This paper describes some properties of exponentiation modulo a polynomial and suggests its use for encryption in a mode that can be cryptanalyzed in approximatelyO(pd 3) time, whered is the size of the message frame andp is the prime modulo which the rankwise computations are carried out. While for sufficiently largepd (∼105) this appears to provide a one-way function which can be used in a public-key cryptosystem, we show that since encryption/ decryption effort is defined inO(d 2 logpd log logp) time, a practical application of the proposed algorithm would be either in a secret key or in a tamper-proof, hardwired secret polynomial system.
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Kak, S.C. Exponentiation modulo a polynomial for data security. International Journal of Computer and Information Sciences 12, 337–346 (1983). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01008045
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01008045