Consider a polling system withK≥1 queues and a single server that visits the queues in a cyclic order. The polling discipline in each queue is of general gated-type or exhaustive-type. We assume that in each queue the arrival times form a Poisson process, and that the service times, the walking times, as well as the set-up times form sequences of independent and identically distributed random variables. For such a system, we provide a sufficient condition under which the vector of queue lengths is stable. We treat several criteria for stability: the ergodicity of the process, the geometric ergodicity, and the geometric rate of convergence of the first moment. The ergodicity implies the weak convergence of station times, intervisit times and cycle times. Next, we show that the queue lengths, station times, intervisit times and cycle times are stochastically increasing in arrival rates, in service times, in walking times and in setup times. The stability conditions and the stochastic monotonicity results are extended to the polling systems with additional customer routing between the queues, as well as bulk and correlated arrivals. Finally, we prove that the mean cycle time, the mean intervisit time and the mean station times are invariant under general service disciplines and general stationary arrival and service processes.
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Altman, E., Konstantopoulos, P. & Liu, Z. Stability, monotonicity and invariant quantities in general polling systems. Queueing Syst 11, 35–57 (1992). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01159286
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01159286