\in \{0,1\}^{k}\) and tweak \(T\in \mathcal {T}\), \(\widetilde{E}(K,T,\cdot )\) is a permutation in \(\mathsf {Perm}(b)\). We denote its inverse by \(\widetilde{E}^{-1}(K,T,\cdot )\). Denote by \(\widetilde{\mathsf {Perm}}(\mathcal {T},b)\) the set of families of tweakable permutations \(\widetilde{\pi }\) such that \(\widetilde{\pi }(T,\cdot )\in \mathsf {Perm}(b)\) for every \(T\in \mathcal {T}\).
The conventional security definitions for tweakable blockciphers are tweakable pseudorandom permutation (TPRP) security and strong TPRP (STPRP) security: in the former, the distinguisher can only make forward construction queries, while in the latter it is additionally allowed to make inverse construction queries. We will consider a mixed security notion, where the distinguisher may only make forward queries for a subset of tweaks. It is inspired by earlier definitions from Rogaway [71] and Andreeva et al. [2].
Let \(P\xleftarrow {{\scriptscriptstyle \$}}\mathsf {Perm}(b)\) be a b-bit permutation, and consider a tweakable blockcipher \(\widetilde{E}\) based on permutation P. Consider a partition \(\mathcal {T}_0\cup \mathcal {T}_1=\mathcal {T}\) of the tweak space into forward-only tweaks \(\mathcal {T}_0\) and forward-and-inverse tweaks \(\mathcal {T}_1\). We define the mixed tweakable pseudorandom permutation (MTPRP) security of \(\widetilde{E}\) against a distinguisher \(\mathbf {D}_{}\) as
where the probabilities are taken over the random choices of K, \(\widetilde{\pi }\), and P. The distinguisher is not allowed to query \(\widetilde{E}_K^{-1}\) for tweaks from \(\mathcal {T}_0\). By \(\mathbf {Adv}_{\widetilde{E},P}^{\mathrm {\widetilde{mprp}}}(q,p)\) we denote the maximum advantage over all distinguishers that make at most q construction queries and at most p queries to \(P^\pm \).
Note that the definition of MTPRP matches TPRP if \((\mathcal {T}_0,\mathcal {T}_1)=(\mathcal {T},\emptyset )\) and STPRP if \((\mathcal {T}_0,\mathcal {T}_1)=(\emptyset ,\mathcal {T})\). It is a straightforward observation that if a tweakable cipher \(\widetilde{E}\) is MTPRP for two sets \((\mathcal {T}_0,\mathcal {T}_1)\), then it is MTPRP for \((\mathcal {T}_0\cup \{T\},\mathcal {T}_1\backslash \{T\})\) for any \(T\in \mathcal {T}_1\). Ultimately, this observation implies that an STPRP is a TPRP.
2.3 Authenticated Encryption
Let \(\varPi =(\mathcal {E},\mathcal {D})\) be a deterministic authenticated encryption (AE) scheme which is keyed via a secret key \(K\in \{0,1\}^{k}\) and operates as follows:
Here, N is the nonce, H the associated data, M the message, C the ciphertext, and T the tag. In our analysis, we always have \(|M|=|C|\), and we require that
for all N, H, M. By \(\$_{\mathcal {E}}\) we define the idealized version of \(\mathcal {E} _K\), which returns \((C,T)\xleftarrow {{\scriptscriptstyle \$}}\{0,1\}^{|M|+\tau }\) for every input. Finally, we denote by \(\bot \) a function that returns \(\bot \) upon every query.
Our AE schemes are based on a b-bit permutation P, and we will analyze the security of them in the setting where P is a random permutation: \(P\xleftarrow {{\scriptscriptstyle \$}}\mathsf {Perm}(b)\). Following, Rogaway and Shrimpton [73], Namprempre et al. [65], and Gueron and Lindell [37], we define the AE security of \(\varPi \) against a distinguisher \(\mathbf {D}_{}\) as
where the probabilities are taken over the random choices of K, \(\$_{\mathcal {E}}\), and P. The distinguisher is not allowed (i) to repeat any query and (ii) to relay the output of \(\mathcal {E} _K\) to the input of \(\mathcal {D} _K\). Note that we do not a priori require the distinguisher to be nonce-respecting: depending on the setting, it may repeat nonces at its own discretion. We will always mention whether we consider nonce-respecting or nonce-reusing distinguishers. By \(\mathbf {Adv}_{\varPi ,P}^{\mathrm {ae}}(q_\mathcal {E},q_\mathcal {D},\sigma ,p)\) we denote the maximum advantage over all (nonce-respecting/reusing) distinguishers that make at most \(q_\mathcal {E} \) queries to the encryption oracle and at most \(q_\mathcal {D} \) to the decryption oracle, of total length at most \(\sigma \) padded blocks, and that make at most p queries to \(P^\pm \).
3 Tweakable Even-Mansour with General Masking
We present the tweakable Even-Mansour construction \(\mathsf {MEM}\). Earlier appearances of tweakable Even-Mansour constructions include Sasaki et al. [75], Cogliati et al. [23], and Mennink [62], but these constructions target different settings, do not easily capture the improved maskings as introduced below, and are therefore not applicable in this work.
Our specification can be seen as a generalization of both the XE(X) construction of Rogaway [71] and the tweakable blockcipher from Chakraborty and Sarkar [18] to the permutation-based setting. While Rogaway limited himself to 128-bit fields, we realize our approach to fields well beyond the reach of Pohlig-Hellman: historically the large block size would have been a severe obstruction, as observed in works by Yasuda and Sarkar [74, 77], and some schemes simply ignored the issue [50]. The breakthroughs in computing discrete logarithms in small characteristic fields [7, 30, 34, 45] allow to easily pass the 128-bit barrier. In particular, for blocks of \(2^n\) bits, it is eminently practical to compute discrete logarithms for \(n \le 13\). Further details of our solution of discrete logarithms over \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{512}}\) and \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{1024}}\) are described in Sect. 3.6.
3.1 Definition
Let \(b \ge 0\) and \(P\in \mathsf {Perm}(b)\). In the following we specify \(\mathsf {MEM}\), a tweakable Even-Mansour block cipher with general masking \((\widetilde{E},\widetilde{D})\) where \(\widetilde{E}\) and \(\widetilde{D}\) denote encryption and decryption functions, respectively. Let \(u\ge 1\), and let \(\varPhi =\{ \varphi _0, \dots , \varphi _{u-1}\}\) be a set of functions \(\varphi _j: \{0,1\}^b \rightarrow \{0,1\}^b\). Consider a tweak space \(\mathcal {T}\) of the form
and specify the general masking function \(\delta : \{0,1\}^k \times \mathcal {T} \rightarrow \{0,1\}^b\) as
By convention, we set \(\varphi _j^{i_j} = id \) for \(i_j = 0\), for each \(0\le j \le u-1\). For brevity of notation we write \(\bar{i} = (i_0,\dots ,i_{u-1})\), and set
The encryption function \(\widetilde{E}: \{0,1\}^k \times \mathcal {T} \times \{0,1\}^b \rightarrow \{0,1\}^b\) is now defined as
where M denotes the to be encrypted message. The decryption function \(\widetilde{D}: \{0,1\}^k \times \mathcal {T} \times \{0,1\}^b \rightarrow \{0,1\}^b\) is defined analogously as
where C denotes the to be decrypted ciphertext. Note that the usual block cipher property \(\widetilde{D}(K,X,\bar{i}, \widetilde{E}(K,X,\bar{i}, M)) = M\) is obviously satisfied. Throughout the document, we will often use the following shorthand notation for \(\widetilde{E}_{K,X}^{\bar{i}}(M) = \widetilde{E}(K,X, \bar{i}, M)\), \(\widetilde{D}_{K,X}^{\bar{i}}(C) = \widetilde{D}(K,X, \bar{i}, C)\), and \(\delta _{K,X}^{\bar{i}} = \delta (K,X,\bar{i})\).
3.2 Security
Equation (4) already reveals that we require some kind of restriction on \(\mathcal {T}\). Informally, we require the masking functions \(\varphi _{u-1}^{i_{u-1}} \circ \dots \circ \varphi _0^{i_0}\) to generate pairwise independent values for different tweaks. More formally, we define proper tweak spaces in Definition 1. This definition is related to earlier observations in Rogaway [71] and Chakraborty and Sarkar [18, 74].
Definition 1
Let \(b\ge 0\), \(u\ge 1\), and \(\varPhi =\{ \varphi _0, \dots , \varphi _{u-1}\}\) be a set of functions. The tweak space \(\mathcal {T}\) is \(\epsilon \) -proper relative to the function set \(\varPhi \) if the following two properties are satisfied.
For any \(y\in \{0,1\}^{b}\), \((i_0,\dots ,i_{u-1})\in \mathcal {T}_{\bar{i}}\), and uniformly random \(L\xleftarrow {{\scriptscriptstyle \$}}\{0,1\}^{b}\):
$$\Pr \left[ \varphi _{u-1}^{i_{u-1}} \circ \dots \circ \varphi _0^{i_0}(L) = y\right] = 2^{-\epsilon }.$$ -
For any \(y\in \{0,1\}^{b}\), distinct \((i_0,\dots ,i_{u-1}),(i_0',\dots ,i_{u-1}')\in \mathcal {T}_{\bar{i}}\), and uniformly random \(L\xleftarrow {{\scriptscriptstyle \$}}\{0,1\}^{b}\):
$$\Pr \left[ \varphi _{u-1}^{i_{u-1}} \circ \dots \circ \varphi _0^{i_0}(L) \oplus \varphi _{u-1}^{i'_{u-1}} \circ \dots \circ \varphi _0^{i'_0}(L) = y\right] = 2^{-\epsilon }.$$
The definition is reminiscent of the definition of universal hash functions (as also noted in [18]), but we will stick to the convention. We are now ready to prove the security of \(\mathsf {MEM}\).
Theorem 2
Let \(b\ge 0\), \(u\ge 1\), and \(\varPhi =\{ \varphi _0, \dots , \varphi _{u-1}\}\) be a set of functions. Let \(P\xleftarrow {{\scriptscriptstyle \$}}\mathsf {Perm}(b)\). Assume that the tweak space \(\mathcal {T}\) is \(\epsilon \)-proper relative to \(\varPhi \). Let \(\mathcal {T}_0\cup \mathcal {T}_1=\mathcal {T}\) be a partition such that \((0,\dots ,0)\notin {\mathcal {T}_1}_{\bar{i}}\). Then,
The proof can be found in the full version of this work. It is based on Patarin’s H-coefficient technique [21, 68], and borrows ideas from [18, 62, 71, 74].
3.3 History of Masking
Originally, IAPM [49] proposed the masking to be a subset sum of c encrypted blocks derived from the nonce, where \(2^c\) is the maximum number of blocks a message can have. In the same document Jutla also suggested masking the jth block with \((j+1)K + IV \,\mathrm {mod}\,p\), for some prime p near the block size. XCBC [27] used a similar masking function, but replaced arithmetic modulo p by arithmetic modulo \(2^b\), at the cost of some tightness in security reductions.
OCB [55, 71, 72] and PMAC [12] used the field \(\mathbb {F}_{2^b}\) for their masking. There are two different masking functions used in variants of OCB:
The powering-up method of OCB2 [71] computes \(\varphi ^i(L) = x^i \cdot L\), where \(\cdot \) is multiplication in \(\mathbb {F}_{2^b}\), and x is a generator of the field.
The Gray code masking of OCB1 [72] and OCB3 [55] computes \(\varphi ^i(L) = \gamma _i \cdot L\), where \(\gamma _i = i \oplus (i \gg 1)\). This method requires one XOR to compute \(\varphi ^{i+1}(L)\) given \(\varphi ^i(L)\), provided a precomputation of \(\log _2 |M|\) multiples of L is carried out in advance. Otherwise, up to \(\log _2 i\) field doublings are required to obtain \(\gamma _i \cdot L\). This Gray code trick was also applicable to IAPM’s subset-sum masking.
Another family of masking functions, word-oriented LFSRs, was suggested by Chakraborty and Sarkar [18]. Instead of working directly with the polynomial representation \(\mathbb {F}_2[x]/f\) for some primitive polynomial f, word-oriented LFSRs treat the block as the field \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{wn}}\), where w is the native word size. Thus, the block can be represented as a polynomial of degree n over \(F_{2^{w}}\), which makes the arithmetic more software-friendly. A further generalized variant of this family of generators is described (and rejected) in [55, Appendix B], who also attribute the same technique to [78]. Instead of working with explicitly-constructed field representations, one starts by trying to find a \(b \times b\) matrix \(M \in {{\mathrm{GL}}}(b, \mathbb {F}_2)\) that is very efficient to compute. Then, if this matrix has a primitive minimal polynomial of degree b, this transformation is in fact isomorphic to \(\mathbb {F}_{2^b}\) and has desirable masking properties. The masking function is then \(\varphi ^i(L) = M^i \cdot L\).
Although the above maximal-period matrix recursions have only recently been suggested for use in efficient masking, the approach has been long studied by designers of non-cryptographic pseudorandom generators. For example, Niederreiter [67, Sect. 4] proposed a pseudorandom generator design based on a matrix recursion. Later methods, like the Mersenne Twister family [60] and the Xorshift [59] generator, improved the efficiency significantly by cleverly choosing the matrix shape to be CPU-friendly.
More recently, Minematsu [64] suggested a different approach to masking based on data-dependent rotation. In particular,
where the block size b is prime. With Gray code ordering, one only needs one rotation and XOR per sequential mask without storing previous masks. That being said, the prime block size is inconvenient, and data-dependent rotation is a relatively expensive operation compared to some of the previous techniques.
3.4 Proposed Masking for \(u=1\)
We loosely follow the Xorshift [59] design approach for our masking procedure. Let \(b = nw\) be the block size, interpreted as n words of w bits. We begin with fast linear operations available in most current CPUs and encode them as \(w \times w\) matrices. More precisely, we denote by 0 the all-zero matrix, by I the identity matrix, by \(\mathsf {SHL} _c\) and \(\mathsf {SHR} _c\) matrices corresponding to left- and right-shift by c bits, by \(\mathsf {ROT} _c\) the matrix realizing left-rotation by c bits, and by \(\mathsf {AND} _c\) the matrix corresponding to bit-wise AND with a constant c. Then, we construct block matrices using those operations in a way that minimizes computational effort. To maximize efficiency we consider \(b \times b\) matrices over \(\mathbb {F}_2\) of the form
with \(X_i \in \{0, I, \mathsf {SHL} _c\), \(\mathsf {SHR} _c\), \(\mathsf {ROT} _c\), \(\mathsf {AND} _c\}\) where \(\dim (X_i) = w\) for \(0 \le i \le n-1\). We favor matrices where only a minimal amount of \(X_i\) are nonzero. For a concrete selection of \(X_0,\dots ,X_{n-1}\) we check if the matrix order is maximal, that is, if the smallest integer \(t > 0\) such that \(M^t = I\) equals \(2^b-1\); if so, this matrix is suitable for a masking function that respects the conditions listed above.
Testing candidate masks for maximal order may be efficiently performed without any explicit matrix operations. Given a candidate linear map corresponding to a matrix M of the form Eq. (5),
one can simply select \(x_0, \cdots , x_{n-1}\) at random, define \(x_{i+n} = f(x_{i}, \cdots , x_{i+n-1})\), and obtain the connection polynomial p(x) from the sequence of least significant bits of \(x_0, \cdots , x_{2b}\) using, e.g., Berlekamp-Massey. If p(x) is a primitive polynomial of degree b, p(x) is also the minimal polynomial of the associated matrix M.
This approach yields a number of simple and efficient masking functions. In particular, the 3-operation primitives \((x_0 \lll r_0) \oplus (x_i \gg r_1)\) and \((x_0 \lll r_0) \oplus (x_i \ll r_1)\) are found for several useful block and word sizes, as Table 1 illustrates. Some block sizes do not yield such small generators so easily; in particular, 128-bit blocks require at least 4 operations, which is consistent—albeit somewhat better—with the results of [55, Appendix B]. Using an extra basic instruction, double-word shift, another noteworthy class of maskings appears: \((x_0 \lll r_0) \oplus (x_i \ll r_1) \oplus (x_j \gg (w - r_1))\), or in other words \((x_0 \lll r_0) \oplus ((x_i \parallel x_j) \ll r_1)\). This leads to more block sizes with 3-operation masks, e.g., \((x_1, x_2, x_3, (x_0 \lll 15) \oplus ((x_1 \parallel x_0) \gg 11))\) for 128-bit blocks. Lemma 3 shows that this approach yields proper masking functions according to Definition 1.
Lemma 3
Let M be an \(b\times b\) matrix over \(\mathbb {F}_2\) of the form shown in Eq. (5). Furthermore, let M’s minimal polynomial be primitive and of degree b. Then given the function \(\varphi _0^i(L) = M^i \cdot L\), any tweak set with \(\mathcal {T}_{\bar{i}}\subseteq \{0,\ldots ,2^b-2\}\) is a b-proper tweak space by Definition 1.
[18, Proposition 1] directly applies.
One may wonder whether there is any significant advantage of the above technique over, say, the Gray code sequence with the standard polynomial representation. We argue that our approach improves on it in several ways:
Simplicity. OCB (especially OCB2) requires implementers to be aware of Galois field arithmetic. Our approach requires no user knowledge—even implicitly—of field or polynomial arithmetic, but only unconditional shifts and XOR operations. Even Sarkar’s word-based LFSRs [74] do not hide the finite field structure from implementers, thus making it easier to make mistakes.
Constant-Time. Both OCB masking schemes require potentially variable-time operations to compute each mask—be it conditional XOR, number of trailing zeroes, or memory accesses indexed by \(\mathsf {ntz}(i+1)\). This is easily avoidable by clever implementers, but it is also a pitfall avoidable by our design choice. Even in specifications aimed at developers [53], \(\mathsf {double}(S)\) is defined as a variable-time operation.
Efficiency. Word-based masking has the best space-time efficiency tradeoff of all considered masking schemes. It requires only minimal space usage—one block—while also involving a very small number of operations beyond the XOR with the block (as low as 3, cf. Table 1). It is also SIMD-friendly, allowing the generation of several consecutive masks with a single short SIMD instruction sequence.
In particular, for permutations that can take advantage of a CPU’s vector units via “word-slicing”—which is the case for Salsa20, ChaCha, Threefish, and many other ARX designs—it is possible to compute a few consecutive masks at virtually the same cost as computing a single mask transition. It is also efficient to add the mask to the plaintext both in transposed order (word-sliced) and regular order.
For concreteness, consider the mask sequence \((x_1, \cdots , x_{15},(x_0 \lll 5) \oplus \) \( (x_3 \gg 7))\) and a permutation using 512-bit blocks of 32-bit words. Suppose further that we are working with a CPU with 8-wide vectors, e.g., AVX2. Given 8 additional words of storage, it is possible to compute \(L = (x_1, \cdots , x_{15},\) \( (x_0 \lll 5) \oplus (x_3 \gg 7), \cdots , (x_{7} \lll 5) \oplus (x_{10} \gg 7))\) entirely in parallel. Consider now the transposed set of 8 blocks \(m_0, \cdots , m_{7}\); adding the mask consists of \(m_0 \oplus L_{0-15}, m_1 \oplus L_{1-16}, \cdots \). On the other hand, when the blocks are word-sliced—with \(m'_0\) being the first 32-bit word of \(m_i\), \(m'_1\) being the second, and so on—adding the mask is still efficient, as \(m'_0 \oplus L_{0-7}, m'_1 \oplus L_{1-8}, \cdots \). This would be impossible with the standard masking schemes used in, e.g., OCB.
There is also an advantage at the low-end—\(\varphi \) can easily be implemented as a circular array, which implies that only an index increment and the logical operations must be executed for each mask update. This improves on both the typical Gray code and powering-up approach, in that shifting by one requires moving every word of the mask, instead of only one of them. Additionally, storage is often a precious resource in low-end systems, and the Gray code method requires significantly more than one block to achieve its best performance.
3.5 Proposed Masking for \(u=2\) and \(u=3\)
Modes often require the tweak space to have multiple dimensions. In particular, the modes of Sects. 4 and 5 require the tweak space to have 2 and 3 “coordinates.” To extend the masking function from Sect. 3.4 to a tweak space divided into disjunct sets, we have several options. We can simply split the range \([0, 2^b-1]\) into equivalence classes, e.g., \(i_0 = 4 k + 0, i_1 = 4 k + 1, \cdots \) for at most 4 different tweak indexes. Some constructions instead store a few fixed tweak values that are used later as “extra” finalization tweaks.
The approach we follow takes a cue from XEX [71]. Before introducing the scheme itself, we need a deeper understanding of the masking function \(\varphi \) introduced in Sect. 3.4. At its core, \(\varphi \) is a linear map representable by a matrix M with primitive minimal polynomial p(x). In fact, \(\varphi \) can be interpreted as the matrix representation [58, § 2.52] of \(\mathbb {F}_{2^b}\), where M is, up to a change of basis, the companion matrix of p(x). This property may be exploited to quickly jump ahead to an arbitrary state \(\varphi ^i(L)\): since \(\varphi ^i(L) = M^i \cdot L\) and additionally \(p(M) = 0\), then \((x^i \,\mathrm {mod}\,p(x))(M) = (x^i)(M) + (p(x)q(x))(M) = (x^i)(M) = M^i\). Therefore we can implement arbitrarily large “jumps” in the tweak space by evaluating the right polynomials over M. This property—like fast word-oriented shift registers—has had its first uses in the pseudorandom number generation literature [39].
Since we may control the polynomials here, we choose the very same polynomials as Rogaway for the best performance: \(x + 1\), and \(x^2 + x + 1\), denoted in [71] as \(\mathbf {3}\) and \(\mathbf {7}\). Putting everything together, our masking for \(u = 3\) becomes
To ensure that the tweak space is b-proper we need one extra detail: we need to ensure that the logarithms \(\log _x(x+1)\) and \(\log _x(x^2 + x + 1)\) are sufficiently apart. While for \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{128}}\) Rogaway already computed the corresponding discrete logarithms [71] using generic methods, larger blocks make it nontrivial to show b-properness. The following lemma shows that one particular function satisfies Definition 1. The lemma uses the discrete logarithms whose computation is described in Sect. 3.6.
Lemma 4
Let \(\varphi (x) : \{0,1\}^{1024} \mapsto \{0,1\}^{1024}\) be the linear map \((x_0, \cdots , x_{15}) \mapsto (x_1, \cdots , x_{15},(x_0 \lll 53) \oplus (x_5 \ll 13))\). Further, let M be the \(1024\times 1024\) matrix associated with \(\varphi \) such that \(\varphi (L) = M \cdot L\). Let \(\varPhi = \{\varphi _0^{i_0}, \varphi _1^{i_1}, \varphi _2^{i_2}\}\) be the set of functions used in the masking, with \(\varphi _0^{i_0}(L) = M^{i_0} \cdot L\), \(\varphi _1^{i_1}(L) = (M + I)^{i_1} \cdot L\), and \(\varphi _2^{i_2}(L) = (M^2 + M + I)^{i_2} \cdot L\). The tweak space
is b-proper relative to the function set \(\varPhi \).
The proof closely follows [71, Proposition 5]. Let \(i_0 \in \mathcal {T}_0\), \(i_1 \in \mathcal {T}_1\), and \(i_2 \in \mathcal {T}_2\). We first show that \(\varphi _0^{i_0} \circ \varphi _1^{i_1} \circ \varphi _2^{i_2}\) is unique for any distinct set of tweaks.
An easy computation shows that \(p(x) = x^{1024} + x^{901} + x^{695} + x^{572} + x^ {409} + x^ {366} + x^ {203} + x^{163} + 1\) is the minimal polynomial of M. This polynomial is both irreducible and primitive, which implies that the order of M is \(2^{1024}-1\). We begin by determining the logarithms of \(M + I\) and \(M^2 + M + I\) relatively to M. This may be accomplished by computing \(l_1 = \log _x(x+1)\) and \(l_2 = \log _x(x^2 + x + 1)\) in the field \(\mathbb {F}_2[x]/p(x)\), see Sect. 3.6.
The values \(l_1\) and \(l_2\) let us represent \(M^{i_0} M^{i_1} M^{i_2}\) as \(M^{i_0} M^{l_1 i_1} M^{l_2 i_2}\). Given a second distinct pair \((i_0', i_1', i_2')\), we have that \(M^{i_0} M^{l_1 i_1} M^{l_2 i_2} = M^{i_0'} M^{l_1 i_1'} M^{l_2 i_2'}\) iff \(i_0 + l_1 i_1 + l_2 i_2 = i_0' + l_1 i_1' + l_2 i_2' \pmod {2^{1024}-1}\). Equivalently, \(i_0 - i_0' = (i_1 - i_1')l_1 + (i_2 - i_2') l_2 \pmod {2^{1024}-1}\). By a simple exhaustive search through the valid ranges of \(i_1\) and \(i_2\) we are able to see that the smallest absolute difference \((i_1 - i_1')l_1 + (i_2 - i_2')l_2\) occurs when \(i_1-i_1' = -1\) and \(i_2-i_2' = -1\), and is \(\approx 2^{1020.58}\). Since \(i_0-i_0'\) is at most \(\pm (2^{1020}-1)\), collisions cannot happen. Since each mask is unique, the fact that \(\mathcal {T}\) is b-proper follows from Lemma 3. \(\square \)
Remark. Nontrivial bounds for \(\mathcal {T}\), such as in the case where one desires \(\mathcal {T}_0\), \(\mathcal {T}_1\), and \(\mathcal {T}_2\) to be balanced, cannot be easily found by exhaustive search. Such bounds can be found, however, with lattice reduction. Consider the lattice spanned by the rows
for a suitable integer K, \(m=2^b-1\), and weights \(w_i\). A shortest vector for low-dimensional lattices such as this can be computed exactly in polynomial time [66]. A shortest vector for this lattice has the form \((\varDelta i_0 + \varDelta i_1 l_1 + \varDelta i_2 l_2 + k m, \varDelta i_0 w_0, \varDelta i_1 w_1, \varDelta i_2 w_2)\), and will be shortest when \(\varDelta i_0 + \varDelta i_1 l_1 + \varDelta i_2 l_2 \equiv 0 \pmod {2^n-1}\). This yields concrete bounds on \(i_0\), \(i_1\), and \(i_2\). The constant K needs to be large enough to avoid trivial shortest vectors such as (K, 1, 0, 0). The weights \(w_i\) can be used to manipulate the relative size of each domain; for example, using the weights 1, \(2^{1019}\), and \(2^{1022}\) results in a similar bound as Lemma 4, with \(\mathcal {T}_0\) dominating the tweak space.
3.6 Computing Discrete Logarithms in \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{512}}\) and \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{1024}}\)
While the classical incarnation of the Function Field Sieve (FFS) with \(\mathbb {F}_2\) as the base field could no doubt solve logarithms in \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{512}}\) with relatively modest computational resources—see for example [46, 76]—the larger field would require a significant amount of work [6]. One could instead use subfields other than \(\mathbb {F}_2\) and apply the medium-base-field method of Joux and Lercier [47], which would be relatively quick for \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{512}}\), but not so easy for \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{1024}}\).
However, with the advent of the more sophisticated modern incarnation of the FFS, development of which began in early 2013 [7, 30–34, 45, 48], the target fields are now regarded as small, even tiny, at least relative to the largest such example computation where a DLP in \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{9234}}\) was solved [35]. Since these developments have effectively rendered small characteristic DLPs useless for public key cryptography, (despite perhaps some potential doubters [17, Appendix D]) it is edifying that there is a constructive application in cryptographyFootnote 3 for what is generally regarded as a purely cryptanalytic pursuit.
Due to the many subfields present in the fields in question, there is a large parameter space to explore with regard to the application of the modern techniques, and it becomes an interesting optimization exercise to find the most efficient approach. Moreover, such is the size of these fields that coding time rather than computing time is the dominant term in the overall cost. We therefore solved the relevant DLPs using MAGMA V2.19-1 [14], which allowed us to develop rapidly. All computations were executed on a standard desktop computer with a 2.0 GHz AMD Opteron processor.
3.6.1 Fields Setup
For reasons of both efficiency and convenience we use \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{16}}\) as base field for both target fields, given by the following extensions:
We represent \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{512}}\) as \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{16}}[X]/(I_{32}(X)) = \mathbb {F}_{2^{16}}(x)\), where \(I_{32}\) is the degree 32 irreducible factor of \(H_{32}(X) = h_1(X^{16})X + h_0(X^{16})\), where \(h_1 = (X + u^9 + u^5v + u^{13}v^2 + u^3v^3)^3\) and \(h_0 = X^3 + u^2 + u^9v^2 + u^{13}v^3\). The other irreducible factors of \(H_{32}(X)\) have degrees 6 and 11.
We represent \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{1024}}\) as \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{16}}[X]/(I_{64}(X)) = \mathbb {F}_{2^{16}}(x)\), where \(I_{64}\) is the degree 64 irreducible factor of \(H_{64}(X) = h_1(X^{16})X + h_0(X^{16})\), where \(h_1 = (X + u + u^7v + u^4v^2 + u^7c^3)^5\) and \(h_0 = X^5 + u^9 + u^4v + u^6v^2 + v^3\). The other irreducible factors of \(H_{64}(X)\) have degrees 7 and 10. Transforming from the original representations of Sect. 3.6.3 to these is a simple matter [57].
Note that ideally one would only have to use \(h_i\)’s of degree 2 and 4 to obtain degree 32 and 64 irreducibles, respectively. However, no such \(h_i\)’s exist and so we are forced to use \(h_i\)’s of degree 3 and 5. The penalty for doing so incurs during the relation generation, see Sect. 3.6.2, and during the descent, in particular for degree 2 elimination, see Sect. 3.6.3.
Remark. The degrees of the irreducible cofactors of \(I_{32}\) in \(H_{32}\) and of \(I_{64}\) in \(H_{64}\) is an essential consideration in the set up of the two fields. In particular, if the degree \(d_f\) of a cofactor f has a non-trivial GCD with the degree of the main irreducible, then it should be considered as a ‘trap’ for the computation of the logarithms of the factor base elements, modulo all primes dividing \(2^{16 \cdot \gcd (d_f,32i)} - 1\) for \(i = 1,2\), for \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{512}}\) and \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{1024}}\), respectively [22, 42]. This is because \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{16}}[X]/(H_{32i}(X))\) will contain another copy of \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{16 \cdot \gcd (d_f,32i)}}\) which arises from f, and hence the solution space modulo primes dividing \(2^{16 \cdot \gcd (d_f,32i)} - 1\) has rank \({>}1\). Our choice of \(h_0\) and \(h_1\) in each case limits the effect of this problem to prime factors of \(2^{32}-1\), namely subgroups of tiny order within which we solve the DLPs using a linear search. The irreducible cofactors are also traps for the descent phase [32], but are easily avoided.
3.6.2 Relation Generation and Logarithms of Linear Elements
The factor base is defined to be \(\mathcal {F} = \{ x + d \mid d \in \mathbb {F}_{2^{16}}\}\). To generate relations over \(\mathcal {F}\), we use the technique from [30], described most simply in [32]. In particular, for both target fields let \(y = x^{16}\); by the definitions of \(I_{32}\) and \(I_{64}\) it follows in both cases that \(x = h_0(y)/h_1(y)\). Using these field isomorphisms, for any \(a,b,c \in \mathbb {F}_{2^{16}}\) we have the field equality
One can easily generate (a, b, c) triples such that the left hand side of Eq. (6) always splits completely over \(\mathcal {F}\). Indeed, one first computes the set \(\mathcal {B}\) of 16 values \(B \in \mathbb {F}_{2^{16}}\) such that the polynomial \(f_B(X) = X^{17} + BX + B\) splits completely over \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{16}}\) [13]. Assuming \(c \ne ab\) and \(b \ne a^{16}\), the left hand side of Eq. (6) can be transformed (up to a scalar factor) into \(f_B\), where \(B = \frac{(b + a^{16})^{17}}{(c + ab)^{16}}\). Hence if this B is in \(\mathcal {B}\) then the left hand side also splits. In order to generate relations, one repeatedly chooses random \(B \in \mathcal {B}\) and random \(a, b \ne a^{16} \in \mathbb {F}_{2^{16}}\), computes \(c = ((b + a^{16})^{17})^{1/16} + ab\), and tests whether the right hand side of Eq. (6) also splits over \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{16}}\). If it does then one has a relation, since \((y + d) = (x + d^{1/16})^{16}\), and each \(h_1\) is a power of a factor base element.
The probability that the right hand side of Eq. (6) splits completely is heuristically 1 / 4! and 1 / 6! for \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{512}}\) and \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{1024}}\) respectively. In both cases we obtain \(2^{16} + 200\) relations, which took about 0.3 h and 8.8 h, respectively. To compute the logarithms of the factor base elements, we used MAGMA’s ModularSolution function, with its Lanczos option set, modulo the 9th to 13th largest prime factors of \(2^{512}-1\) for the smaller field and modulo the 10th to 16th largest prime factors of \(2^{1024}-1\) for the larger field. These took about 13.5 h and 24.5 h, respectively.
3.6.3 Individual Logarithms
The original representations of the target fields are:
In order to solve the two relevant DLPs in each original field, we need to compute three logarithms in each of our preferred field representations, namely the logarithms of the images of t, \(t+1\) and \(t^2+t+1\)—which we denote by \(t_0,t_1\) and \(t_2\)—relative to some generator. We use the generator x in both cases.
For \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{512}}\), we multiply the targets \(t_i\) by random powers of x and apply a continued fraction initial split so that \(x^k t_i \equiv n/d \pmod {I_{32}}\), with n of degree 16 and d of degree 15, until both n and d are 4-smooth. One then just needs to eliminate irreducible elements of degree 2, 3, 4 into elements of smaller degree. For degree 4 elements, we apply the building block for the quasi-polynomial algorithm due to Granger, Kleinjung, and Zumbrägel [33, 34], which is just degree 2 elimination but over a degree 2 extended base field. This results in each degree 4 element being expressed as a product of powers of at most 19 degree 2 elements, and possibly some linear elements. For degree 3 elimination we use Joux’s bilinear quadratic system approach [45], which expresses each degree 3 element as a product of powers of again at most 19 degree 2 elements and at least one linear element. For degree 2 elimination, we use the on-the-fly technique from [30], but with the quadratic system approach from [31], which works for an expected proportion \(1 - (1-1/2!)^{16} = 255/256\) of degree 2’s, since the cofactor in each case has degree 2. On average each descent takes about 10 s, and if it fails due to a degree 2 being ineliminable, we simply rerun it with a different random seed. Computing logarithms modulo the remaining primes only takes a few seconds with a linear search, which completes the following results:
The total computation time for these logarithms is less than 14 h.
For \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{1024}}\), we use the same continued fraction initial split, but now with n and d of degree 32 and 31, until each is 4-smooth, but also allowing a number of degree 8 elements. Finding such an expression takes on average 7 h, which, while not optimal, means that the classical special-Q elimination method could be obviated, i.e., not coded. For degree 8 elimination, we again use the building block for the quasi-polynomial algorithm of Granger et al., which expresses such a degree 8 element as a product of powers of at most 21 degree 4 elements, and possibly some degree 2 and 1 elements. Degree 4 and 3 elimination proceed as before, but with a larger cofactor of the element to be eliminated on the r.h.s. due to the larger degrees of \(h_0\) and \(h_1\). Degree 2 elimination is significantly harder in this case, since the larger degrees of the \(h_i\)’s mean that the elimination probability for a random degree 2 element was only \(1 - (1 - 1/4!)^{16} \approx 0.494\). However, using the recursive method from the DLP computation in \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{4404}}\) [32] allows this to be performed with near certainty. If any of the eliminations fails, then as before we simply rerun the eliminations with a different random seed. In total, after the initial rewrite of the target elements into a product of degree 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8 elements, each descent takes just under an hour. Again, computing logarithms modulo the remaining primes takes less than a minute with a linear search resulting in:
The total computation time for these logarithms is about 57 h.
Note that it is possible to avoid the computations in \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{512}}\) altogether by embedding the relevant DLPs into \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{1024}}\). However, the descent time would take longer than the total time, at least with the non-optimal descent that we used. We considered the possibility of using “jokers” [32], which permit one to halve the degree of even degree irreducibles when they are elements of a subfield of index 2. However, it seems to only be possible when one uses compositums, which is not possible in the context of the fields \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{2^n}}\). In any case, such optimizations are academic when the total computation time is as modest as those recorded here, and our approach has the bonus of demonstrating the easiness of computing logarithms in \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{512}}\), as well as in \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{1024}}\).
With regard to larger n, it would certainly be possible to extend the approach of Kleinjung [52] to solve logarithms in the fields \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{2^n}}\) for \(n = 11,12\) and 13, should this be needed for applications, without too much additional effort.
4 Offset Public Permutation Mode (\(\mathsf {OPP}\))
We present the Offset Public Permutation Mode (\(\mathsf {OPP}\)), a nonce-respecting authenticated encryption mode with support for associated data which uses the techniques presented in Sect. 3. It can be seen as a generalization of OCB3 [55] to arbitrary block sizes using permutations and using improved masking techniques from Sect. 3.
4.1 Specification of \(\mathsf {OPP}\)
Let \(b,k,n,\tau \) as outlined in Sect. 2. \(\mathsf {OPP}\) uses \(\mathsf {MEM}\) of Sect. 3.1 for \(u = 3\) and \(\varPhi = \{\alpha , \beta , \gamma \}\) with \(\alpha (x) = \varphi (x)\), \(\beta (x) = \varphi (x) \oplus x\) and \(\gamma (x) = \varphi (x)^2 \oplus \varphi (x) \oplus x\), employing \(\varphi \) as introduced in Sect. 3.4. Furthermore, the general masking function is specified as
We require that the tweak space of \(\mathsf {MEM}\) used in \(\mathsf {OPP}\) is b-proper with respect to \(\varPhi \) as introduced in Definition 1 and proven in Lemma 4.
The formal specification of \(\mathsf {OPP}\) is given in Fig. 1. We refer to the authentication part of \(\mathsf {OPP}\) as \(\mathsf {OPPAbs}\) and to the encryption part as \(\mathsf {OPPEnc}\). The \(\mathsf {OPPAbs}\) mode requires only the encryption function \(\widetilde{E}\), while the \(\mathsf {OPPEnc}\) mode uses both \(\widetilde{E}\) and \(\widetilde{D}\) of \(\mathsf {MEM}\).
Let \(H_i\) and \(M_j\) denote b-bit header and message blocks with \(0 \le i \le h-1\) and \(0 \le j \le m-1\) where \(h = \vert H \vert _b\) and \(m = \vert M \vert _b\). Note that the size of the last blocks \(H_{h-1}\) and \(M_{m-1}\) is potentially smaller than b bits. To realize proper domain separation between full and partial data blocks, and different data types, \(\mathsf {OPP}\) uses the following setup:
\(\mathsf {OPPAbs}\) | \(\mathsf {OPPEnc}\) | ||||
Data block | Condition | \((i_0, i_1, i_2)\) | Data block | Condition | \((i_0, i_1, i_2)\) |
\(H_i\) | \(0\le i<h-1\) | \((i {-1\,\,}\;, 0, 0)\) | \(M_j\) | \(0\le j<m-1\) | \((j {-1\,\,}\;, 0, 1)\) |
\(H_{h-1}\) | \(\vert H \vert \,\mathrm {mod}\,b = 0\) | \((h - 1, 0, 0)\) | \(M_{m-1}\) | \(\vert M \vert \,\mathrm {mod}\,b = 0\) | \((m - 1, 0, 1)\) |
\(H_{h-1}\) | \(\vert H \vert \,\mathrm {mod}\,b \ne 0\) | \((h - 1, 1, 0)\) | \(M_{m-1}\) | \(\vert M \vert \,\mathrm {mod}\,b \ne 0\) | \((m - 1, 1, 1)\) |
\(\bigoplus _{j=0}^{m-1} M_j\) | \(\vert M \vert \,\mathrm {mod}\,b = 0\) | \((h - 1, 2, 0)\) | |||
\(\bigoplus _{j=0}^{m-1} M_j\) | \(\vert M \vert \,\mathrm {mod}\,b \ne 0\) | \((h - 1, 3, 0)\) |
4.2 Security of \(\mathsf {OPP}\)
Theorem 5
Let \(b,k,n,\tau \) as outlined in Sect. 2. Let \(P\xleftarrow {{\scriptscriptstyle \$}}\mathsf {Perm}(b)\). Then, in the nonce-respecting setting,
The proof is given in the full version of this work. Note that \(\mathsf {OPP} \) shares its structure with OCB3 of Krovetz and Rogaway [55]. In more detail, we will show that once \(\mathsf {MEM}\) gets replaced by a random tweakable permutation \(\widetilde{\pi }\), \(\mathsf {OPP} \) becomes exactly the \(\varTheta \)CB3 construction [55]. The proof follows by combining the security of \(\mathsf {MEM}\) and the security of \(\varTheta \)CB3. The first three terms of Theorem 5 come from the security of \(\mathsf {MEM}\) and the b-properness of the masking.
5 Misuse-Resistant Offset Mode (\(\mathsf {MRO}\))
We present the Misuse-Resistant Offset Mode (\(\mathsf {MRO}\)), a MAC-then-Encrypt AE mode with support for associated data which fully tolerates nonce re-usage. In some sense, \(\mathsf {MRO}\) is the misuse-resistant variant of \(\mathsf {OPP}\) and also uses the techniques presented in Sect. 3. It can be seen as a permutation-based variation of PMAC [12] followed by a permutation-based variation of CTR mode, and shares ideas with the Synthetic Counter in Tweak (SCT) mode [70] used in Deoxys v1.3 and Joltik v1.3 [43, 44], though \(\mathsf {MRO}\) is permutation-based and employs the improved masking schedule of Sect. 3.
5.1 Specification of \(\mathsf {MRO}\)
Let \(b,k,n,\tau \) as outlined in Sect. 2. The formal specification of \(\mathsf {MRO}\) is given in Fig. 2. Similar to \(\mathsf {OPP}\), we refer to the authentication part of \(\mathsf {MRO}\) as \(\mathsf {MROAbs}\) and to the encryption part as \(\mathsf {MROEnc}\). In contrast to \(\mathsf {OPP}\), \(\mathsf {MRO}\) only requires the encryption function \(\widetilde{E}\) of \(\mathsf {MEM}\). Using notation as in the \(\mathsf {OPP}\) mode, \(\mathsf {MRO}\) uses the following setup for masking:
\(\mathsf {MROAbs}\) | \(\mathsf {MROEnc}\) | ||||
Data block | Condition | \((i_0, i_1, i_2)\) | Data block | Condition | \((i_0, i_1, i_2)\) |
\(H_i\) | \(0\le i\le h-1\) | (i, 0, 0) | \(M_j\) | \(0\le j\le m-1\) | (0, 0, 1) |
\(M_j\) | \(0\le j\le m-1\) | (j, 1, 0) | |||
\(\vert H \vert \parallel \vert M \vert \) | n.a | (0, 2, 0) |
5.2 Security of \(\mathsf {MRO}\)
Theorem 6
Let \(b,k,n,\tau \) as outlined in Sect. 2. Let \(P\xleftarrow {{\scriptscriptstyle \$}}\mathsf {Perm}(b)\). Then, in the nonce-reuse setting,
The proof is given in the full version of this work. The proof is in fact a standard-model proof where the scheme is considered to be based on \(\mathsf {MEM}\). It is a modular proof that, at a high level, consists of the following steps:
The first step in the analysis is to replace \(\mathsf {MEM}\) with a random secret tweakable permutation. It costs the MTPRP security of \(\mathsf {MEM}\), \(\frac{4.5\sigma ^2}{2^b} + \frac{3\sigma p}{2^b} + \frac{p}{2^k}\), using that the masking is b-proper.
The absorption function and encryption function call the tweakable cipher for distinct tweaks. Hence, using an adaption of the MAC-then-Encrypt paradigm to misuse resistance [37, 65] allows us to analyze the MAC parts and the encryption parts separately.
6 Misuse-Resistant Sponge (\(\mathsf {MRS}\))
We introduce the Misuse-Resistant Sponge Mode (\(\mathsf {MRS}\)), a MAC-then-Encrypt Sponge-based AE mode with support for associated data which fully tolerates nonce re-usage. The absorption function is a full-state keyed Sponge MAC [3, 10, 63]. The encryption function follows the SpongeWrap approach [9, 63].
6.1 Specification of \(\mathsf {MRS}\)
Let \(b,k,n,\tau ,r,c\) as outlined in Sect. 2. The formal specification of \(\mathsf {MRS}\) is given in Fig. 3. It consists of an absorption function \(\mathsf {MRSAbs} \) and an encryption function \(\mathsf {MRSEnc} \), in a MAC-then-Encrypt mode, but using the same primitive and same key in both functions. We remark that \(\mathsf {MRS}\) as given in Fig. 3 only does one round of squeezing in order to obtain the tag. This can be easily generalized to multiple rounds, without affecting the security proofs.
We briefly discuss the differences of \(\mathsf {MRS}\) with \(\mathrm {Haddoc}\), the misuse-resistant AE scheme presented by Bertoni et al. [11] at the 2014 SHA-3 workshop. \(\mathrm {Haddoc}\) follows the MAC-then-Encrypt paradigm as well, where the MAC function is identical to \(\mathsf {MRSAbs}\). For encryption, however, \(\mathrm {Haddoc}\) uses the Sponge in CTR mode. At a high level, and in our terminology, this boils down to \(C_i = M_i \oplus \mathsf {left} _r(P(T\parallel \langle i\rangle \parallel 1\parallel K))\), for \(0 \le i \le m-1\). In other words, \(\mathsf {MRS}\) and \(\mathrm {Haddoc}\) structurally differ in the way encryption is performed, and in fact, \(\mathrm {Haddoc}\) more closely matches the ideas of the \(\mathsf {MRSO}\) hybrid of Sect. 7.
6.2 Security of \(\mathsf {MRS}\)
Theorem 7
Let \(b,k,n,\tau ,r,c\) as outlined in Sect. 2. Let \(P\xleftarrow {{\scriptscriptstyle \$}}\mathsf {Perm}(b)\). Then, in the nonce-reuse setting,
The proof is given in the full version of this work. It is different from the proofs for \(\mathsf {OPP}\) and \(\mathsf {MRO}\), although it is also effectively a standard-model proof. It relies on the observation that both the absorption and the encryption phase are in fact evaluations of the Full-state Keyed Duplex [9, 63]. This construction has been proven to behave like a random functionality, with the property that it always outputs uniformly random data, up to common prefix in the input. Assuming that the distinguisher never makes duplicate queries, \(\mathsf {MRSAbs} \) never has common prefixes; assuming tags never collide, \(\mathsf {MRSEnc} \) never has common prefixes; and finally, the initial inputs to \(\mathsf {MRSAbs} \) versus \(\mathsf {MRSEnc} \) are always different due to the 0 / 1 domain separation. The proof then easily follows.
7 Misuse-Resistant Sponge-Offset (\(\mathsf {MRSO}\))
The constructions of Sects. 5 and 6 can be combined in a straightforward way to obtain two hybrids: the Misuse-Resistant Sponge-then-Offset Mode (\(\mathsf {MRSO}\)) and the Misuse-Resistant Offset-then-Sponge Mode (\(\mathsf {MROS}\)). While we cannot think of any practical use-case for \(\mathsf {MROS}\), we do think \(\mathsf {MRSO}\) is useful. As suggested in Sect. 6, \(\mathsf {MRSO}\) is comparable with—and in fact improves over—\(\mathrm {Haddoc}\).
7.1 Specification of \(\mathsf {MRSO}\)
Let \(b,k,n,\tau \) as outlined in Sect. 2. The formal specification of the \(\mathsf {MRSO}\) AE scheme is formalized in Fig. 4. It MACs the data using \(\mathsf {MRSAbs}\) and encrypts using \(\mathsf {MROEnc}\). \(\mathsf {MRSO}\) uses \(\mathsf {MEM}\) as specified for \(\mathsf {OPP}\) but requires only a very limited selection of tweaks and has \(i_1 = i_2 = 0\) fixed. Thus, the general masking function can be simplified to
For the encryption part \(\mathsf {MROEnc}\) this is clear (cf. Sect. 5). For the absorption part \(\mathsf {MRSAbs}\), this is less clear: informally, it is based on the idea of setting \(L=P(N\parallel 0^* \parallel K)\), and of XORing this value everywhere in-between two consecutive evaluations of P. Because at the end of \(\mathsf {MRSAbs}\), a part of the rate is extracted, this “trick” only works if performed with the rightmost \(b-\tau \) bits of L. Therefore, \(\mathsf {MRSO}\) is based on a slight adjustment of \(\mathsf {MEM}\) with \(b-\tau \)-bit maskings only. Let \(h = \vert H \vert _b\) and \(m = \vert M \vert _b\) denote the number of b-bit header and message blocks, respectively. We use the following setup for masking:
\(\mathsf {MRSAbs}\) | \(\mathsf {MROEnc}\) | ||||
Data block | Condition | \(i_0\) | Data block | Condition | \(i_0\) |
\(H_i\) | \(0\le i\le h-1\) | 0 | \(M_j\) | \(0\le j\le m-1\) | 1 |
\(M_j\) | \(0\le j\le m-1\) | 0 | |||
\(\vert H \vert \parallel \vert M \vert \) | n.a | 0 |
7.2 Security of \(\mathsf {MRSO}\)
Theorem 8
Let \(b,k,n,\tau \) as outlined in Sect. 2. Let \(P\xleftarrow {{\scriptscriptstyle \$}}\mathsf {Perm}(b)\). Then, in the nonce-reuse setting,
The proof is similar to the proof of \(\mathsf {MRO}\), with the difference that now we use \((b-\tau )\)-properness of the masking. It is given in the full version of the work.
8 Implementation
In this section we discuss our results on the implementations of concrete instantiations of \(\mathsf {OPP}\), \(\mathsf {MRO}\), and \(\mathsf {MRS}\). For all three schemes we use state, key, tag, and nonce sizes of \(b = 1024\), \(k = \tau = 256\), and \(n = 128\) bits. For P we employ the BLAKE2b [5] permutation with \(l \in \{4,6\}\) rounds. For \(\mathsf {OPP}\) and \(\mathsf {MRO}\) we use \(\varphi (x_0,\dots ,x_{15}) = (x_1,...,x_{15},(x_0 \lll 53) \oplus (x_5 \ll 13))\) and for \(\mathsf {MRSEnc}\) we set rate and capacity to \(r = 768\) and \(c = 256\) bits. To remain self-contained, we now recall the BLAKE2b permutation. It operates on a state \(S = (s_0,\dots ,s_{15})\) with 64-bit words \(s_i\). A single round F(S) consists of the sequence of operations
BLAKE2 and its predecessors have been heavily analyzed, e.g., [38, 51]. These results are mostly of theoretical interest though since the complexity of the attacks vastly outweigh our targeted security level. Nevertheless, the BLAKE2 permutation family has some evident and well-known non-random characteristics [4]: for any \(l > 0\), it holds that \(F^l(0) = 0\) and \( F^l(a,a,a,a,b,b,b,b,c,c,c,\) \(c,d,d,d,d) = (w,w,w,w,x,x,x,x,y,y,y,y,z,z,z,z) \) for arbitrary values a, b, c, and d. These symmetric states can be easily avoided with a careful design, so that they cannot be exploited as a distinguisher. Thus, we use slightly modified variants of the schemes from Sects. 4, 5, 6 and 7. Instead of initializing the masks with \(P(N \parallel 0^{640} \parallel K)\) in \(\mathsf {OPP}\) and \(\mathsf {MRO}\), we encode the round number l and tag size \(\tau \) as 64-bit strings and use \(P(N \parallel 0^{512} \parallel \langle l \rangle _{64} \parallel \langle \tau \rangle _{64} \parallel K)\). Analogously, \(\mathsf {MRSAbs}\) and \(\mathsf {MRSEnc}\) are initialized with \(N \parallel 0^{448} \parallel \langle l \rangle _{64} \parallel \langle \tau \rangle _{64} \parallel \langle 0 \rangle _{64} \parallel K\) and \(T \parallel 0^{320} \parallel \langle l \rangle _{64} \parallel \langle \tau \rangle _{64} \parallel \langle 1 \rangle _{64} \parallel K\), respectively.
We wrote reference implementations of all schemes in plain C and optimized variants using the AVX, AVX2, and NEON instruction setsFootnote 4. Performance was measured on the Intel Sandy Bridge and Haswell and on the ARM Cortex-A8 and compared to some reference AEAD schemes, see Tables 2 and 3. All values are given for “long messages” (\(\ge 4\) KiB) with cycles per byte (cpb) as unit.
In the nonce-respecting scenario our fastest proposal is \(\mathsf {OPP}\) with 4 BLAKE2b rounds. Our 4-fold word-sliced AVX2-implementation achieves 0.55 cpb on Haswell, amounting to a throughput of 6.36 GiBps and assuming a CPU frequency of 3.5 GHz. Compared to its competitors AES-GCM, OCB3, ChaCha20-Poly1305 and Deoxys\(^{\ne }\) (v1.3)Footnote 5, this instantiation of \(\mathsf {OPP}\) is faster by factors of about 1.87, 1.25, 3.80, and 1.74 respectively. Even the 6-round variant of \(\mathsf {OPP}\) is able to maintain high speeds at 0.75 cpb (4.67 GiBps) reducing the distance to the above competitors to factors of 1.37, 0.92, 2.78, and 1.28. On ARM platforms, without AES-NI, OPP’s advantage is even more significant. The NEON-variant outperforms the AES-based ciphers OCB3 and AES-GCM by factors of about 6.78 and 9.06. The highly optimized Salsa20-Poly1305 implementation of [8] is slower by a factor of around 1.92.
In the misuse-resistant scenario our fastest proposal is \(\mathsf {MRO}\) with 4 BLAKE2b rounds. Our 4-fold word-sliced AVX2-implementation achieves 1.06 cpb on Haswell which is equivalent to a throughput of 3.30 GiBps at a frequency of 3.5 GHz. In comparison to schemes such as AES-GCM-SIV and Deoxys\(^{=}\) (v.1.3), the above instantiation of \(\mathsf {MRO}\) is faster by factors of about 1.10 and 1.81. For the 6-round version with 1.39 cpb these factors are reduced to 0.79 and 1.38, respectively. Unfortunately, there is not enough published data on performance of misuse-resistant AE schemes on ARM. As for \(\mathsf {OPP}\) in the nonce-respecting scenario, one can expect similar performance gaps between the misuse-resistant AES-based schemes and \(\mathsf {MRO}\).
Due to the inherently sequential Sponge-construction used in \(\mathsf {MRS}\), advanced implementation techniques like 4-fold word-slicing are not possible. In general, \(\mathsf {MRS}\) performs therefore worse than \(\mathsf {MRO}\). On Haswell \(\mathsf {MRS}\) achieves 2.40 cpb (\(l = 4\)) and 3.58 cpb (\(l = 6\)) which translate to throughputs of 1.45 GiBps and 0.97 GiBps, respectively. Thus, \(\mathsf {MRS}\) is still competitive to other misuse-resistant AE schemes on Intel platforms. On ARM it shows good performance as well, almost on the level of \(\mathsf {MRO}\). We have not written any implementations for \(\mathsf {MRSO}\) but it is to be expected that its performance lies between \(\mathsf {MRO}\) and \(\mathsf {MRS}\).
- 1.
- 2.
We remark that the state of the art on online misuse-resistant permutation-based AE is a bit more advanced. For instance, APE [1] is online misuse-resistant, and achieves security against the release of unverified plaintext, but satisfies the undesirable property of backwards decryption. Also Minalpher and Prøst-COPA are online misuse-resistant.
- 3.
Beyond cryptography, examples abound in computational mathematics: in finite geometry; representation theory; matrix problems; group theory; and Lie algebras in the modular case; to name but a few.
- 4.
The source code of our schemes is freely available at [61] under a CC0 license.
- 5.
We point out that Deoxys\(^{\ne }\), unlike the other considered modes, aims for security beyond the birthday bound up to the full block size.
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Robert Granger is supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation via grant number 200021-156420. Bart Mennink is a Postdoctoral Fellow of the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO). He is supported in part by the Research Council KU Leuven: GOA TENSE (GOA/11/007).
We kindly thank Thorsten Kleinjung for the observations on irreducible cofactors presented in the remark at the end of Sect. 3.6.1 and for further helpful discussions during our work. We also thank Antoine Joux for interesting discussions on using lattice reduction to compute different separations of the masking domains (as discussed in the remark at the end of Sect. 3.5). We also thank the anonymous reviewers of EUROCRYPT 2016 for their useful comments and suggestions.
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Granger, R., Jovanovic, P., Mennink, B., Neves, S. (2016). Improved Masking for Tweakable Blockciphers with Applications to Authenticated Encryption. In: Fischlin, M., Coron, JS. (eds) Advances in Cryptology – EUROCRYPT 2016. EUROCRYPT 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 9665. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-49890-3_11
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-49890-3_11
Publisher Name: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Print ISBN: 978-3-662-49889-7
Online ISBN: 978-3-662-49890-3
eBook Packages: Computer ScienceComputer Science (R0)