Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) demonstrate low hardware and power consumption due to their inherent sparse spike-based computing characteristics, which is potential for deployment in resource-limited embedded devices. Nevertheless, the lack of efficient algorithms for compressing SNNs poses challenges when deploying large-scale SNNs on resource-limited devices. This work proposes an efficient SNN pruning and tuning method by incorporating the statistical characteristics of spike signals and weight sparsity, considering both network compression rate and performance. Channel balance factors determine which channels to prune in deep SNNs. These factors consider the scaling factors of batch normalization layers and the firing rate of spiking neurons to evaluate the importance of each channel. Then, a sparsity factor is applied during fine-tuning to prevent overfitting and reduce spiking, which restores performance loss caused by pruning. After using the proposed method, the number of parameters and FLOPs for the pruned 20-layer Resnet-SNNs are reduced by more than 60% and 80%, respectively, and the firing rate is reduced by 54.14% ~ 6.21% when the compression ratio varies from 10% ~ 70%. Meanwhile, the pruned Resnet-SNNs achieve competitive accuracies of 93.25%, 95.48%, and 73.60% on the CIFAR-10, DVS-Gesture, and DVS-CIFAR10 datasets, respectively, which are higher than the baseline (no compression SNNs) of 92.14%, 94.44%, and 72.60%. Our research has shown that deep SNNs have a significant potential for compression.
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This work was supported in part by STI 2030-Major Projects 2022ZD0209700 and in part by the Open Foundation of State Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Films and Integrated Devices (KFJJ202206).
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Meng, L.W., Qiao, G.C., Zhang, X.Y. et al. An efficient pruning and fine-tuning method for deep spiking neural network. Appl Intell 53, 28910–28923 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-023-05056-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-023-05056-8