In this paper, the foundations for setting up a knowledge industry are laid. Firstly, it is established that this industry constitutes the only way of making use of the huge amounts of knowledge produced as a result of the introduction of the Science-Technology binomial in postindustrial society. Then, the elements which will lead to such an industry are defined, that is, the resources and means. Under the ‘Means’ section, special emphasis is placed on the processes involved, in other words, inference methods and commonsense reasoning. Finally, it is concluded that the establishment of this industry, calledmindfacturing because of the raw material that it processes and uses, is, more than possible, desirable, provided that the precautions outlined in the epilogue are taken.
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Alonso-Amo, F., Maté, J.L., Morant, J.L. et al. From epistemology toGnoseology: Foundations of the knowledge industry. AI & Soc 6, 140–165 (1992). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02472778
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02472778