Contemporary research on negotiation and group decision support systems (see the chapter by Lewis, this volume) pays a special attention on emotion as a factor in restructuring and reframing of problem representation and solution (Barry, Group Decis Negotiation 17:97–105, 2008; Druckman and Olekalns, Group Decis Negotiation 17:1–11, 2008). It involves multi-disciplinary approaches and reaches beyond sociology and behavioral research (see the chapter by Kilgour and Hipel, this volume). The present paper offers a bird-eye view of recent developments as well as novel theoretical approaches to emotion in negotiation. It explores the evolution of the concept of cognition and its effect on group decision-making research. Furthermore, it observes how e-negotiation, Virtual Agent modeling, and Theory of Mind involve emotion (see the chapter by Sicara and Dai, this volume). It studies linguistic manifestation (see the chapter by Koeszegi and Vetschera, this volume) and evolution of emotions in terms of emotional potential and power in joint communicative projects. Finally, it relates Levinas’ (1989, The Other in Proust. In: Levinas Reader (trans. S. Hand). Basil Blackwell, Oxford, pp 160–165) ethics of otherness and Shakun’s concept of connectedness in negotiation (see the chapter by Shakun, this volume) to Buber’s (1995, Det Mellanmänskliga. Dualis Förlag AB, Falun (German original title Elemente des Swischenmenschlichen, Verlag Lambert Scneider, Heidelberg, 1954)) intuition about the limitations of sociology.
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I am grateful to Melvin Shakun for inspiring connectedness and to Douglas Maynard and John Heritage for entrusting me with their useful data. This paper is dedicated to the bright memory of my mother, Ekaterina Terzieva and to Susana.
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Martinovski, B. (2010). Emotion in Negotiation. In: Kilgour, D., Eden, C. (eds) Handbook of Group Decision and Negotiation. Advances in Group Decision and Negotiation, vol 4. Springer, Dordrecht. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-90-481-9097-3_5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-90-481-9097-3_5
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