This paper is an explication of secret sharing schemes, emphasizing combinatorial construction methods. The main problem we consider is the construction of perfect secret sharing schemes, for specified access structures, with the maximum possible information rate.
In this paper, we present numerous direct constructions for secret sharing schemes, such as the Shamir threshold scheme, the Boolean circuit construction of Benaloh and Leichter (for general access structures), the vector space construction of Brickell, and the Simmons geometric construction. We discuss the connections between ideal schemes (i.e., those with information rate equal to one) and matroids. We also mention the entropy bounds of Capocelli et al. Then we give a very general construciton, called the decomposition construction, and numerous applications of it. In particular, we study schemes for access structures based on graphs and the many interesting bounds that can be proved; and we determine the exact value of the optimal information rate for all access structures on at most four participants.
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Communicated by R.C. Mullin
Research supported by NSERC (Canada) grant A9287.
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Stinson, D.R. An explication of secret sharing schemes. Des Codes Crypt 2, 357–390 (1992). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00125203
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00125203