Montgomery's algorithm [8], hereafter denotedM n(...,...), is a process for computingM n (A, B)=ABN modn whereN is a constant factor depending only onn.
Usually,A B modn is obtained byM n (M n (A, B),N −2 modn) but in this article, we introduce an alternative approach consisting in pre-integratingN into cryptographic keys so that a singleM n(...,...) will replace directly each modular multiplication.
Except the advantage of halving the number of Montgomery multiplications, our strategy skips the precalculation (and the storage) of the constantN −2 modn and turns to be particularly efficient when a hardware device implementingM n(...,...) is the basic computational tool at one's command.
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Naccache, D., M'raïhi, D. & Raphaeli, D. Can Montgomery parasites be avoided? A design methodology based on key and cryptosystem modifications. Des Codes Crypt 5, 73–80 (1995). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01388505
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01388505