Routley R. andMeyer R. K.:The semantics of entailment, I, II, III, IV, V. I appears inH. Leblanc (ed.):Truth, Syntax, Modality, North-Holland 1973. II appears in The Journal of Philosophical Logic 1 (1972), 53–73. III is to appear in the same journal. IV and V are in preparation.
Meyer R. K. andRoutley R.:Algebraic analysis of entailment I, to appear.
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Meyer R. K.:Entailment. The Journal of Philosophy 21 (1971), 808–817.
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Meyer R. K.:Conservative extension in relevant implication. Studia Logica 31 (1972), 39–48.
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Kripke, S. A.:The problem of entailment (abstract). The Journal of Symbolic Logic 24 (1959), 324.
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Anderson A. R. andBelnap N. D. Jr.:Modalities in Ackermann's ‘rigorous implication’. The Journal of Symbolic Logic 24 (1959), 107–111.
Dunn J. M.:A ‘Gentzen system’ for positive relevant implication (abstract). The Journal of Symbolic Logic, forthcoming.
Meyer R. K.:Metacompleteness. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, forthcoming.
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Allatum est die 24 Octobris 1972
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Meyer, R.K., Routley, R. Classical relevant logics. I. Stud Logica 32, 51–66 (1973).
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