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- R:
set of real numbers
- ℤ; ℕ:
set of all integers; set of natural numbers
- #A:
cardinality of set A
- 1A :
indicator function/random variable: 1A(x)=1 for xεA=0 else
- δa(·):
probability measure degenerate at a: δa(A)=1A(a)
- F ⊂ G a.s.:
for each G ε G there exists F ε F such that P(F Δ G)=0
- F=G a.s.:
F ⊂ G a.s. and G ⊂ F a.s.
- F is trivial:
F={φ,ω} a.s.
- L(X):
distribution of random variable X
- σ(X):
σ-field generated by X
- :
convergence in probability
- :
convergence in distribution
- N(µ,σ2):
Normal distribution
- U(0,1):
Uniform distribution on (0,1)
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Aldous, D.J. (1985). Exchangeability and related topics. In: Hennequin, P.L. (eds) École d'Été de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XIII — 1983. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol 1117. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
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