This paper describes SPATS—a new toolset for the development of safety-critical and hard real-time systems. SPATS integrates the analysis traditionally offered by program proof and static timing analysis tools through analysis of program basic-path graphs. This paper concentrates on SPATS' facilities for high-level static timing analysis and analysis of worst-case stack usage. The integration of timing analysis and program proof allows timing analysis to be performed where worst-case execution time (WCET) depends on a program's input data, and allows timing annotations to be formally verified. The approach is developed and illustrated with a worked example. The implementation and experimental application of SPATS to realistic industrial case-studies are also described. We conclude that SPATS offers a novel new approach to static timing analysis, offers several new analyses not seen in previous systems, and can be implemented in a useful and efficient toolset.
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This work was completed while Rod Chapman was with the Dependable Computing Systems Centre at the University of York.
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Chapman, R., Burns, A. & Wellings, A. Combining static worst-case timing analysis and program proof. Real-Time Systems 11, 145–171 (1996). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00365316
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00365316